
Mappers, Reducers, FIlters

I know about map/reduce alghoritm and its use. It's using functions that are called Mappers and Reducers, but I also find people use the word Filters. Are Filters same as Mappers or is there some significant difference? ...

Is it ok for "mappers" to use reflection

In my limited experience, it seems that a common idiom is to pass objects from one layer to another using a "mapper". An ORM is one example, to go map from the Domain to the database and back. Automapper is another, which facilitates mapping from a rich domain object, into an object consumable by another layer (ViewModel, WebService. So...

class-table-mapper design php and ZF

Hi, is there a better way to work with ZF useing the mappers, real life objects and table_objects. This is how I do it with Zend Framework: class User_DbTable extends Zend_DB_Table_Abstract{ protected $_name = "user"; // name of the table } the user class -> user object: class User{ protected $_id; protected $_name; pr...