
Using Route-Me to as Mapping Alternative

I would like to user route-me in a mapping application because I need to support disconnected use 90% of the time. I have looked at their tutorials, but I am looking for how to download tiles and store them on my device so the application works with no network connectivity at all. If I missed a similar question in stackoverflow, I apol...

Scaling Android MapView markers when a user zooms in/out

I've seen a few questions about this but no solid answers. I have a MapView that can generate up to 1600 locations on the map, based on how far the user zooms in or out. As of now, I have my marker simply set to a drawable within my application. How can I detect if a user has zoomed in/out, then scale the marker accordingly. I'm not con...

Disable pan/zoom in

How can i disable the panning/zooming functionality of a MapView (not the zoom controls, i want a wholly static map)? I've also noticed that touching the map doesn't seem to trigger the MapView onClickListener, could anyone elaborate why? ...

Differecnes between ItemizedOverlay and Overlay class

Hi Can someone tell my when to use Overlay or when to use ItemizedOverlay class! What are differences between this two classes? Draw methods do the same thing? Can I use only ItemizedOverlay class in my project or I must use and Overlay as base class! Thanks ...

OnTouch in MapView only fires the first time.

I'm trying to implement a double-tap zoom like function in my MapView. The event always fires the first time, but never subsequent times. Below is my code. I have a feeling it has something to do with the map controller getting lost after the first time the event is fired. import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.MotionEvent; impor...

Custom MapView throwing NoSuchMethodException, but it's there!

I'm trying to implement a custom MapView. Inside my MapActivity (named mainmap) I have an inner class which extends MapView: private class Lmapview extends MapView{ public Lmapview(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); gestures = new GestureDetector(mainmap.this, new GestureListener(this)); ...

Android's maps library throws NullPointerException when animateTo is executed while a dialog is shown

I've been struggling with the runOnFirstFix() method for quite a long time. And maybe the problem is in that first line that says Running deferred on first fix. The thing is, when the first fix gets executed and I am displaying some dialog in that moment, it crashes quite frequently. I've extracted the following from the logcat: I/Map...

MapView adding pushpins on touch

I managed to get the map shown on the screen. Now the user will move around the map and press on it. After pressing on a point I need to add a push pin on screen on the pressed location. If the user decides to go for another point, when pressing on the chosen point, the first pushpin would disapear and a new one will be drawn on the new...

Remove all Overlays

Hello, I have the following code to add an Overlay myMapView.getOverlays().add(sites); myMapView.invalidate(); I also have the following remove code where sites is a global variable. if (sites != null) { // myMapView.getOverlays().clear(); myMapView.getOverlays().remove(sites); myMapVi...

MapView with maps that have the same resolution as Google Maps

If you compare how the map looks in MapView and how it looks in Google Maps, you'll notice that in Google Maps the map is "bigger". The texts are bigger, roads wider etc. Can I achieve this in my MapView? ...

Mapview lat lon co-ordinates - incompatible types in assignment

I have lat lon coordinates stored in a database table and I want to have them displayed in a mapview like this: =; = place.lon; the lat and lon are stored as doubles in the table. this is the error I'm getting: **error: incompatible types in assignment** I hope that's enough ...

Trouble using UILongPressGestureRecognizer in custom MKAnnotationView

Having trouble with a UILongPressGestureRecognizer in a custom subclass of MKAnnotationView. The callback is fired only intermittently. If I make the minimumPressDuration shorter, it fires more frequently. With a minimumPressDuration value of 0.1, it fires every time. With a value of 0.4, it never fires at all, no matter how long I l... Activity com.example.brown.

friend's , I'm facing the problem in map view,initially i have map view with search option in header for searchin up content i'm using here my code for search... Intent intent = getIntent(); findViewById( new OnClickListener() { public void o...

How can I use a wrap a TabHost containing a MapView that also displays an AdMob view below it?

I'm very new to Android (like 2 days), but I'm experienced with other layout toolkits. I'm trying to put an AdView below a TabHost, and it seems that I can either get the TabWidget or the AdView to display correctly, but never both. First, here's an ASCII art version of what I'm trying to accomplish: ----------------------------------...

android + mapview large amount of marquers

I have been following the hello mapview tutorial In the tutorial they use a custom implementation of the ItemizedOverlay class. I tried using this approach but I am getting very poor performance when I add a large number of OverlayItems. This leads me to think that the tutorial I used is not best suited for my needs. Can anyone point m...

need help on pointing findme location in mapview without taking long time

friend's I need help on pointing mapview findme location option,when i click find me from map it shows location without identificaton,after long time only the circle with pin point appears,but i need it to appear immediately,what can i do what the problem is. Here my code for findme click event... try { ...

GestureDetector makes unwanted MapView move

I'm implementing some marker draggable behaviour in an ItemizedOverlay class by overriding the onTouchEvent which works fine - I can drag markers around and the map stays stationary or if I start the drag on the map itself, then the map scrolls and the markers stay stationary (this is my intended behaviour). However, I wanted an addition...

how to create an custom android maps marker?

I want to create a mapview marker with 4 elements: - picture (of user) - background - text (username) - Arrow to show an direction OverlayItem.setMarker() accept only a drawable. How can I create an drawable with 4 Items? Or can i add an View as marker to overlayItem? any ideas? ...

Moving icons on a Android MapView

I'm working on an application that displays the location of moving items on a Google MapView. I need a way to update the position of the icons that represent the items (as well as change the facing of the icons every two seconds as updated data comes in). I currently have an activity in the app that extends MapActivity. On to this I hav...

Android: add overlay to MapView?

I have subclassed Overlay as LandMarkOverlay (and implemented an onTap(GeoPoint) method). In the main activity I do this: setContentView(R.layout.main); MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(; mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); landmarkOverlay = new LandmarkOverlay(); //add the landmarkOverlay ...