
How to share database properties in Maven 3 multi modules projects?

Let's assume there are 2 applications. The POM hierarchy might look like this: parent --> system A --> system B Both systems are supposed to be able to connect to the same database. Each system has 2 profiles: Development (embedded DB) and Production (MySQL). How can I use Maven to share the database connection information ...

How to override/prevent Maven Install Plugin behavior

Hi all, this is an odd request but here is the scenario. I am writing custom maven plugins that basically manipulate build versions then will install or deploy the modified jar. The plugin is called both via command line and a build profile. The plugins all have similar behavior, so the solution will work for all. Currently I am manipu...

Support for multi-line properties in Maven filtering?

Is there a way to support multi-line values in a used by Maven's filtering mechanism? I have several that are like this (they are the Base64-encoded version of a certificate, like the one below). Making it a single-line value is possible, but not that great when editing. MIICQDCCAakCBEeNB0swDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwZzELMAkG...

Running the same plugin multiple times in Maven

I'm using maven-minify-plugin. It can produce only one output file. I need to produce two minified js files. One from one set of files, the other from another set of files. Can I somehow trick Maven into running two different configurations for the same plugin? Thanks for help, Yuri. ...

Maven Exec Plugin not using system path on windows?

How can this not work in windows? <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2</version> <executions> <execution> <id>deploy-dev-ssh</id> <phase>install</phase> <goals> <goal>exec</goal> </goals> </execution> </execut...

Eclipse + Subversion (subclipse) + Maven (m2eclipse) multi-module project

I have some related legacy projects that are a mess and I would like to mavenize them as a multi-module project shared on subversion (first multi-module project, we've always had them separate). There are a few key parts 1) webservice, 2) model, 3) various swing clients, 4) model (w/ persistence from hibernate), 5) core JSE tasks. I've...

WEB Logic throughs java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: FeatureForm when I compile and deploy a change in my eclipse maven project

Hello all, I just started using Maven with eclipse and deploy my application to web logic. When I do a clean install for the first time, my maven project builds and deploy successfully. after that, when I make any change to the source code or jsps.. I do a pre-clean install to update the project. Now, everytime I do pre-clean install a...

on save compile and deploy with maven eclipse and weblogic

Hi All, I just started maven in general and m2eclipse in specific. What I have been doing before is follow: 1)Deploy my application to tomcat. 2) make any changes to the java or jsp files. 3) save and run the application again ( no restart is neccessary unless I changed a config file). now, everytime I make a minor change to my maven...

Can we specify a specific user settings.xml to use via pom.xml ?

Hi, I would like to know if someone found a trick to specify a settings.xml file in a (parent) pom.xml. The goal is to avoid every developer to have their own -possibly "customize"- version of those settings. Instead it would be set on a central location on the corporate network. I'm aware of the "-s" that works on the command-line, b...

Maven - Installing JAR not available in public repositories (in Eclipse)

When I deploy a successfully build Maven Project, from Eclipse, to Tomcat: the application complains that the jar file is not found. Steps taken: 1) Installed JAR in local Maven repository: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=xmlrpc-1.1.jar -DgroupId=org.apache -DartifactId=xmlrpc -Dversion=1.1 -Dpackaging=jar 2) Edited the POM file in ...

change maven j2ee deploy name

hi, I'm developing an app in maven and it's deploy name is concatenation of artifactId + "_" + groupId + "_" + "packaging" + "_" + version which is pretty ugly. And I'm lookuping for an EJB and I would need to change the uri after eventual version change. Do you know how to change this deploy name? I'm deploying it via netbeans. ...