
Error trying to make an wrapper of the STL map container

I'm trying to make a wrapper to the STL map container, in order to add a const method to return the value given the key. In map, operator[] isn't const, and find() requires dereferencing to get the value (map.find()->second). I'm basing some of my "research" off of

Scala: good way to keep pairs of strings

Hey fellas, What is a neat way to hold pairs of strings which are not necessarily key-values (might have duplicate keys), for a small collection? List[List[String]] works obviously but looks dirty. Cheers Parsa ...

C# Map Layout Controls

Hi everyone, I am making a restaurant layout software, where basically the user selects various items (tables, chairs, etc.) and drags them into a workspace. The user should be able to place the items at any location inside of the designated workspace, should be able to rotate them, and after placing the object, they should be able to ...

Generating geographic coordinates from a map in a C# application

Hi guys, I'm currently working on a C# application. What I would like to do is display a map of the UK, just a JPEG image (if possible), which also, when clicked, generates geographic coordinates of the point clicked. Ideally what I would like to move onto is displaying a marker at two points clicked with a line drawn between them but ...

Put a key named metaClass in a Map

Hi, I've written a small Groovy script that exposes a very weird behaviour. can anyone explain it ? // Creating a groovy map def map = [:] // Putting a value in map["a"]="b" // Render it without trouble println map["a"] // Putting another value in (yup, this one has THE name) map["metaClass"]="c" // Failing to render it println m...

[Android] Want to display Map but no current position. What's needed?

In my actual project I need to draw a MapView with a given running/walking/cycling path on top of it. I don't need the current position so I added an overlay just for the path (no MyLocationOverlay). The path is painted but I don't see the Map in the emulator - only the grey tiles. The apiKey is set in the layout (MapView) and INTERNET ...

populate c++ maps content in a loop scope

I try to populate the content of a c++ map within a loop scope. #include <set> #include <map> map<int, set<int> > maps; for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { set<int> seti; // content: a set of integers seti.insert(i); seti.insert(...); maps.insert ( pair<int,set<int> >(i,seti) ); } The question is: does maps.insert copy the pa...

Python - List Mapping

Hey, I have several lists that I would like to map together, but I can't quite work my head around how to do it. I am scraping a live feed of Horse Racing results. The feed only lists the course/time once and three horses and their positions (top three) OR four horses and blank (i.e. "") positions IF the race was abandoned. These are t...

building floor plan in google map api

Hi, We have floor plans of a building in png format. I want to provide Google Map API( or any better Map solution) to the client to locate the buildings from a world map. The requirement is when the user clicks on a building, it has to load my floor plan of the building in the canvas. I was looking into overlays and mashups. Not able to ...

Google Map implementation not working on Safari and Chrome

Hi everybody, I am implementing a google map on the contact page of this website:;page=contact The map displays in the rectangle on the top of the page. Everything is working fine on Firefox, but nothing is displayed on Safari & Chrome... Here is the way I implement it: <script src="http://maps.g...

Mapping function to numpy array, varying a parameter

First, let me show you the codez: a = array([...]) for n in range(10000): func_curry = functools.partial(func, y=n) result = array(map(func_curry, a)) do_something_else(result) ... What I'm doing here is trying to apply func to an array, changing every time the value of the func's second parameter. This is SLOOOOW (cre...

Struts, using the 'name' attribute from html:rewrite?

I want to have a bean in which I can use the 'name=my_bean' attribute for the html:write tag. The goal being, I want to have mutliple parameters on my URL. I know I need a Map in my bean with all of my key value pairs. So the question is, what do I name the Map so that Struts will know where the Map is within my bean? Or is there an...

Iterate over Map object using JSTL

Is it possible to implement the following using plain JSTL: <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <table> <% java.util.Map msgMap = (java.util.Map) request.getAttribute("messageMap"); for(int loopCount=1;loopCount>0;loopCount++) { if(msgMap.containsKey("/p...


I'm a web developer,i have a project to solve error in client implemented googleMapAPI.class.php to show markers on gmap,but the script not showing all 36 markers,not only that but every page reload it's displaying markers randomly,and less than actual numbers of markers like 15,18 and some times 26,but can't show 36 .Can anybod...

What is the syntax for adding an element to a scala.collection.mutable.Map ?

What is the syntax for adding an element to a scala.collection.mutable.Map ? Here are some failed attempts: val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map map("mykey") = "myval" map += "mykey" -> "myval" map.put("mykey","myval") ...

custom google map on android

I have a kml file which contains several 100 sidewalks as LineStrings. this would be constant for the entire android app. can i create a custom google map with such a kml file as an overlay and retrieve the same as a whole from the server and display on the phone. please let me know if its possible and if for now i have store...

C4503 warnings? How do i solve/get rid of them?

Hi, It's my first time trying out C++ STL. I'm trying to build a multidimensional associative array using map. For example: typedef struct DA { string read_mode; string data_type; void *pValue; void *pVarMemLoc; }DA; int main() { map<string, map<string, map<string, map<string, map<string, DA*>>>>> DATA; ...

How can I iterate over a map of <String, POJO> ?

I've got a Map<String, Person> (actually I'm using a more complex POJO but simplifying it for the sake of my question) Person looks like : class Person { String name; Integer age; //accessors } How can I iterate through this map, printing out the key, then the person name, then the person age such as : System.out.println(St...

Is this surprising (to me) difference in Map's behaviour in Scala 2.8.0 and 2.7.7 expected?

It looks like -- in Scala 2.8.0 -- if you map() a Map instance to a sequence of 2-tuples that you end up getting a Map back. When this happens, any of the 2-tuples with the same first element are considered duplicates, and you only end up getting the last one. This is different from what happened in 2.7.7. This is easier to understand...

Using Google TrafficLayer API?

Anyone have an idea of how to use Google's TrafficLayer API? Looks like it's Javascript only. Any idea how to use/convert output to Array for use with MKMapView? Haven't really used it. (do find on the page for trafficlayer) ...