
How to use classes of a maven project (packaging -> maven-plugin) in another maven project (packaging -> jar)

I have created a maven plugin. I have some classes in the plugin, which I want to make available to the plugin client after execution. The problem is that a project of type maven-plugin is also a jar, so I simply can't use maven-jar-plugin and maven-install-plugin to install the jar (having the classes) as a dependency. Any ideas on ho...

Passing an enviornment variable to executed process in Maven

I've been banging my head against a wall for about an hour on this: I'm trying to pass a simple property (java.library.path) to exec-maven-plugin. The goal is to have it integrate with Netbeans Right Click file > Run File procedure. So I set my POM like this: <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo...

Injecting sql datas in a maven project without interfering with automatic tests

Hi, We have a J2ee projet providing webServices (hibernate & spring) with maven 2,named OKAPI for here. Our project is divided in 3 modules : OKAPI-core: contain pojo,dao interface, enum OKAPI-dao-hibernate : contaning dao hibernate implementation OKAPI-Service: containing : Service classes wrapping the daoclass OKAi-Web : containing th...

Generating classpath file with Maven

I'd like to generate a classpath file from pom.xml dependencies. I need it so during tests I have the classpath of all dependencies (that are later packaged into a bundle) maven-dependency-plugin does not suit me for two reasons: it generates paths to files in the repository, so to use other modules they first need to run install phas...

Seam framework, maven-ear-plugin and Jboss as 5.1.0

Can someone provide me a working example of pom.xml which is used to build and deploy ear archive on jboss 5.1.0. In my application I have two modules - web (.war archive) and java (.jar). I'm trying to accoplish the above task using the following pom.xml <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3...

Deploying a Spring app as ear to Glassfish v3 - Ambiguous DeploymentException "Module type not recognised"

Hi, I am trying to deploy an .ear to Glassfish v3. The .ear is a "Spring" application made up of two modules: domain.jar (entities, persistence) service.jar (business logic with spring bean config). I'm creating the .ear with Maven ear plugin and the resultant dir structure of the .ear is as follows: /APP-INF/lib/domain.jar;servic...

Maven and Flex Builder

Hi guys, I use Flex Builder to generate data binding for my Flex app with Blaze DS. When I compile my pp from Flex Builder everything works just fine. But when I try to compile it with Maven I has a problem with missing libraries. I discovered that maven miss the following libs: fds.swc, fds_rb.swc fiber.swc, fiber_rb.swd serializers...

Execute many commands maven (mvn install:install-file) in a project free style of Hudson.

Hello, I want to create a project *free style* using Hudson and i want to execute in it commands that installs jar in the repository of Maven by using : mvn install:install-file When i put one command it works but when i put more that one command: mvn install:install-file mvn install:install-file Hudson executes the first command onl...

Jetty runs old war altought mvn clean is run

Hi, does someone had an similar issue with maven and jetty, that jetty is run with an old war althought mvn clean is run. My pom uses failsafe to start jetty with mvn verify. ...

maven install file manually without version

How do I add a jar file to my local repository without appending the version number to the jar file? Lets say I have a jar file named abc.jar and run the following command, it will create abc-1.0.jar and if I bundle this artifact in a war file, the resulting file name will be abc-1.0.jar. If I remove the -Dversion, the command fails. If...

How to create folder for generated sources in Maven?

I have to generate sources using wsimport and i assume that it should go to /target/generated-sources/wsimport rather than /src/main/java. The problem is that wsimport needs target folder created before execution and it fails. Can I create that dir first using any maven plugin. I can do it using ant but i prefer to keep it in POM. ...

Multi-webapp Maven 2 project -- how to build a single webapp?

I have the following source layout: . ├── pom.xml ├── modules (has pom) │ ├── module1 (has pom) │ └── module2 (has pom) │ └── moduleN (has pom) └── webapp1 (has pom) └── webapp2 (has pom) webapp1 and webapp2 depends on all of the modules (the modules being DAO, services, etc). At the moment, I build everything from the root and...

How to make Jetty print logs

My project runs on Wicket+Spring+JPA/Hibernate. When I run it using the command: mvn jetty:run I'd like jetty to print logs I make in the code. I have for example the following DAO implemented: @Repository(value = "isinDao") public class IsinDaoJpa implements IsinDao { @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em; pr...

Maven Cargo Deploy During Release Perform

Is it possible to have maven do a cargo:redeploy while I am doing a release:perform? Currently, we do a release:perform which removes -SNAPSHOT from the version, builds, commits, and then increments the version. This places the final version WAR in the target/ directory but running cargo:redeploy sees the new version number in the pom.x...

How to debug Flex application under maven

I develop Flex-Java applications which is running under Apache Tomcat. I use Flex Builder plug-in for Eclipse as my IDE. My application consists of several libraries and modules. I manage all of them as a small maven (flex-mojos) projects. Does anybody can share some ideas how to setup robust debuging enviroment? ...

maven war plugin executions and filtering in a multimodule project

Hi all, I'm using maven to build a multimodule project. In one project I execute maven-war-plugin four times in order to filter some properties in every execution. As a stand alone project it works well. But when I build the multimodule, from the "parent" it executes four times, but none of them filter the properties. Thank you all!...

Make hudson automatically show pom description in its project page

Hi, I use Hudson to do continuous integration on some maven projects. For these projects, I would like to have the pom description used as content for the Hudson job description. is there a solution to automatically have this configured ? ...

Debugging Maven Web Application on already installed Glassfish using eclipse

Hello, My problem is with respect to debugging web application on an already installed glassfish using eclipse. If I create a web project using eclipse then eclipse will let be deploy and debug application on an already installed glassfish application server. However, if I have created a web project using maven archetype, eclipse does ...

Which maven2 artifacts are necessary to build a WS with CXF and Spring?

I'm trying to build a WS with Spring 3.0 and CXF. I'm following the steps of this article But in that article, the authors assume that you have cxf installed. I'd like to embed CXF in my .war. Thanks in advance. ...

m2eclipse buildpath mess up

Hi, Being a newbie with maven, I've set up a new project with the archetype "webapp" and try to build from that. My project structure is as follow : src/main/resources for production classes, and src/main/test for unit tests. Everything is working fine but when i use the m2eclipse menu "update project configuration", the build-path mes...