
Why can't maven compiler resolve class from depedency?

Eclipse can build this project, the dependency jar is in the local repository, the compiler lists the jar. I'm using Eclipse Helios with Maven Integration For Eclipse (0.10.2); And yet it fails because the compiler can't resolve PropertiesEditor from spring-beans-2.5.6.jar. Here is the full report from the build http://wellingtonpeopl...

Pom/Project Properties via Eclipse maven2

I packaging my java project with maven, using the M2 Plug in Eclipse I need to provide a value for the following pom property (module_version), for local packaging this will have a value like “local-SNAPSHOT” <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>server</artifactId> <packaging>jar</packaging> <version>${module_version}</vers...

Maven Resource Error with Fast-MD5

I'm a Maven newb so this is probably simple. Relative sections of POM are: <dependency> <groupId>fast-md5</groupId> <artifactId>fast-md5</artifactId> <version>2.5</version> <type>pom</type> </dependency> and: <repository> <id>jboss-public-repository-group</id> <name>JBoss Public Maven Repository G...

How to use variables for classpath definition in eclipse launch configurations?

In our project we use Eclipse launch configurations which are under version control to be shared with all developers. Now it is necessary to include an external archive to a launch configuration file's classpath. Fortunately the required archive is in every developer's local Maven repository. I already found out that there is a classpath...

Including scala-library.jar in Maven generated package

I'd like to use Maven to include all the dependencies needed to run any Scala programs I write. I imagine this would mean at least scala-library.jar as well as any libraries I may use. I don't mind where these dependencies are stored (inside the generated JAR or outside), I'm just looking for a solution that sets up stuff like the manif...

Maven - How to find correct groupId/artifactId to include dependency in POM

In general, what is the best strategy for finding the groupId and artifactId for a well-known dependency for use in a Maven POM? For example, how would I find the correct entry for the MySQL JDBC driver? It's not mentioned on the site, so I would usually spend time looking for another POM that already uses the Maven repository ...

hudson and building scripts

I have some code I run against other code. Let say command x runs code blah.c I have written a script to check to see if that command executed successfully. I am able to determine this. I will be running the script in the execute build box available in hudson. I need to know who to fail the build if any of there code tests fail. meani...

Complie issue with Custom GWT project strcuture

I am working on a gwt module that is built using maven build system. I had a working module that had the following project structure. project-name/src/main/java/pkg1/pkg2/pkg3/EntryPoingClass project-name/src/man/resources/pkg1/pkg2/ModuleDef.gwt.xml The module definition was looking like this (I have put only this project speci...

maven SNAPSHOT workings

Currently maven Snapshots are created whenever a new build is ran. I was hoping if there is syntax that only stamps them when there is SCM change in that build or code in a particular jar has changed. Your ideas and thoughts would be appreciated. Please and thank you. ...

Working with Multiple Maven Projects Simultaneously

Project 1: Foo Project 2: Bar If Foo depends on Bar, and both are in Maven, how do you work on Bar and Foo, so that if you need to make a small tweak in Bar, in order to fix something in Foo you can make that change to Bar and then run Foo and see that change? Right now I have the Maven dependency, but I feel like deploying to maven an...

Maven and GWT (and Eclipse) - Does it really work?

Over the past few days I have been trying to create/run a project in Eclipse using the gwt-maven-plugin and keep running into roadblocks (see some of my previous questions). I like to use Maven to do my builds, but I'm at the point where I'm thinking of going the Ant build route because of the complications of using Maven. Does anyone ...

Auto-configure Scala facet in IntelliJ IDEA for mixed Scala/Java Maven project

How do I get IntelliJ to auto-configure the Scala facet in a Maven project with mixed Scala and Java source code? I am using Scala Plugin Nightly for Maia Build 2099. mvn compile and mvn test both work from the command prompt and from the Maven Projects panel in IntelliJ. However, if I try to run ScalaSpec directly in IntelliJ it prese...

What does M1 mean in a maven repository?

I've been using maven for a while, and I often review repositories before selected what version I want to use. I don't entirely understand what the extensions mean. I know that when I see extensions like -RC1 and -RC2 that means release candidates. When I see a version without an extension, I assume that means a released version. Bu...

platforms for large software projects (OSGi or alternatives?)

They is kind of an open-ended question. Anyways, here at work we've got a few very large Java EE software projects. Here's a quick description of our projects: They are divided into a few dozen Maven projects. Some of those projects change on every release; others don't change for months. All are Maven/Spring-driven. Is OSGi the ri...

How to build multiple configurations of an artifact (e.g. WAR etc.) with Maven?

Hi, due to the modular nature of some of our current applications, we have a need to understand how to setup Maven to produces mutliple configurations of the same artifact (in our case a WAR file), combinations of BOTH deployment level (dev, test, production) AND localised (gb, fr, es etc.)? We're looking for something like: artifact-gb...

Is anyone using Maven/NAR for any large scale C/C++ projects?

And, what has your experience been? Do you think that Maven has been well suited to your project, and how would you advise others on following your path? Thanks in advance! ...

What should I included (using maven) to have use an embedded sesame repository in my Java application

I would like to use an embedded openRDF sesame repository in my Java application. I can not find information what is a minimum set of libraries that I need to include -- place in my pom.xml -- in my Java application to have it running. Can anybody give me a hint or a link to a website that would help me? ...

Generate Flex project files using Maven

I've got a Java/Flex project that I'm building using Maven. After doing some research I'm using the Flexmojos project ( for the Flex part, and almost everything seems to work fine so far (after a bit of struggling). I'm using version 4.0-alpha-5 (4.0-SNAPSHOT didn't seem to work for me). The Flex projects ...

Application run well from eclipse, but fails to start, when it is deployed manually

I have web application using SpringFramework3.0.3.RELEASE, developed in Eclipse with m2eclipse plugin and deployed into Tomcat6.0.26. I can run it from Eclipse, but when copy target WAR int same tomcat instance ( removing WTP webapp first ) and restart I see following exception: Sep 14, 2010 5:54:42 PM org.apache.catalina.core.Applicati...

Failed to instantiate class<My_Class_Name> using org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.IsolatedClassLoader@135ae7e

I am trying to test that my two coherence clusters are communicating with each other successfully. Everything seems to be running fine besides the Proxys which throw the exception. Failed to instantiate class<My_Class_Name> using org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.IsolatedClassLoader@135ae7e I am trying to run the following command fro...