
OnClick event not functioning to increase/decrease top margin

Hi, I have a DIV that im trying to adjust the top margin on upon click of the trigger link using jQuery. My code is below. The problem is, this only works one way - decreasing the negative top margin back down to 0. But on second click it doesnt increase it back up to -200px. Anyone have any idea why?! $('.gh-gallink').click( fun...

What is solution for center alignment in html?

I have an html page : <html> <head> <title> All Time Set Window </title> </head> <body> <div align="center" style="width:1000px; height:100%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"> <div style="width:100%; height:20%; background-color:#F8E0E0; float:top;"> <div align="center">This is Header</div> </div> <div style="wi...

CSS: on floating divs and negative margins

So I wanted a centered, constant width, three-column layout that was compatible with IE and whose columns would stretch to all be of equal height (equal to the height of whichever column had the tallest content). I know- keep dreaming, right? Well I almost figured it out. After combining the techniques I found here on Stack Overflow wit...

Set a new view's margins programatically

I have a FrameView that's created in my XML layout, and in my code, I'm trying to create a series of new ImageViews and add them as children of this FrameView. The ImageViews are small, only about 15 pixels square, and I want them to show up in various positions around the FrameView (I'm trying to implement what looks like a radar scree...

margin does not push down another margin, css

I have a series of elements like this: <h1>...</h1> <p>.......</p> <h1>...</h1> <p>.......</p> etc. etc. I have a 5px top margin on h1, and 10px bottom margin on p. But the resulting margin is only 10px. If I increase the bottom margin to 50px and the top margin to 40px the total margin will only be 50px. It will be whatever the bigge...

Add a margin to a tkinter window

So I have so far a simple python tkinter window and i'm adding text, buttons, etc. snippet: class Cfrm(Frame): def createWidgets(self): self.text = Text(self, width=50, height=10) self.text.insert('1.0', 'some text will be here') self.text.tag_configure('big', font=('Verdana', 24, 'bold')) self.text["state"] = "dis...

this is regarding CAM::PDF

Can you explain how eaxctly you do the shifting and scaling Can u explain how can u do purely shifting without scaling and purely scaling without shifting ..I tried this code use CAM::PDF; my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new('ccombined.pdf'); my $page = $pdf->getPage(1); $page->{MediaBox}->{value}->[0]->{value} += 100; $page->{MediaBox}->{value}-...

JQuery - FadeIn + MarginTop

I'm trying to get something like this (, when you hover the logo a box appears fading and animating) what do I have to do for something like that? ...

How do I move and Image View while program is running

So I have an ImageView sitting on a FrameLayout. I want to move this image view when user taps on it and drags it somewhere. This is what I tried to do: FrameLayout.LayoutParameters params = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT); params.setMargin(marginLeft, marginTop, 0, 0); view.setLayoutParams(params); This does ...

jQuery animate not working in chrome/safari/ie

I have written a few lines of jQuery to animate a div to the left/right depending on mouse movements $(".galleryNav").mousemove(function(e){ $("#status").html(e.pageX +', '+e.pageY); if(e.pageX > 1100 && e.pageX < 1170){ $(".galleryNav").animate({marginLeft:"-60px"},{queue: false, duration: 450}); } if(e.pageX > 410 && e.p...

WPF change left margin of textbox

Hi, I want to change the just the left margin of a WPF textbox via XAML: This code obviously does not work : <TextBox Margin.Left ="0"/> What would be the correct code, does anyone here know ? Regards, MadSeb ...

How can I change layout params while program is running

I have an ImageView sitting on a FrameLayout. I want to be able to move this imageView by setting a margin: LayoutParams lp = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT); lp.setMargins(left, top, 0, 0); imageView.setLayoutParams(lp); imageView.invalidate(); However nothing changes and my imageView does not move. What am I do...

Margins around the System.Windows.Forms.Button

How can "solid" margins be made around System.Windows.Forms.Button control? var button = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); button.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; button.Margin = new Padding(20); var panel = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel(); panel.Controls.Add(button); In the example above the button wo...

LaTex: Table is spilling over page on right.

How can I fix a \longtable to not spill over on the right? With \table I use \scalebox{0.9}, but scalebox does not seem to work with \longtable. \begin{longtable}{cccccccccc} \caption{This is a caption}\ TABLE TABLE TABLE \end{longtable} My table has 10 columns and therefore the margins are not even on both sides. Anyone know how to...

CSS get paragraph right under headline.

Hi, I would like to have paragraph text right under the headline. I set margin and padding to 0 for both, but there is still small gap between them. Why? Thanks. ...

Changing X and Y position of button/ changing margin of button dynamically.

I would like to change margin of my buttons in d applcn... suppose I have 5 buttons like this in a linear layout, one below d other... When I focus on a button, its width should increase (which I know how to handle) and at the same time, width should increase linearly towards both left and right. i.e. If the current width of the button...

jQuery how to animate my code?

Hey, I know a little bit of jQuery now, but I'm still a bit confused with animations (especially when I have to add them to working script). I have for example: if (i = 1) { i = i +1 $("#div p").css("left", "-" + width * i + "px"); } How to animate() margin adding? I'm trying an...

Strange vertical space on text

Hi there, I'm having a strange issue with some @font-face text where there is some strange padding (or at least vertical space) included with the text. It is causing problems because I want to text to be positioned a certain way but can't have it overlapping other things. Here is a picture of what is occurring: As you can see when the...

div padding, margin ??

Hi, I am a iPhone developer stuck with some basic CSS properties ;) I want to show something like this: This is what I have: <div class="cell"> <div class="cell_3x3_top"> <div class="cell_3x3_type rounded_left">type</div> <!--UPDATED:2010/09/29--> <div class="cell_3x3_title rounded_right">title</div><!--UPDATED:20...

Impossible to remove top marging with CSS (Wordpress Theme)

I really tried everything but I still can't remove the top margin of a page (aproxximately 20px). Here is the original page: (If you inspect the #container div you'll see it has space above but no margin nor padding which displays purple or yellow) Here is the modified code: header.php: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC...