
Generating html surefire test html output during test phase

Hi All- I'm not sure if this is a simple question or not, but I'd like surefire to generate html formatted output files(in addition to the xml and txt formatted output files) during the test phase. I've tried to make this happen by adding an 'executions' entry for build>surefire. Is this the correct location for this? If so, am I d...

GWT 2.1 and the Codehaus Maven plugin

Has anybody managed to get the release of GWT 2.1 to work with the Codehaus Maven plugin? The 1.2 stable release does not seem to work. I found a version called 1.3.2 here in the SVN maven repo from GWT

Why does Maven disable caching for HTTP requests?

The default Maven settings for HTTP requests, such as the ones Maven uses to fetch artifacts from repositories, include the following headers: Cache-control: no-cache Cache-store: no-store Pragma: no-cache Expires: 0 Accept-Encoding: gzip This seems to be the documented behavior. The default Maven wagon for HTTP (i.e., the "lightweig...

maven multi-module assembly

Hi, I have a multi-module maven project, and I'm trying to create an assembly for the project. The assembly should be a zip file, including all of the jars from the dependent projects as well as all of the resources from those projects (this is for legacy support reasons - I know this isn't a good practice, but in this case, we really c...

Maven - resource filtering : implications of the @ symbol in resource files

I am using the Maven assembly plugin to prepare some configuration artifacts for different environments, and I am using resource filtering to substitute parameter values. I came across a weird behaviour where I had a property file with the contents as follows: ########################### # [email protected] # ################...

Maven - Installing JAR not available in public repositories (in Eclipse)

When I deploy a successfully build Maven Project, from Eclipse, to Tomcat: the application complains that the jar file is not found. Steps taken: 1) Installed JAR in local Maven repository: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=xmlrpc-1.1.jar -DgroupId=org.apache -DartifactId=xmlrpc -Dversion=1.1 -Dpackaging=jar 2) Edited the POM file in ...

When should we move to Maven 3?

Our project badly needs to move to Flexmojos4 to get a fix, but this requires Maven 3. Our project makes extensive use of Maven and we really love it, but have configured it very heavily. Between a dozen modules we probably have 50+ pages of XML configuration. We also use Eclipse and make heavy use of the M2Eclipse plug-in. We also...

From Maven, how do I run a class that lives under src/test/main ?

I have inherited a codebase :) Under src/test/java/ there's a file that I need to run (I need to run its public static void main(String[] args), not a @Test method within it). The closest I have got is: mvn -e exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.classpathScope="test" but that then fails, and it appears to be ...

Maven: how to pass parameters between Mojos?

How do I program one Mojo to set another Mojo's configuration? For example: Mojo A requires configuration parameter to be defined. A user can either specify manually or run plugin B which will calculate the value for him/her. ...

Maven war plugin not able to exlude libs in exploded war format..

Hi, I am using maven war plugin to exclude some common jar and put them in the classpath. I am able to generate war file properly which excludes specified libs and add them in the classpath but exploded war directory still contains excluded libararies. How can I generate exploded war file which use configuration of maven war plugin. ...