
How do I make Master/Detail subreports in ReportBuilder come out right?

I've got a report in ReportBuilder that's supposed to report on two objects. I didn't create this report, and I can't ask the person who did about how it works. Before running the report, we have some code that goes through, finds all the properties on the objects, and loads them into a memory dataset that looks like this: OBJECT_ID: ...

Implement master detail in one datagrid in wpf

Hello, I have classes as following: public class Property { public string PropertyName { get; set; } public int SumSubPropertValue; private List<SubProperty> propertyList; public void CalculateSumSubPropertValue { // implementation} } public class SubProperty { public string SubPropertyName { get; set; } ...

Change notification in EF EntityCollection

Hi everybody! In a Silverlight 4 proj i'm using WCF RIA services, MVVM principles and EF 4. I 'm running into this situation: created an entity called Category and another one called CategoryLocale (automated using VS, no POCO). The relation between them is 1 to N respectively (one Category can have many CategoryLocales), so trough this...

Persisting details in Master Detail relation EF4 POCO

Scenario: Entity Framework 4 , POCO templates and Master Detail relation. Lets say I have a master type like this: //partial implementation of master entity partial class Master { public void AddDetail(x,y,z) { var detail = new Detail() { X = x, Y = y, Z = z, }; ...

Where do I define dependency properties shared by the detail views in a master-detail MVVM WPF scenario?

I can think of two ways to implement dependency properties that are shared between the detail views: Store them in the master view model and add data bindings to the detail view models when they are created, and bind to them in the detail view. Don't store them in the view models at all, and use FindAncestor to bind directly to propert...

silverlight master-detail with two listboxes in pure xaml with ria services throwing exception

Hi, I was trying to achieve master-detail with 2 ListBox, 2 DomainDataSource and a IValueConverter, when entering the page it throws the random error it does when your xaml is invalid: "AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE [Line: 24 Position: 61]" Which is in fact the start position of where I am binding the listbox selected item with convert...

Custom Detail in Linq-to-SQL Master-Detail DataGridViews

Hi, looking for a way to create Linq-to-SQL Master-Detail WinForms DataGridViews where the Detail part of the Linq query is a custom one. Can do fine this: DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext(".\\SQLExpress"); var myQuery = from o in db.Orders select o; dataGridView1.DataSource = new BindingSource() { DataSource...

Implementing master-detail with 2 tables in a dataset (wpf)

I've created a dataset that contains 2 tables: Users (userID, UserName, other user details) Emails (Id, UserId, UserEmail) I populate the dataset using 2 DataAdapters (one for each table) I have a listbox, a few textboxes and a grid. listbox gets all the users, the few textboxs displays the user details when picked in the list box (thi...

Best Logic for Processing Master-Detail Records

Let's say, we have these SQL tables: [Articles] bill int (pkey) arti int (pkey) name varchar(50) [Bills] bill int (pkey) fdate date uid int Let's suppose we have a list of items on a grid, representing a bill: -------------------------------------------------------------- Id[ 15] Date [01-...

working with ADOQuery1 & ADOQuery2

i have a ADOQuery1 that is my master table and now i whant to use onother one ADOQuery2 for my detail Table but realy i don´t find the right way to work out the solucion. ADOQuery1 nr- Autonum name local quant. ADOQuery2 Nro _ Autonum name l1 ...

TreeView of many types with Master/Detail edit problems!

I have a TreeView wich has many types of items but they all inherit from a base class. Besides the TreeView there is a MasterDetail view for the selected item. Below the MasterDetail view I wan't to have a edit button that changes the MasterDetail view into edit view. I'm doing this by having the master detail view as a ContentPresente...

Master/Detail in separate viewmodels?

I am designing a master/detail view. Currently, I have a user control (detail) in my main view, and both have thier own vm. On the one hand, I think there should only be one vm because the detail will never exist without the master. It would also be easier to handle the CRUD process in one vm because of their tight dependency on one anot...

How to get selected row of detail grid in Master-Detail GridView?

Hi, I'm having a problem on getting the selected rows values of a detail grid. I have master-detail grid in a popup control and it works fine. I also enabled the enable selection to have checkboxes but when i try to run GetSelectedFieldValues on ClientSideEvents of a button it always returns "0". What do i do wrong, i couldn't find it? ...

Master detail grid in Silverlight 4 - No headers for Detail grid

Hello, I'm developing a Silverlight application where I want the master and its detail grid to share the same columns. So, some of the common fields would be displayed in master grid and rest of the fields would be specific for each child/detail. How can I do it? Thanks in advance. ...

Master-Detail Split Between Two View Models: Where to put cancel command logic?

Hello, Master section of window contains a DataGrid. Details section displays a form allowing editing of record currently selected in master's DataGrid. Grid's SelectedItem is bound to the master vm. When that property changes, the master vm creates a new EditViewModel, exposing it via a property. The details section of the view uses th...

Satisfying Child View Model Dependencies

Hello, I'm building a master-detail form. The master view model constructs instances of the details view model. These details view models have several dependencies which need to be satisfied with new class instances. (This is because they need service layers that operate in a separate data context from the master vm.) What would be the...

Best way of expressing Master-Detail in this way?

I have master-detail relationship. Basically I have a list of states and a list of towns per state. I want for it to display something like Oklahoma > Tulsa > Oklahoma City Arizona > Phoenix > etc etc and etc. The city names and the state names are stored in different tables with each city containing a state_id I am using SubSo...

Master-Detail via ComboBox in C#?

I have a form showing the details of a client (various controls), along with their orders (in a DataGridView). I am trying to add a ComboBox to let the user select one of the client's orders and display the items associated with it in a separate DataGridView. However, I cannot work out which DataSource/DataBindings I need for either th...

How can I use a Ext JsonReader to return a Master Detail record set?

Let's say I have an invoice and an invoice item. I'd like to show a list of invoices in a grid on the top and below I want to show the corresponding invoice items to the selected invoice. I have the SQL and JSON part down fine. I query the invoices, query the invoices items for all invoices returned (only 2 queries). Then I match up the ...

How to switch UITableView's NSFetchedResultsController (or its predicate) programmatically?

I have a UITableView that displays a subset of a large number of entities named "Documents". The subset is defined by another entity "Selection". Selections are named, ordered list of documents. It Works fine, except when I want to change the displayed selection at run time. I get only a blank list. Basically, I need to change the pred...