
Quick Turnaround with Maven and OSGi

I'm looking for a developmentn model with fast turnaround times when developing a multi-module, maven built, OSGi application. Actually, the best solution seems to be Pax Construct's maven plugin (which in turn calls Pax Runner) for provisioning maven generated bundles. However, I didn't find a way howto deploy to a running OSGi contain...

GWT/Maven/Eclipse - Development Mode: URL not showing in Eclipse (only JavaEE version!)

Hi, I followed instructions on how to setup a maven gwt project using the gwt-maven-plugin. It works nicely, and under a 64-bit version of eclipse downloaded for Windows, with Java packages added later via EPP update sites, it works beautifully. However, on my mac, with eclipse downloaded directly from website as a pre-built, JavaEE bund...

Running a task post maven install

Hi, I want to run a simple exec command post maven install phase. What is the simplest way possible to achieve this? (without adding new plugins) ...

Transitive dependencies on bundles?

Hi, when using bundle as the packaging of a maven artifact, I seem to lose all information about transitive dependencies. So if artifact A depends on artifact B and B is packaged as a bundle, A does not see the maven dependencies that B has. This leads to lots of issues with maven plugins used in A's POM that need this information (such...

Maven - Can I reference profile id in profile definition?

In pom.xml I have set o profiles like this: <profile> <id>profileId1</id> <build> <filters> <filter>src/main/filters/</filter> </filters> // rest of the profile </profile> <profile> <id>profileId2</id> <build> <filters> <filter>src/main/filters/profileId2.prop...

Surefire is not picking up Junit 4 tests

For some reason I cannot get Maven 2 Surefire plugin to execute JUnit 4 test class. public class SimpleTest { @org.junit.Test public void simple() { System.out.println("foo"); } } However if I change this class to be JUnit-3 like, such as public class SimpleTest extends junit.framework.TestCase { public void testBar() {...

JAVA_HOME gets mangled by Maven

I'm retrofitting bunch of existing Java projects with unified Maven build. Since each project is mature and has established Ant based build all I'm using maven-antrun-plugin to execute existing build.xml as follows: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execut...

Generating javadoc for project involving scala modules

If I have a project which has some of its modules in scala (ie java modules, scala modules side by side) - how have people solved combining scaladoc generated HTML with javadoc generated to provide a single view of the documentation for the project? (this could be using maven, or ant, more a general question). Any thoughts and experi...

What version numbering scheme to use?

I'm looking for a version numbering scheme that expresses the extent of change, especially compatiblity. Apache APR, for example, use the well known version numbering scheme <major>.<minor>.<patch> example: 4.5.11 Maven suggests a similar but more detailed schema: <major>.<minor>.<patch>-<qualifier>-<build number> example: 4.5.11...

Maven Cobertura OutOfMemoryError

I am using Maven site:run to generate a cobertura code coverage... The following is my pom.xml configuration for cobertura: <reporting> ... <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>cobertura-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> </plugin> ...

Updating .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file in a maven project

I working with a maven project in eclipse and am having trouble with getting the deployment to work without some manual editing of xml files. When I build the project through maven I get a org.eclipse.wst.common.component xml file in my .settings folder. The file looks like the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project...

Any best practices or tools for Ivy repositories?

we use Gradle for building Java projects and at the moment we have Ivy repositories to store third-party artifacts and also to publish our own artifacts into (repo is build using Gant scripts and the Ivy ANT tasks). but repo management is basic. Gradle is able to work with a maven repo as well, so switching to a Maven artifact manager l...

Deploying simple scala app(non-webapp) managed with maven

I am new to the java/scala stack in general. So far I have a relatively simple scala application (not a webapp) setup and built build with maven2, and I'd like to be able to deploy the output to one or more production server (ubuntu on EC2, but that shouldn't matter I assume)? My main questions are: 1) What's the best way to get all the...

What is the difference between an EAR file and a "WebSphere Enhanced EAR"?

Supposing that I have a standard EAR file (and the source files that were used to generated it,) what additional processing needs to be done to convert it to an IBM WebSphere "Enhanced EAR"? Another way to ask this question would be to ask, "What is the difference between an Enhanced EAR and a standard EAR?" I'm very aware that there i...

maven on windows, will gitbash be enough?

From what I am reading, to run maven on a windows computer I need to download cygwin. Can I get away with gitbash? ...

if I open my spring app in eclipse and netbeans, will they both create their own files?

If I open my application in both eclipse and netbeans (having created the file layout using maven), will both eclipse and netbeans create their own project file? I know netbeans has an option of opening an existing project, but not sure if it will add files to my project? ...

Grails acegi plugin classes not added to maven

I created a grails 1.2.0 project using the acegi plugin 0.5.2 which works very well. To integrate the project into our companies build infrastructure I need to build it via maven. So I converted it to a maven project using the grails maven integration which worked quite well too. There is one problem: I have a Java class CustomUserDe...

How to configure maven hbm2hbmxml and hbm2java to run one after the other in mvn clean install

Hi, I need to be able to call mvn clean install and have maven call hibernate3:hbm2hbmxml to generate the mapping files from a database and after than call hbm2java to get the Java files and then have maven compile those newly created Java files. Has anyone done this before? Thanks ...

How do I include configuration files with Maven Appassembler?

I'm using the Maven Appassembler plugin to package my application. I'd like to package some configuration files with the application. I've found the configurationDirectory and includeConfigurationDirectoryInClasspath parameters, but I haven't found how I should create (and populate) that configuration directory. I've tried putting the fi...

Project templates Eclipse / Java

Hi, I am researching possibilities to create "project templates" for the kind of projects my team is working on (Embedded Java). We want to make it trivial for a new developer to not mess up creating a new project. All the tools we use in our team should be pr The basic idea is that there should be one command to set up a project and I...