
MapKit in iPhone: how to show grouped annotations?

Hello, i would like to create an iPhone app that shows the map of the United States with annotations in different cities; when i zoom in a zone i would like to see annotations in single places (e.g. i see NewYork:10 pictures, then i zoom in NY and i see 6 annotations in Central Park and 4 in 5th.avenue, for example). Has anyone already...

iPhone SDK Point to a specific location

Hi, I'm trying to develop an application that use the GPS and Compass of the iPhone in order to point some sort of pointer to a specific location (like the compass always point to the North). The location is fixed and I always need the pointer to point to that specific location no matter where the user is located. I have the Lat/Long coo...

CLLocation Category for Calculating Bearing w/ Haversine function

I'm trying to write a category for CLLocation to return the bearing to another CLLocation. I believe I'm doing something wrong with the formula (calculous is not my strong suit). The returned bearing is always off. I've been looking at this question and tried applying the changes that were accepted as a correct answer and the webpage i...

iPhone Core Location: Calculate total elevation loss/gain

I am wanting to calculate total elevation loss and gain at the end of recording Core Location data. I am having a hard time thinking of the math for this one. Say if I started at 600 feet and I go up and down during the tracking, how would I calculate my elevation gain and loss? Ideas? ...

Check user location age in Mapkit - GPS accuracy for MapKit User Location significantly better than from CLLocationManager?

Indoors on an iPhone 4. WiFi disabled Running the LocateMe SDK sample or my own code for 30-60 seconds produces horizontal accuracy of 2294 meters. Pretty inaccurate but reasonable for cell tower triangulation. Looking at other apps that do reverse geocoding or location stuff like Foursquare shows a similar lack of accuracy. However, i...

iPhone MapView limiting to state of Missouri only

I am making an iPhone app that is designed for things that will be local to only Missouri. So my idea is to limit the map to only Missouri/regions close to Missouri. I have the map working fine, displaying the user's location, and if they update location then the pin will also move. Can I use something like a Custom Annotation to do t...

locating map to center without refreshing

I am using: [mapView setRegion: animated:]; [mapView regionThatFits:]; methods in oder to bring map view to center after regular intervals of time but i don't want to refresh map or say locate updated locations. How can i bring map to center (or current location) without refreshing? Is there any method? Please give some options cle...

iOs why must I implement setCoordinate to have my Annotation move in MKMapKit?

Hi, I am writing an iPad application (os 3.2) which uses MKMapKit to display moving annotations on the map. Information is retrieved via XML from three different sources and collated together in my Annotation class and then displayed on the Map. This information is coming in every 5 seconds. I had this working fine for a few months w...

CLLocation generates strange Error

Hi, I have got a problem with a CLLocation. I wanted to know the distance between two coordinates to show it next to the title of the location in a tableView: static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; if (cell == nil) { cell = [[[UITableViewC...

mapkit , tagging a disclosure button with index of annotation

i have been struggling with this for a few days, i even re-wrote half the code to try it another way. i have my annotations imported from a csv, and placed onto the map with tile and subtitle, i am trying in vain to add a tag to disclosue buttons so i can see which one was tapped, but having problems, whatever values i assign to the an...

Trouble changing color of the pin iOS MapKit

Hi guys, I'm having trouble changing the pinColor for an annotation in MapKit. When I don't try to implement the mapView:viewForAnnotation: method everything works (the annotation is added) but when I try to change the annotation view, the simulator crashes : Here is the code : MapViewController.h #import "MapViewController.h" #impor...

Subclasses of MKAnnotationView

I was wondering if anyone knows of any subclasses for the MKAnnotationView class. On apples documentation they say one example is the MKPinAnnotationView so I was wondering if there were other pre-created subclasses like the one used to track the devices current location. If anyone has tips for creating my own subclass of the MKAnnotatio...

[mapkit] error load map

error: /SourceCache/GoogleMobileMaps_Sim/GoogleMobileMaps-255/googlenav/mac/ server returned error: 503 and this is image: I can't view image. when i build my map with xcode. i don't know how to fix this error. i try to run another example mapkit, but i met this error again. how can i fix it...

Equivlent Objective-C code for Google Maps GMap2.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds)?

Hi all, I'm familiar with the Google Maps API and I'm trying to learned the iOS MapKit library now. I have an iPhone application which takes an input string and geocodes it using Google Maps geocoder service. I also want to set an appropriate zoom level for the new map but I'm not quite sure how to do it. After reading, http://stacko...

MapKit doesn't show Blue Dot for Current Location

Hi Guys, I am a newbie in MapKit for iPhone and tried to implement this, for some reason I can't see the current location blue dot, anyone else had this issue???? #import "DetailMapViewController.h" #import "mapAnnotations.h" @implementation DetailMapViewController @synthesize inStock; -(void)getlocation:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)loc ...

how to check if a point falls into a MKRect

fellow stackoverflowers, does any one know of a MapKit function that returns a BOOL or something to indicate whether two MKMapRect intersect or contain ? ...