
How to show loading animation before printing buffer content from ob_start()...?

Hi Everyone.... I have a script that runs for quite a while and i am using ob_start() to buffer the output and print the result after the script finishes executing... I need to show some loading animation while the script executes and replace it with the output when the script finishes executing... I know that it can be done quite bea...

String Manipulation in Bash . . . Removing leading section

This is probably a really stupid question...but how can I remove parts of a string up to a certain character? Ex.) If I have the string testFile.txt.1 and testFile.txt.12345 how can I remove the 1 and 12345? Thanks a lot for the help EDIT: Sorry it was really unclear. I meant to remove and throw away the first part of a string up to a...

Using html5 localstorage to retrieve data from server, to allow editing of and appending to data source, then saving back to server.

So, I'm creating a standard user-data collection form that will be used by standard web browsers, as well as the iPhone and iPad. The app will allow users to create new records, as well as edit and delete existing records. I've gotten the gist of using html5's 'localstorage' to create a client-side data source and am looking for directi...

get last 5 character

i want to get the last 5 digits/strings from a strings of words. eg: "I will be going to school in 2011!" i am using visual 2008 and using i will like to get "2011!" note, my strings changes, and the last 5 characters can be anything! any ideas. i know visual basic have Right(string, 5); this didn't work for me ga...

Traverse 2D Array (Matrix) Diagonally

So I found this thread that was extremely helpful in traversing an array diagonally. I'm stuck though on mirroring it. For example: var m = 3; var n = 4; var a = new Array(); var b = 0; for(var i = 0; i < m; i++) { a[i] = new Array(n); for(var j = 0; j < n; j++) { a[i][j] = b; b++; } } for (var i = 0; i < m + n - 1; i+...

C# Method to sum hh:mm data ???

I want a method that will sum data that is string in the format hh:mm (time hours and minutes) 0:15 + 0:15 = 0:30 Am I asking for too much !!! ;-) ...

C#: Return start and end of year given any month.

I need two or one (out) C# method that will take any datetime and return the start date of year and end date of year for that year. Not a homework (;-) ...

How to remove characters from a string?

Hi, (my first post was not clear and confusing so I've edited the question) I was studying string manipulation. You can use strlen() or substr() but cannot rely on other functions that are predefined in libraries. Given string $string = "This is a pen", remove "is" so that return value is "Th a pen" (including 3 whitespaces). Remo...

Changing an attribute on certain future elements when they appear in jquery - it's possible?

I need a sort of "live" effect on some checkbox - i need that every checkbox since now will be checked by a jquery function attr("checked", true) when they appear. Is it possible to do? ...

Set hidden form field values with JavaScript but request still empty

HI volks, I try to set some hidden form field values with an onclick event. Ok, after I did something like this: document.getElementById('hidden_field').value = 123; I can output the value with the firebug console by entering this: alert(document.getElementById('hidden_field').value); So the values are definitely set. But now when... on a text snippet with no selector

Here's some example code: <input type="checkbox" id="send-notice" name="send-notice" value="1" /> This is a notice to all users. <label for="subject">Subject</label> I want to be able to select the text "This is a notice to all users." so I can remove it. I'm not sure how to do so though. I've tried using jQuery('#send-notice').n...

Moving an element to the body using jQuery

How can I move an element to the end of the body? Using jQuery, I want some given element to be moved to the body, preferably to be the last element contained by it. Imagine the following would be valid: $('#myElement').moveToTheEndOfTheBody(); Thanks! ...

Manipulate method functionality call

Hello, is it possibly in c# to have some sort of base class functionality which is manipulated slightly based on the class. For instance say i have the following code (which will quite obviously not compile it's meant to only be for demonstrative purposes) class BaseFunctionality { public virtual bool adminCall public static str...

manipulate objects outside svg with javascript-function inside the svg

Hello! I'm embedding a svg-graphic on my website and i'd like to manipulate the rest of the website with javascript-commands which are in the svg - though i'm not sure if this is possible. Let me elaborate: I've got a worldmap in svg, i want to click on a country and this click should run an ajax-call and load relevant information of t...

Java Applet question regarding data manipulation

Generally, how does a java applet manipulate user data? Take for instance "shopping carts" on shopping websites - after a user enters the data, is the data then preloaded each time a user accesses a website? Or is the data retrieved as the user is on the page? ...

Detecting When A Scatterview item is inertial

The ManipluationDelta event has the IsInertial property. Unfortunately it appears that a scatterview item 'ManipulationDelta' event does not fire. Only its ContainerManipulationDelta event fires, but the ContainerManipulationEventArgs does not expose the IsInertial property. So is there any other way to determine when a scatterview item...

Excel Interop - Alter HTML imagedata Source From Client Side

Hi, any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I've create a report from excel using PublishObjects.Add using Excel Interop, and i output the data without any problems. My question is - Is it possible to access the v:imagedata tag from the client side using javascript or jquery? While the image is loading i would like to put...

codeigniter image manipulation question

Having a problem with image manipulation in codeigniter - it bombs when I get to $this->image_lib->resize(). I just can't see the error. Code: $imagemanip = array(); $imagemanip['image_library'] = 'gd2'; $imagemanip['source_image'] = '/resources/images/butera-fuma-dolce.jpg'; $imagemanip['new_image'] = '/resources/images/thumb_bute...

Using iPhone/iPod Touch acceleration to rotate a 3D object

Hi everyone, So, the problem I'm trying to solve is to use an iPhone/iPod acceleration to manipulate directly a 3D object. For that i've been searching lot's of stuff (Euler angles, Quaternions, etc). I'm using OpenSG, where I have a 3D environment and want to manipulate a certain object (just rotating in all possible iPhone/iPod degree...

What is the use of PHP DOM Manipulation?

Hi, Sorry if the question is too general, but I wonder what is the use of a PHP DOM Manipulation compared to javascript DOM Manipulation? I understood that it was mainly used to parse some html, or xml, but are there other applications where it is good to use? Thanks :) ...