
What's causing this error in a subclass of MKAnnotationView?

I'm trying to create a subclass of MKAnnotationView for an iPhone Mapkit app, but for some reason I am suddenly encountering this error: Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 These are my header and main files for the code that seems to be causing the error. Though the error d...

Displaying nearby businesses in mapkit

Is it possible to display nearby businesses in mapkit? If not, how else can that be done? Is there a way to display by category - restaurant, retail, museums? Also, I don't think displaying traffic flow is available. Can anyone confirm? ...

How to find if mapkit failes to acquire user location?

In my app I'm using map kit.The map kit is working fine but sometimes it fails to acquire user location,so i thought i could show en error message but when i applied the error message it prompting again and again looking very i want to ask that when map kit starts to get current user location and if it fails how do i show an ...

iPhone - Annotation image disappears on touch

I am annotating my map and setting an image just fine, but when I tap the annotation on the MapView, the image goes from my custom image back to the red pin. Why is this? - (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)newMapView viewForAnnotation:(id )newAnnotation { MKPinAnnotationView *a = [ [ MKPinAnnotationView alloc ] initWithAnno...


Hello. my question is, to set more Annotation Pins on a map? enter code - (NSArray *) addressLocation { kunden = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Kammlach", @"Mindelheim",@"Ettringen", nil]; NSString *aktuellerKunde; int i; locations = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"",nil]; for (i=0; i < [kunden count]; i++) { CLLocationCoordinat...

How does Urbanspoon display map?

I've looked at Google's map API, which is all javascript and terribly slow on the iPhone. I then tried using the link option available at That is fast but I can't see having much control over it. It also displays a little search box at the top of the map. Google's API says you must use maps in a website, which the iP...

MapKit fix zoom

I have mapkit view and i need to fix zoom step. User must only increase or decrease by 4 times. How i can do it in MapKit? ...

Is there a Mapkit Annotation event when the pin is done animating?

I am having some issues with my Mapkit and userlocation events. I need to call a method when the user's location is found, however, using [locationManager startUpdatingLocation]; causes the method to call too early for what I am trying to do. Ideally, I would like to make a call once the animation of the user location's pin is completed...

Mapkit latitude and longitude to screen coordinates

I have mapkit view, how i can convert latitude and longitude to screen coordinates? ...

Full screen mapkit map

I have mapkit view on iphone and i want to show all world in view, but then i use MKCoordinateRegion region;;; region.span.latitudeDelta=180.0f; region.span.longitudeDelta=360.0f; [map setRegion:region]; I have error Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentE...

Assign grid to map in mapkit

I have mapkit view and i need to display grid above map view. How i can bind grid to map? grid must move with map. ...

How to get left-top and right-buttom latitude and longitude of map in MapKit

How to get left-top and right-buttom latitude and longitude of map in MapKit? I use this code, but it not work good. How fix it? MKCoordinateRegion region = [map region]; double topL,topG,bottomL,bottomG; //if latitude=55 and latitudeDelta=126 topL is 118 and it will be not at top, it will be at buttom of screen topL =

MapKit mercator projection

MapKit use mercator projection, how i can convert latitude to Y screen coordinate? Update: Thanks. i use it CLLocationCoordinate2D leftTopBoxCoordinate; leftTopBoxCoordinate.longitude=-180+cacheRegion.minX*boxSize; leftTopBoxCoordinate.latitude=85-cacheRegion.minY*boxSize; CGPoint leftTopPoint = [map convertCoordinate:leftTopBoxCoordin...

MapKit grid bind

I need to draw gird above mapkit view, and I want to bind grid to view. I have class Grid, that have array or grid elements. //Cache class -(MapCacheRegion)regionFrom:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)from to:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)to level:(int)level { MapCacheRegion ret; float coef = 1; if (level>0) { coef = (baseBoxSize/(...

iPhone SDK Mapkit: How can I check if the user's location is in the same street/avenue as a given coordinate?

Hello. My iPhone App is an Application that shows users some POI (points of interest) in the MapView. I wanto to give the user the option to turn on a feature that would only highlight the POI's that are in the same street, avenue, route, etc as his. Is there a way to aproach this? Thanks a lot! ...

How can I create a custom "pin-drop" animation using MKAnnotationView?

I have an instance of MKMapView and would like to use custom annotation icons instead of the standard pin icons supplied by MKPinAnnotationView. So, I've setup a subclass of MKAnnotationView called CustomMapAnnotation and am overriding -(void)drawRect: to draw a CGImage. This works. The trouble comes when I try to replicate the .animate...

MKCoordinateRegion and MKCoordinateSpan in MapKit Framework

Hi all, How to zoom out the map using MKCoordinateRegion and MKCoordinateSpan , so that it is always displayed in the center of the screen ? Thanks ...

iPhone MapKit error.

I just started the use of Mapkit Framework. I got a sample code from here. But when I build the code it returns the following error. /SourceCache/GoogleMobileMaps/GoogleMobileMaps-201/googlenav/mac/ server returned error: 407 It does not shows the map. I am confused whether the code has an error or there is some error w...

iPhone MapKit - update annotations coordinates and map

I use this tutorial for integrating MapKit to my application: CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; coordinate.latitude = 49.2802; coordinate.longitude = -123.1182; NSUInteger count = 1; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { CGFloat latDelta = rand()*.035/RAND_MAX - .02; CGFloat longDelta...

how to open compass app from native iphone app?

how can we open compass app from our native iphone application? also i am using mapkit and i want to show the direction heading from user location to another location in maps application how can we achieve this? ...