
Maven 2 <resources> inheritance (parent -> child project)

(also posted on maven-users) Wondering if anyone can shed some light on inheritance of the elements in pom.xml as relates to resource processing and the WAR plugin. The documentation for the pom [1] has resources listed under "Elements in the POM that are merged". Some experimentation on my local poms against maven 2.2.1 don't appear ...

How to get informative compile error messages when using flexmojos-maven-plugin?

I'am using flexmojos-maven-plugin to build my Flex module. So on the compile phase I'm getting org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Error compiling! with no information on where (at what source file) the error happens and what is nature of the compile error. I'll appreciate if anyone can instruct me on how to make flexm...

Broken console in Maven project using Netbeans

Hi, I have strange problem with my Neatens+Maven installation. This is the shortest code to reproduce the problem: public class App { public static void main( String[] args ) { // Create a scanner to read from keyboard Scanner scanner = new Scanner (; Scanner s= new Scanner(; String pa...

How do I rebuild hibernate3.jar from the 3.5.2 distribution?

I made some changes to the hibernate source and need to rebuild hibernate3.jar. I tried "mvn deploy" but I get a 401 (trying to upload to the jboss repository, which I don't want to do). I followed the instructions here: . I'm basically unpacking hibernate-3.5.2.GA.tar.gz, enter...

how to use NCover (free) in maven builds

Just an inquiry on how to integrated NCover (free) in .Net project (maven build) I looked at hudson but I guess I can't use it in maven. Thanks! ...

How do I get my custom Maven Reporting Plugin to appear under the Project Reports in the generated site?

I have written a new maven reporting plugin and it executes when the site is generated and produces and output html file. How do i get the Project Reports section of the site to contain a link to it? ...

Continuous Integration Hosting for Open Source projects

Hi all, I would like to integrate continuous integration with my projects. My projects are currently up on github. Any ideas what I can use to provide hosted continuous integration? I know Cruise Control and Hudson are ideal candidates as well as Bamboo. I just need to document it and have paper work for that. Thanks, Walter ...

Maven Ant Task: Replace property in pom.xml when executing Maven from Ant

In my Ant script, i'm executing Maven like this: <artifact:mvn pom="${basedir}/pom.xml"> <arg value="glassfish:deploy" /> </artifact:mvn> In my pom.xml, there is a property: <properties> <glassfish.home>${env.GLASSFISH}</glassfish.home> </properties> This value should be replaced by a value thats provided by the Ant Script. Is ...

how to solve a maven cycling problem?

Hi, I have this dependency situation: C (->) B -> A -> C where B->C means that module C has a dependency to B in its pom.xml. Well...i want to use a class from B in C so i have to put C->B BUT i receive a cycling error as you can see above... Do you see any workaround? I CANNOT move that class from B in C because it already use...

How to create a jaxb.index file on the fly using Ant (or Maven)

Hi, This is more of knowledge sharing rather than asking a question. Thought this little Ant snippet might be useful to someone. <target name="create-jaxb-index" depends="compile"> <!-- Create a suitable jaxb.index file on the fly to remove the need for an ObjectFactory jaxb.index is a simple list of the domain objects wit...

Where can i find the DTD or XML Schema of surefire generated XML (TEST-<testname>.xml) file?

Where can i find the DTD or XML Schema of surefire generated XML (TEST-.xml) file? ...

Flash Builder 4 code navigation disables for imported maven projects

Hello, has anyone encountered the following trouble with Flash Builder 4 Eclipse plugin: after I import some flash projects from poms (import -> existing maven projects) and set their type to flex library or flex project manually, flash builder code navigation stops working for these projects - you cant' click on method name to go to its...

Maven confused about JRE been used.

First off, I'm new to Maven, hence my problem might have a simple solution. I've created a project in eclipse and added maven dependencies. In Eclipse, it says that I am using JRE 1.5. Everything works fine in Eclipse, for instance, I can run my tests. When I try to run mvn clean install from the terminal, it gives me the following er...

Standard maven layout for a web application, do my .properties files go?

Assuming I have a .properties file and hibernate.cfg.xml in a standard maven web application layout where should they be placed so that they are included in my .war file when I run package? src/main/resources src/main/java src/main/webapp src/main/config ? ...

Maven getting stuck at a website

I use maven to build projects and it gets stuck at repository. What is the way around it? ...

How do you keep Hudson from giving Maven the -B option for builds?

When Hudson goes to build my project, it executes Maven as follows: Executing Maven: -B -f /path/to/root/pom.xml clean install This works fine on most projects. (The -B is for "batch" or "non-interactive mode", BTW). But for this one project that uses AndroMDA (which I can't recommend for future projects, it's really a pain-in-the-b...

Problem using Maven to obtain Flash Builder 4 Libraries?

My question is related to this one, but is not exactly the same: Given that Maven will happily download all the correct version of all the swc's of the Flex SDK, it seems that I could point to those from the Library setti...

What are the advantages/disadvantages of using Maven?

I would like to know the reasons people use or not use Maven. We are about to switch all our builds to Maven 2 and don't have to much experience with it. What are the advantages/disadvantages of using Maven 2, stuff like: Why did you switch to maven? Why did you throw maven away and used something else? What problem did it solve ...

Maven ejb client source - is there a consistent/easy way?

Hey all, I'm using the maven-ejb-plugin to generate an ejb-client version of an ejb project. I have a separate entity/domain project where I make a -sources version for use with GWT. I'm currently running into issues as to where to put persistence.xml for various unit test frameworks (some want it in the entity/domain, others ejb, some...

Resolving maven dependencies

Inovking maven2 goal "mvn dependency:list" on an artifact pom causes to download the whole dependent artifact packages. i think only those pom files are necessary for resolving dependencies. Aren't they? ...