
Wifi Triangulation

What would be the best way to triangulate a wireless network passively. Are there tools available? Algorithms? Libraries? My goal would be to create a relative map of various objects that sends or receive signals using signal strength (DB's), signal/noise ratio, signal phase, etc. from a few location points. With enough sampling, i'm gu...

Hibernate Unidirectional Parent/Child relationship - delete() performs update on child table instead of delete

If I delete a record from the Parent table I want the corresponding records in the child table to be deleted. How can I make Hibernate delete from the Child table rather than attempt to update with a null? I'm using Hibernate 3 but cannot use annotations at this time. I've attached copies of HBM, DAO etc below. -- Thank you in Advance...

Mapping of some Data in c#

Hello, i search for a good solution for mapping data in c#. At first i have a Character "a" and a angle "0.0" degree. What is the best solution for the Mapping ? A list ? One requirement is that i must search for the degree if it not in the "list" then i add a new one.. and so on thanks for help :) EDIT: I must find out if the ang...

Why can I not get application object in classic ASP when I add a .NET Wildcard mapping to directory?

We're migrating a site from classic asp to .NET. In the process, I need to use .NET authentication to secure the classic asp pages. This works great with wildcard mapping...unless the classic asp pages try to use something like the Application object. I have tried adding an HTTPHandler to pass the request to the asp.dll, but to no avai...

Recommendation for an embeddable map that is not internet dependent

I'm looking to embed a mapping a mapping control (very much like Google Maps or Virtual Earth) into an application that, in most cases, will not have access to the internet meaning that I can't use the aforementioned APIs or Google Earth. The maps would have to reside on the machine locally. I know that MapInfo is a big name in that sp...

Fluent NHibernate Mapping - Saving Child object

I'm having a problem with Fluent NHibernate mappings, I think, and can't quite get past how I should be setting the mapping to avoid an issue. I have a business object (literally, a "business"), and a review object. Each Business can have multiple reviews that are created on a page in the UI. The business is a property of the Review, ...

Distinguishing between storage model and conceptual model field names (Entity Framework)

Every sample I come across has the entities and properties in the storage model named exactly the same as in the conceptual model. So in the mapping section, I can't tell whether an entity or property is from the storage model or conceptual model. This is a snippet of an Entity Framework diagram. Which "ID" fields are from the database ...

windows Login script help

I am looking for a script that will place a subdirectory in each users home directory. In the login script we map a drive, so maybe we can just add a line to that to create new folder ‘md’ but once it’s created we need to be sure it ‘fails’ on the subsequent logins with no input requirement from user I am thinking that a IF exists or ...

Anyone using Bing Map Web Services with Delphi?

Has anyone gotten Bing Map Web Services (formerly Virtual Earth Web Services) working with Delphi? Based on my experiences so far (both using Delphi and Visual Studio C#), I'm about ready to give up on it and go with the MapPoint Web Service until a future version of Bing Maps Web Services comes out. However, I thought I'd post a quest...

UIScrollView ImageView with pins on top

To all, I have a UIScrollView which has a UIImageView. I want to show pins on this imageView. When I add pins as subviews of the ImageView everything is great except for when you zoom the scale transform happens on the pins also. I don't want this behavior and want my pins to stay the same. So I choose to add the Pins to another vie...

Howto create map scrolling in 2D actionscript / flex 3 (flash) game?

I'm creating a 2D multiplayer game in a space environment in flash (actionscript 3 with flex builder 3). The player's character (a ship) will always be in the center. Because it has to look like the ship is moving, while it is actually always in the center, the background and all environmental objects have to move the opposite way. My t...

Does any map api allow you to retrieve an exact area?

I'd like a way to obtain a static map (an image file) based on two coordinates representing the desired rectangle or area. Suggestions? ...

NHIBERNATE: Map Many-To-Many association (With attached Schema Image & mapping Files ...)

Hi! Please, I'm trying to map many-to-many association in order to use cascading Delete. Model Description: A View contains a List of Group (using the DB Association Table Asso_Project_Manager_Group_View). And a Group contains a List of Project Manager (using the DB Association Table Asso_Project_Manager_Group). Find DB Schema Image H...

SLAM Algorithm

Does anyone have any experience with developing or working on the autonomous robot problem, in particular developing the SLAM algorithm? I would like to know where would be a good place to get started on developing a very very basic version on SLAM. Also any pointers to resources on the topics (other than the obvious google searches) wou...

Building density maps with large geocoded datasets?

I have a data set with over 50,000 geocoded points (lat-long). Each point has a set of data associated with it -- things like quality, status, etc. I'd like to make a set of density maps showing the distribution of data by those metrics. For example, one map would show the density of all items with a quality of "good". With a smaller ...

Optimizing address routes - web-based

We are trying to better understand how to set up MapPoint (or another map application) to optimize delivery routes for us. We have the ability to push lists of delivery addresses from our .NET system but need some simple options for the drivers to select a starting point address and to be able to reorder the addresses visually if necessa...

Finding the lat-long of the corners in a Google Maps window

Using the Google Maps API, how can I get the latitude and longitude of the corners of the map display area? That is, if my map is 300px wide and 400px tall, how can I find the lat-long of the points at (0,0) and (300,400)? ...

[Entity Framework] Loading a huge entity tree with EF

I need to load a model, existing of +/- 20 tables from the database with Entity Framework. So there are probably a few ways of doing this: Use one huge Include call Use many Includes calls while manually iterating the model Use many IsLoaded and Load calls Here's what happens with the 2 options EF creates a HUGE query, puts a very...

Map Scrollwheel to buttons?

I want to make the mousewheel up and down send the + and - keys respectively - directly to the OS, as if it came from the keyboard. But only when the Win Key is pressed. That is the Windows 7 Magnifier uses win-- and win-+ to zoom in and out, and I want to do that via win-mousewheel, the way it should have worked. Any similar solution...

Removing an association from an entity

Hi, I have 2 entities: User and Company, with a FK from the User to the Company. I'm trying to remove the association and leave the user entity with a scalar property "CompanyId", but still have the "Company" entity in the model (mainly to increase performance, I don't need to full entity attached to it). I'm able to achieve that only ...