master-pages SIM Process w/Master Pages using VB.NET returns Error 13 Invalid User

I am trying to use's SIM payment gateway process and am using the base code provided on the developer site. The problem is I am using Master Pages with my site and the hidden field names are getting concatenated with the nested control IDs as an example: This is what the field should look like: <input type="hidden" runat=...

ASP.Net, How to ignore the MasterPage does not exist error?

Hi, dear I am working on my CMS project based on ASP.Net MVC2, I have implemented my VirtualPathProvider and VirtualFile for my master page, to use a master page in db. It works as below: I indicate the MasterPageFile in the aspx/ascx file. <%@ Page MasterPageFile="/Content.master" Then override VirtualPathProvider.GetFile to load ...

Embedding Flash on Master Page

Hi! My client request a flash header for his website. I'm using and a master page (where the code for the flash header is). My problem is that whenever I go to a page that's not in the website's root, the flash doesn't appear. I've had the same issue with pure css menus on this site... Here's the code: <div id="header"> ...

mailto: links in content body of .aspx pages don't open properly

I'm having a weird problem where mailto: links added to the body of ASP.NET pages using master pages and the asp:menu control don't work in IE8 (at least, maybe other versions). Steps to reproduce: Create new project in VS2010 (ASP.NET Web Application). Add this control to bottom of Default.aspx (I'm using VB. I'm not sure if I'd hav...

how add title and meta tags for content pages in a project base on master and content page(dynamically)

how can i add title and meta tags for content pages in a project base on master and content page(dinamically) ? i used the blow method for master page : public void SetMetaTags(string title, string description, string keywords) { // Get a reference to the HTML Head HtmlHead headTag = (HtmlHead)Page.Header; // Set the page...

Changing MasterPage control text from ContentPage but still renders old text

Hey guys/girls I have a HyperLink in my MasterPage and i want to change the text of it from a ContentPage. This is how im doing it: In masterpage i included a public property: public string LinkExampleText { set { linkExample.Text = value; } } At the top of my content page, i added the following directive: <%@ MasterType V...

Can we access content page element from master page using javascript?

Can we access an element of a content page from master page using JavaScript? Suppose I have a link like:<a id="myLink" class="styleLink runat="server"></a> in all my content pages that uses the master page. I want to add one plugin for all links which are having the css class "styleLink". I can do it by adding ('.styleLink').ToolTip() t...

alternative for value=&lt; in jsp

please provide alternative for value=< in jsp .. Thanks... ...

Is there a simple way to have multiple ContentPlaceHolder controls update independently of each other?

This is a very simple ASP.NET master page example. The master page displays 4 hyperlinks and has two ContentPlaceholder controls. The first two links are to content pages that will display in ContentPlaceHolder1, the second two links are to content pages that will display in ContentPlaceHolder2. <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup...

Changing the Master Page that Page Layout uses.

I'm making a new Article Page (publishing page) and by default it uses the default.master page. The Article pages will have a different look then the other pages. Is there away to have it use a different masterpage instead of the default.master? ...

How to include CSS in master pages ?

How do I include CSS reference in only certain pages on my website? If I include the reference in my master page, all pages of the website share the CSS reference. ...

put All jquery Scripts in master page.

Hi. i am using jquery and jquery ui plugins in my web application. and i have some server controls that they register their scripts on the page. Since my application should be work Local could i put all scripts in master page ? all scripts i mean jquery script and jquery Ui scripts such as DatePicker Dialog and effects. or is the...

How to provide ASP.NET MVC2 master pages with a model indepdent of the controller

I'm using strongly typed views and autofac for Dependency Injection under ASP.NET MVC2 and I'm trying to get a common dynamic header via dependency injection. I.e. i want this to happen without the view having to be away of this content even existing and i was hoping to avoid static discovery of the container and manual resolution, but I...

CSS and JavaScript in ASP.NET MVC 2 Pages

I have a master page that has two content sections like this (left some parts out): <head runat="server"> <link href="/Content/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="HeadContent" /> </head> <body> <div id="content"> <div id="main"> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder...

How to structure an ASPNET website using membership

Hello, i have to build a ASPNET website on which some functionalities will be available to logged in users. I'm trying to understand the right thing to to in building my pages. I've found the following code in Page_PreInit: protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Membership.GetUser() == null) //check the user.....

ASP.NET master page logo renders last and takes a while to load

My web app uses a master page which contains an 8k jpg of the company logo. Whenever I load a page or do a refresh, all of the non-master page html renders first, then the master page logo is shown, pushing all the html down a few lines. It's very annoying. Is there anything I can do to prevent that from happening? ...

Master Page Validation Issue With Default Arguments

I have implemented a helper extension method on an interface that my Master page implements called "Url" to create URLs using business logic. This allows me to do this on my Master markup... <a href="<%=this.Url("/mypage.aspx", forceHttps: true)%>">Click Me Secure</a> <a href="<%=this.Url("/mypage.aspx")%>">Click Me Not Secure</a> As...

ASP.NET MVC displaying user name from a Profile

The following is the LogOn user control from a standard default ASP.NET MVC project created by Visual Studio (LogOnUserControl.ascx): <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %> <% if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { %> Welcome <b><%: Page.User.Identity.Name %></b>! [ <%: Html.ActionLink("Log Off", "LogOff", "Accou...

Sharing master pages between web applications on the same IIS & domain

Let's say I have an IIS web site. And within it I have another web application defined as application folder not just as a virtual folder (which runs it under same process). Basically I can access my apps like http://localhost/ http://localhost/subapp Is it possible for my subapp to use master pages of the parent app? ...

How To Use Reflection To Find UserControls On A Page In A Nested MasterPage

I have a CommonMaster page that then contains a ConfigurableReportsMaster page. I then have an AutitLog.aspx page. Now, on that .aspx page I have multiple UserControls. Some of these UserControls are inheriting from an ISQLFilter interface, but not all. While on the .aspx, in a RunReport event (that currently successfully fires) I ...