
Trying to 'Make' CUDA SDK, ld cannot find library, ldconfig says it can.

I know there are many other questions similar to this one, but none of the solutions posited there are working for me Basically, making the SDK sample files, i get /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcuda which would be an easy enough 'find the library and throw it to ldconfig', except ldconfig already says it has it... $ sudo ldconfig -v | gr...

What do these variables with 'at symbols' in Makefiles mean?

I couldn't find any documentation on this. What exactly are these variables with 'at' symbols found in Makefiles? Example: temp = @temp@ srcdir = @srcdir@ ...

How can I define Makefile variables from a Perl script?

I am creating a Makefile which I want it to be a single file for different architectures, OSes, libraries, etc. To do this I have a build specific XML file which defines the different configuration options for each architecture. The config file is read by Perl (it could be any language) and the Perl output returns something like: var1...

How can I compile Open CL on Mac OS X 10.6.3?

I was able to follow instructions and compiled CUDA 3.0 but cannot compile OpenCL that goes with it on Mac OS X 10.6.3? ...

How to strip out a -D for just one file in a gnu makefile?

I have '-Wredundant-decls' in my CXXFLAGS but for one file, I want it removed. In my GNU makefile, how can I structure a rule to remove just that part of the CXXFLAGS. I know how to add only for that file, I would do something like this: $O/just_one_file.o: CXXFLAGS += -Wredundant-decls So, ideally I'd do something like this (which ...

Error log of make command in Linux

I am compiling a kernel module and it has many compilation errors in it. After running "make", the errors thrown out are too many to fit in the screen. Scrolling up doesn't reach the first error. I tried capturing the errors by doing make &2 > log which didn't work (log file was empty and the error messages were still dumped on screen). ...

makefile pattern rules: single wildcard, multiple instances in prerequisite

Hi all, hopefully this is a basic question about make pattern rules: I want to use a wildcard more than once in a prerequisite for a rule, i.e. in my Makefile I have data/%P1.m: $(PROJHOME)/data/%/ISCAN/%P1.RAW @echo " Writing temporary matlab file for $*" # do something data/%P2.m: $(PROJHOME)/data/%/ISCAN/AGP2.RAW ... [Build Error] with DevC++ while moving the project

Heya, I always got this problem, it's not a big deal, but is very boring, maybe u can solve it :P When i make some program at school, or away from my computer, i save all the files in a USB, then i get home and i open the .dev file, but when i try compiling it, there is an error: C:\Users\Nico\Desktop\Program\ [Build Error...

Makefile : contains string

The variable returns MINGW32_NT-5.1 or CYGWIN_NT-5.1. (yea, dot at the end) Need to compare that given var contains NT-5.1 positioned anywhere. Using cygwin and would like to be compatible with pretty much any *nix. ...

Explaining makefile

xpi_built := $(build_dir)/$(install_rdf) \ $(build_dir)/$(chrome_manifest) \ $(chrome_jar_file) \ $(default_prefs) xpi_built_no_dir := $(subst $(build_dir)/,,$(xpi_built)) $(xpi_file): $(build_dir) $(xpi_built) @echo "Creating XPI file." cd $(build_dir); $(ZIP) ../$(xpi_file) $(xpi_built_no_dir)...

GNU Makefile book

Any books you would recommend to learn scripting makefiles? I know has manual, but hope there is a book with better explanations and examples. ...

How would I include open source library in my iPhone application?

I have found an existing open source library that I would like to include in my iPhone project (the unrar source code found here: ). I have compiled this source as a linked library on my Mac with "make lib" which creates the file just fine. These are the makefile settings for that target:...

makefile internal calls to target

How can I distinguish in makefile, which targets and how(when) they are called internally? I have a makefile with number of targets which are actually variables. UPD: here is an example build_dir := $(bin_dir)/build xpi_built := $(build_dir)/$(install_rdf) \ $(build_dir)/$(chrome_manifest) \ $(chrome_jar_file...


I understand that CFLAGS (or CXXFLAGS for C++) are for the compiler, whereas CPPFLAGS is used by the preprocessor. But I still don't understand the difference. I need to specify an include path for a header file that is included with #include -- because #include is a preprocessor directive, is the preprocessor (CPPFLAGS) the only thing...

How to generate one large dependency map for the whole project that builds with makefiles?

I have a gigantic project that is built using makefiles. Running make at the root of the project takes over 20 minutes when no files have changed (i.e. just traversing the project and checking for updated files). I'd like to create a dependency map that will tell me which directories I need to run 'make' in based on the file(s) changed....

makefile extension

I wanted to create a makefile. So I wrote instructions in a notepad file. But what extension should I give while saving this file? ...

Convert vcproject to makefile for nix?

So I have a visual studio 2008 project setup for a project I've been working on however its a sub project of a rather larger code base which is crossplatform, so in order to make my project complaint with the main source I need to make my project nix compilable. Is there some way I can generate a makefile based off my vcproject? or if ...

Considering modified files for rebuild

I have a C++ project, I am using Bakefile for build process, Makefiles are generated for msvc, mingw, gnu etc for cross-platform support. Now the problem is that if I change any .h files (which are included in other .cpp files) and performing a rebuild does not recompile modified files. But changing any .cpp file gets recompiled. Based...

Removing padding from structure in kernel module

I am compiling a kernel module, containing a structure of size 34, using the standard command. make -C /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build M=$(PWD) modules The sizeof(some_structure) is coming as 36 instead of 34 i.e. the compiler is padding the structure. How do I remove this padding? Running make V=1 shows the gcc compiler options pas...

Windows equivalent to this Makefile

The advantage of writing a Makefile is that "make" is generally assumed to be present on the various Unices (Linux and Mac primarily). Now I have the following Makefile: PYTHON := python all: e installdeps e: virtualenv --distribute --python=${PYTHON} e installdeps: e/bin/python develop e/bin/pip ins...