
CSS: margin-top to a block affects to the container div.

Hi, I have this page. I want to give a margin-top to the logo, but when i do it, the div that contains the logo goes also down, why? Regards Javi ...

CSS Margin Negative without Moving Parent Container

Hi All, I am trying to get on this page ( the area where it says "Home" (The White Container in the grey gradient) to go ~60 px up, but as you can see it does that as well as moves the parent container up. I just want the white box to move up NOT the whole thing. So it should look like this: http://musicalad...

IE 7 - getting extra padding on bottom of footer, any fixes?

Here is my css for my footer. It is supposed to be at the very bottom of the page, but for some reason in IE 7 .. i am getting about 10px of extra margin. Any fixes? /* FOOTER ********************************************************************************************************************/ #footer-bg { ma...

margin-top under a floated div css

I have a div under a float:right div. For some reason, the top margin cannot be applied to the first div. here is the css #over{ width:80%; float:right; color:#e68200; } #under{ clear:both; background:url(../images/anazitisi.png) no-repeat; margin:10px auto; /*does not work!!!*/ width:95px; height:20px; } does ...

How can I prevent WPF UserControl elements from being visible outside of my desired view range?

Hello all, I am trying to convert my WPF application into a WPF UserControl. In the original application, I had intentionally modified the margins of certain elements so that their edges were not within the bounds of the window. I did this in order to hide undesirable borders that I could not get rid of without having to write my own ...

WPF: Spacing between elements in stackpanel

I have a stackpanel with checkboxes. I cant seem to make same spacing between checkboxes with margin property Can some1 tell me what am i doing wrong? The code below gives me this: As you can see, the spacing between elements is not constant ! <StackPanel MinWidth="150" cal:Bind.Model="{Binding}" Orientation="Horizontal"> <Stac...

IE8 Rendering extra Padding or Margin

I'm having with some margin or padding issues with IE8 that I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me out. Below is a screenshot of the site in IE7 with the correct spacing (it looks pretty much the same in FF and Chrome/Safari as well). Next is the same page in IE8 with a whole bunch of extra spacing between the created by line...

wpf - how do I apply same margins to all elements in a panel?

Is there a way of automatically tells all children items (e.g. labels, textboxes etc) to have a margin of 5, within a panel (e.g. dockpanel)? i.e. as opposed to having to set the margin for each element separately - also noting setting the margin on the panel itself is no good as then the panel has the margin not the elements. by the w...

Navigation bar and top margin

Hi everyone I have an issue with a UINavigationBar and its y-offset. The bar is displayed without a UINavigationController as superview, yet that should not matter. In the viewController where the navigation bar appears the setup looks like this: // Add Basic View CGRect viewFrame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]; ...

How to remove the default margin on the content of a TabItem?

I'm using the TabControl class in WPF and I've noticed that the content of each TabItem has a default margin of 4 pixels on all sides. Sample code: <Window x:Class="TabControlPadding.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Windo...

CSS pages not equal even with the same css-file

Hello! This is the site i am using as a test site: My problem is that the pages, even thou they are equal, they change in position. If you click on Seite 2 and then Start and keep clicking on them, you will see that the entire container is moving a little. The only difference between those pages are that Seite 2 ...

How to set margin of ImageView using code, not xml

Hi, I want to add an unknown number of ImageView views to my layout with margin. In xml, I can use layout_margin like this: <ImageView android:layout_margin="5dip" android:src="@drawable/image" /> There is ImageView.setPadding(), but no ImageView.setMargin(). I think it's along the lines of ImageView.setLayoutParams(LayoutParams), but...

Set distance between spans using margin

Here is two spans(in real life a lot of spans) situated at the web page. I would like to set the distance betwwen them. I want to use margin-bottom attribute for this, but I can't see any affect of using it. The spans are still on the previous position. That is wrong. Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transit...

padding and margin for CSS <li> simply NOT WORKING

I am working on this site, and I have a pretty large .css document. For some reason I cant get these list items to have a padding or margin of anything other than 0px. I have no idea where it might be inheriting this from, and why me writing { margin: 5px; padding: 5px; } does nothing! Here is the site, im referring to the element...

Swapping odd/even margin in Latex

Hello, I'm writing something that I would like to print in Latex and I'm using the book documentclass. The standard behaviour is to consider odd pages (so the rear of a double sided paper) as the beginning of chapters and document too, I would like to swap them to be able to have correct margins: on an even page right margin is greater ...

Margin Bottom Not Working

What is preventing margin bottom from working here? I just want the active one to be jumping up in the air about 10px. ...

CSS positioning (margin / padding) with markup constraint

Hi all, I have two sibling divs sitting below each other, both contained in the same parent div. The requirement is that the divs need a certain amount of space between them, let's say 20px, but the space beween the inner divs and the parent div needs to be the same on all sides (top, right, bottom, left), in this case 0px. The constr...

Jquery - Load div with random margins / position

Hello. I'm looking to use jQuery to load Divs with random margins effecting the css. Below is the script I'm attempting use, trying to create a number random from 1-500, and loading that as the margin. But I'm not a jQuery wiz, and I'm missing something. Thanks so much for the help! <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("#r...

textview Inset setting

Hi All ! We all know that in interfacebuilder you can set an inset to an NSTextView. But in my case I needed to create it programaticly whitch is ok but I cannot find a way to define an Inset for the text so it's always on the top left corner of my textview and as I have a background picture for this textview I would like the text to be...

Vertically aligning <div> with one <form type="text"> and 2 <span>s

Hello, I'm looking to align one of my <div> containers which has a nested <form ype="text"> and 2 <span> tags but I can't seem to apply a margin-top: 6px; to the container <div>. Would padding-top: 6px; be the answer? ...