
Maven dependency versioning and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Hi all, I have a Java project X has dependency (in pom file) on project Y. I was modifying in Y and build X,Y with Maven tool then runing X (on JBoss) without problems. When I added new class in Y then building with Maven (without problems), then running X, it throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for the new class. I think its a Mav...

Using Maven for C/C++ projects

I'm putting Maven build around cluster of amateur, poorly written and frankly - primitive C/C++ code (meaning some C, some C++). Problem is - there's lots of it in circulation currently and cannot be easily replaced. Building it requires a lot of tribal knowledge (you have to go from cube to cube just to find out how to compile/build var...

Cargo not working over proxy integrated with maven 2

Hello, I have integrated Cargo plugin in my maven 2 project POM.xml. During hot deployment I am unable to connect to my Tomcat container that is available across a proxy. My maven settings.xml already contain proxy setting but cargo is not picking it up. I tried defining proxy settings for Cargo plugin expilicitly but that too didn't ...

If I run mvn deploy does it build new artifacts or it just deploy the already existing artifacts in to the remote server?

Note: This question has been originally posted by Lahiru Gunathilake as an answer to another question. I'm moving it here as a separated question for the sake of clarity. When we are doing a release we just build in our local machine and do the QA and then we host it in to repository. If we run mvn deploy does it create new artifacts, ...

Eclipse settings affect Maven command-line build?

Most of our projects are built with Maven, and some of them use classes in the com.sun package. That's a bad practice, but there's not much I can do about it. For a while this didn't seem to be a big problem. Then, at some point, builds started failing for me with errors such as the following: java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation pr...

Nexus: Configure jarvana as a remote repository -- what's the URL?

I'm converting an Ant build system to use a local Nexus mirror (1.3.6), and can't seem to get Nexus to proxy Jarvana repository. One of our dependencies is jython 2.5, which is available only on Jarvana. I had no problem configuring other repository proxies, such as at For Jarvana I've tried...

maven archetype:generate parameter goals

I have the need to create for a custom archetype. But just to expand and filter files as the archetype plugin supports is not enough, I need to do some more customization after the files got expanded. Now I've seen that the plugin supports a parameter called 'goals' and the docu says this about it: 'Additional goals that can be specified...

How to remove generated build artefacts from Maven's target directory?

How to remove generated build artefacts from Maven's target directory? Maven generates a jar or war file to target directory. I'd like to remove that file after maven has installed the jar/war file to local repository (that is, after maven has executed the 'install' goal). The remove could happen either at install goal or separate goal I...

Where should I put shared testing utilities in a multi-module Maven project?

I probably sholdn't obsess about this too much, but my project has a very structured layout that I have become very fond of. Having that much structure has actually proven to be useful, this time, so I don't really want it to become messy again. To start with, each module consists of several Java packages: com.mycompany.mysoftware.modu...

What apps have nifty maven poms and are good as examples of maven capabilites

I'm looking for applications that have "rich" maven pom(s) and can show lot of maven capabilities(plugins). These applications are needed as showcase examples - how fast and how many this can be done with maven and appropriate set of plugins. There are no constraint to technology or application type - it must be opensorce and easy to bu...

Deploying an assembly to a FTP server using Maven 2

I have a project divided into several sub-modules (each of them are jar libraries): myapp myapp-commons myapp-client myapp-server I've configured my pom.xml in order to create 3 assemblies (, oracle.tar.gz and server.tar.gz) that are finally stored in the myapp/target directory. I want now is to distribute two of...

How to get the values of server defined in the settings.xml to use them in my pom.xml?

I know I can retrieve some settings.xml parameters using properties, like, for example ${settings.localRepository} to get the location of the local repository. Now imagine my settings.xml contains the following servers definition: <servers> <server> <id>server-dev</id> <username>devuser</username> <password>devpass</password> <...

Maven: avoid deploying project package-implied artifact during standard build lifecycle

Hi, Is it possible to avoid deploying the artifact that is built according to the project packaging during 'deploy:deploy' processing? I mean the following: suppose we have a 'pom.xml' for web application and define packaging type as 'war'; we want to assemble either '.war'_ artifact or '.zip'_ that contains our application as well a...

How can the user-agent be changed in Maven?

How can I change the user-agent in Maven? I need to be able to change this to get through the company firewall. I am using version 2.2.1 and I noticed an improvement in the 2.0.10 release notes: [MNG-3652] - set a user agent for Maven HTTP requests. ...

Creating a libs folder in maven

First of all I should state that I understand that typically with Maven this is not how you should do things... What I am looking for is how you would deploy maven artifacts to a repository existing in the lib folder of your project. I know how to add a repository on my local filesystem to pom.xml like this... <repositories> ...

Howto use maven in a heterogenous environment with different encodings?

I've created a svn repositoy on a linux server (Debian) and used a client on a windows machine to check my java sources in. Now I've set up a Hudson server on a different linux server (Ubuntu) to periodically run tests on my code. But the tests fail with a compiler error: Error: unmappable character for encoding ASCII On my windows ...

Include Maven dependencies in the assembly war?

Hi I am creating an assembly with packaging=war. I need to include few of the jars, which have been declared as project dependencies in pom.xml in my war (web-inf/lib) How can I do this? Edited on 15/10- My project creates few assemblies, one of which is supposed to give packaging of type-war. Some jar files, which are dependencies f...

Maven - Include Different Files at Build Time

I have ten WAR files, all of which have nearly identical code and markup. The only differences lie in the images, CSS and Messages. I hit on the concept of Profiles but I haven't quite groked it yet and I'm not sure if this can handle what I need it to do. Basically, I want a base project with different profiles for the 10 different WAR...

Include one Maven assembly inside another ?

Hi My project generates 3/4 assemblies, 3 jars and 1 war.[I need to use assemblies itself] I need to include 2 of these assembly jars into my war. How can I ensure that before assembly war creation , other 2 jars are created ? Please respond ...

How do I add 3rd-party OSGi bundles to a deployment package with Maven?

I'm building my application to run in an OSGi container. I use Maven and the Maven Bundle Plugin from Apache Felix to set up the OSGi manifests for my own modules and that works great. Now, I'm deploying my bundles into an OSGi container together with several 3rd party libraries. Some of these are already OSGi-fied when I get them from ...