
maproute, querystings and mvc

I have two routes: routes.MapRoute( "FetchVenue", "venue/fetchlike/{q}", new { controller = "venue", action = "fetchlike" } ); routes.MapRoute( "venue", ...

How do I set up a universal controller in ASP.NET MVC?

I know it's not perhaps in the true spirit of MVC, but I just want to have a single global controller that always gets called no matter what the url looks like. For example, it could be: ...and I want that to be passed to my single controller. I intend to obtain t...

Why is ASP.NET MVC MapRoute popping up a Windows authentication dialog box?

This one has me stumped, and I think it might be a bug in Microsoft's MVC implementation. I am building a MVC website using VS2008 SP1. In an attempt to lockdown my website I edited my controller to look like this: 1 public class IdeaController : Controller 2 { 3 [Authorize(Users = "whozmom")] 4 public ActionResult Index(...

ASP.NET MVC customization - Inherit or alter Framework

If you wanted to alter the way that routes were processed can you do that in a MVC project OR do you have to alter the MVC Framework? For example lets say you have the standard code in RegisterRoutes of Global.asax.cs: public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); ...

MapRoute not working, URL still says page not found?

Maybe I am confused here but I am trying to go to other things such as /Home work and I checked and found this routes.MapRoute thing and added this: routes.MapRoute("Order", "Order", new { controller = "Order", action = "Index" }); But it still says page not found... what the dealio? ...

Custom objects as arguments in controller methods defined by MapRoutes

Consider this MapRoute: MapRoute( "ResultFormat", "{controller}/{action}/{id}.{resultFormat}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = 0, resultFormat = "json" } ); And it's controller method: public ActionResult Index(Int32 id, String resultFormat) { var dc = new Models.DataContext(); var messages = fr...

MapRoute problem in ASP.NET MVC (for IIS6)

I have a problem in routing on the server (IIS6). It works OK on the development environment: routes.MapRoute( "FindCities", "FindCities/{state_id}", new { controller = "Regions", action = "FindCitiesByStateID", state_id = "" }); Here I call this action: $.ajax({ type: "GET", contentT... mvc maproute

Greetings, I have a problem with link in mvc application. When I run it via Visual Studio it's ok. The link then is as follows: http://localhost:2566/ActivateClient/Activate/6543e2d6-707d-44ae-94eb-a75d27ea0d07 when I run it via IIS7 the link is as follows: http://localhost/ActivationService/ActivateClient/Activate/6543e2d6-707d-44ae-9...

ASP.NET MVC MapRoute problem

Default ASP.NET MVC project has one MapRoute like routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" } ); And urls like these are equivalent:, w**, But if I trying to use a MapRoute like ...

ASP.NET MVC URL Routing problem

hi, i have defined a route as below: context.MapRoute("SearchEngineWebSearch", "search/web/{query}/{index}/{size}", new { controller = "search", action = "web", query = "", ...

Train track route using GoogleMaps

Hi, I am woundering if it is possible to create a route on a map using a train track. I know its possible over normal roads. Best regards, Paul peelen ...

MapRoute (Asp.Net MVC 2.0 .NET 4.0)

Hi, is there any possibility to create a maproute which would use always one method and it won't be necessary to put it in address? I mean I've got controller with one method (Index) and it displays items depend on methods argument. public ActionResult Index(string TabName) { var tab = (from t in BlogDB.Tabs ...