matlab coding for retrievind data from another file
Hello, how to retrieve the data from m.file into another m.file? How to compare these two files? ...
Hello, how to retrieve the data from m.file into another m.file? How to compare these two files? ...
hi, i am looking for a automatic translator from Matlab to python. I downloaded and installed LiberMate but it not documented anywhere and i wasn't able to make it work. Has anybody dealt with this kind of challenge before? Any advice welcome. ...
That's basically it. I have some code in Matlab and I want to release it so anyone can make use of it. Also I'd like to prevent that the codes goes closed after me. Q: Can I choose the GPL to license it? If not, what are my choices? (Apart from stop using Matlab, which I'm already considering) EDIT I just edit it because this is mor...
Hi guys I'm using windows os. I want to choose some compilers which can support c99 to mex my cpp files. What should I do? I have installed visual c++ in my os, but I guess it does not support c99 Thanks Zhong ...
In MATLAB, is there a more concise way to handle discrete conditional indexing by column than using a for loop? Here's my code: x=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]; w=[5 3 2]; q=zeros(3,1); for i = 1:3 q(i)=mean(x(x(:,i)>w(i),i)); end q My goal is to take the mean of the top x% of a set of values for each column. The above code works, but I'm ...
I have an array of values lets say: a = 77.0000 83.3400 131.9300 131.9300 109.0600 37.6800 76.7100 189.3300 147.3300 171.0000 59.8800 72.4100 443.5000 328.1500 343.6400 343.6400 272.6000 421.8600 393.7900 353.8400 256.4200 459.0800 434.3000 419.5900 Now I want to get frequent values from 1st row of t...
I have a problem with transferring the image (RGB data) I get from Java GUI (for which I have the source code) to a MATLAB array. Can this be done? I don't know where to start since I'm not very familiar with Java programming. Any help would be appreciated. I'm a Ph.D. student and I need to solve this for my future research. ...
Possible Duplicates: MATLAB Easiest way to assign elements of a vector to individual variables. How do I do multiple assignment in MATLAB? If I have a matrix: A = [1, 5, 10], do I set a1 = A(1), b1 = B(1), etc. on one line? I want to do something like: [a1 a2 a3] = Blah(A) ...
Hey all .. I have some data which is like this: -4.999492 -0.569242 -0.681710 -4.999759 -0.805206 -0.491153 -5.349476 -0.566062 -0.470935 -4.999759 -0.805206 0.491153 -4.906714 -0.686502 0.620194 -4.999492 -0.569242 0.681710 -5.349476 -0.566062 -0.470935 -5.299752 -0.811038 -0.147914 -5.568033 -0.568687 -0.119200 -4.999492 -0.569242 -0....
I tried: new_map = containers.Map('KeyType', 'double', 'ValueType', 'double') but it doesn't work. I need a map from vector of doubles to double. .??? No constructor 'containers.Map' with matching signature found. ...
Hi, I would like to define error bars on both ends for matlab. Usually, the example of matlab would be where the error bar would take the standard deviation (E) and make it equal(symmetric) on both ends. I would like to define two points specifically apart from plotting the exact...
Hey guys. Im trying to write an algorithm for heapsort in Matlab. Its not working. The heap is constructing fine. Filling the sorted vector is not working. Here is the code and thank you! function [xs,h]= heap(x) N = length(x); h = zeros(1,N); N_h = 0; for i=1:N N_h = N_h +1; child = N_h; h(child) = x(i); while child>1 ...
i user convolution to find circle in one image,like imfilter(image,circlefilter,'same'), i find o method reckon the area of centre of a circle in image,example,size of originality image is 400*400,my reckon the area of centre'size is 40*40,in imfilter values outside the bounds of image is define set to 0, but i want set the bounds of t...
Hello, I have imported date&time data from a text file, in which it was stored as a string, to Matlab. I can convert string to numeric data and back, by using datenum and datestr commands. My problem is with creating figures. I can easily plot data against numeric date&time values, but as it is stored as a number, it is not very useful...
I have a matrix say: Q = [05 11 12 16 25; 17 18 02 07 10; 04 23 20 03 01; 24 21 19 14 09; 06 22 08 13 15] I would like to list out all the possible 3x3 matrices. Some examples are: 11 12 16; 18 2 7; 23 20 3 and 5 11 12; 17 18 2; 4 23 20; etc.. Basically all the possible 3-by-3 matrices. How do I do it? ...
I'm writing an insertion sort in MATLAB. I called my function like this: >> A = [5 4 3 2 1] A = 5 4 3 2 1 >> insertion_sort(A) but when I run it I get the error ??? Attempt to reference field of non-structure array. Error in ==> insertion_sort at 6 for j=2:original.length Here's my original c...
I'm interested in the general problem of accessing a field which may be buried an arbitrary number of levels deep in a containing structure. A concrete example using two levels is below. Say I have a structure toplevel, which I define from the MATLAB command line with the following: midlevel.bottomlevel = 'foo'; toplevel.midlevel = mi...
Lets say someone made a Matlab GUI using GUIDE. Now I want to use that code in a programmatic environment - that is no human-in-the-loop. What's the easiest way for me to "script" the human interactions with the GUI so as to manipulate the various controls in the appropriate sequence to make the tool crunch my numbers and get its results...
I'm just beginning to teach myself MATLAB, and I'm making a 501x6 array. The columns will contain probabilities for flipping 101 sided die, and as such, the columns contain 101,201,301 entries, not 501. Is there a way to 'stretch the column' so that I add 0s above and below the useful data? So far I've only thought of making a column lik...
hi i can't solve this differential equation by ode45 beacause it has sigularity. xy"=3xcos(x)+sin(x) ; x(0)=0 , x'(0)=0 can you help me to write ode45 function? ...