
PHP: Centralized Page Session Authenticator

I am currently wondering how a centralized page authenticator could be achieved. Can anyone suggest a neat algorithm for me? What I intend to achieve is to make my backend administrator pages session protected without writing a piece of session checking code to each of my pages that I want protected. I currently do something like this: ...

Managing developers who've been self managing

The background: So, I'm starting a new role in a month or so managing a development/support/test team of about 12 in a software house. While there is a Director of Technology in place he's not been involved with the team day to day for some while (it's a small company and he's involved in a lot of other things, strategy, pre-sales cons...

iPhone Memory Management

Dear friends, I'm about to make a fool out of myself, but I've noticed many friendly and patient people around here, so I just give it a try: I'm developing an iPhone app, that contains a database of car reviews. I want the user to be able to share the reviews by email. So, when he/she finds an interesting car in the app, he/she would ...

How to deal with inept management

A project I was working on has finished, so I've been moved on to some new tasking at my employer. The previous work was very agile, small team, progress over procedure, etc etc. So anyway, the new project I'm on - I find myself confused on how to deal with management. They have no real understanding of object oriented programing , cu...

development on SharePoint v.s. development on Lotus Connections

Hello everyone, I am selecting between SharePoint and Lotus Connections, and I want gurus give me some advice. The functions I want to have is, portal/content management/workflow/various ways of communication (IM/audio/video/multi-party conference), better to have personal blog or team blog. Another key issue I want to consider is the ...

Cocoa Autoreleasing in loops

(I have read Apple's memory management guide, as well as other memory management help here, but am still confused on the following) What should I do for memory management with convenience methods in a loop? Do I need to explicitly create an autorelease pool and then drain it. Or is it all automagic? e.g. for (i=0; i<numFilePaths; i++...

Controlling windows services via the web?

Hi, I've been thinking of a piece of software and wondering if it exists ... a quick scout around on google indicates that it doesn't. Here's our problem, we have a bunch of global services that run at various international locations. We need to globally control these services, for example a global bounce (something that occurs every w...

Fast development, or stable results, which is more important for public web site/services?

This is really just me soliciting a number of opinions and as a relative newbie to this site, I hope I was correct in marking this post as a community Wiki. If I was mistaken, can someone please correct my mistake. Anyways, here is the scenario. I am developing a web application and a number of services in support of that application....

Recommended tools for test engineering

Does anyone have any recommendations for software to assist with the management of test cases - those created and maintained by quality engineers, not a part of the developers work? ...

SQL Server 2008 web management scripts?

Hello, does anyone know what SQL Server 2008 management scripts exists (except myLittleAdmin)? Thanks Clarification: I'm looking for web based management script (which supports SQL Server 2008) other than myLittleAdmin. ...

Guidelines for separating distributed application configuration from management from recovery...?

The Java distributed application I work on seems to munge together deployment, configuration, management, crash recovery, etc. I'm hoping to simplify these aspects of the application by separating them more cleanly, but I'm not sure I know where to draw the lines between them. Are there principles, guidelines, or best practices that wo...

Web based project management tool

Hey all, I'm looking for a free web based project management tool that can do at least the following: Task lists with deadlines Email reminders Collaboration on documents/items Progress monitoring There will be less than 5 people using this under the account at one time. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks a lot, Edit: To get a further...

Online paperless application management system recommendations?

Hi, I'm looking for a good online application processing and review system preferably on a .Net platform. We're looking to do some work for a client who wishes to overhall their paper based sponsorship application process using an online system. Has anyone came across any good systems which allow for a fully customisable application d...

How do I add an init.d script into a .deb

I have a project.init file in the debian directory (along with rules, control, etc), and I have dh_installinit in my rules file (in the binary-arch rule). When dpkg-buildpackage completes, the init script has been copied to debian/project/etc/init.d/project, and the various pre/post scripts have been created. However, when I actually i...

how to handle constantly changing ad template code for a site in version control

for a large project ive worked on (~310k uniq/day, large site, lots of templates, lots of content), we have to deal with the client selling several sections of the site (each with different layouts) for ad revenue. sometimes, its the top of the page for a 900x250, sometimes its a 952x200 under the nav, sometimes it requires a new div wit...

Serious help on maintaining an ongoing project

Hello, A whole team of programmers who were managing a project in our company have left the company to start their own venture. Now,How do I carry on? itseems quite hopeless. Please advice... Thanks ...

Email Management System

Hi All, I want to build a Email Management System for our call center. Is there a open source out there that I can? My dev environment is C# and SQL 2005. Thanks Tony ...

How much should one help a struggling developer?

I have a coworker who's struggling with some of our newly adopted technologies. In the area of this technology I would regard him as "gets things done" but not "smart". He is really trying and really not getting it. He's extremely valuable in other areas of our technology stack so getting rid of him would not only be cruel but detrime...

What are the five priorities for software development?

At another development company I recently saw some project management/workload prioritisation graphs on the wall. I'm used to the maxim "Good, Fast, Cheap: Pick two". But this system used five indicators. Those I can remember: Bug Free On Time Feature Complete On Budget But I can't remember the fifth. Anyone? In this system, the f...

(Ruby,Rails) Role-based authentication and user management...?

Hi All, I'm looking for a quality Administrative plugin for Rails. It seems that most of the existing plugins/gems (e.g. "restful_authentication", "acts_as_authenticated") revolve around self-signup, etc. However, I'm looking for a full-featured Administrative/Management role-based type of solution -- but not one that's simply tacked ...