
How to keep plug-in manifest version and pom version in sync in Maven with Tycho

I am using Maven with Tycho to build an eclipse plugin. Tycho generates the pom.xml file for Maven by inspecting the manifest file of the plugin. Now both the manifest file and the pom file have the version of the plugin and they need to be kept in sync manually. This is because I have done some customization in the generated pom file an...

Change properties in pom.xml at runtime with Maven Ant Tasks. Is it Possible?

I have the following use case: My application is started with an Ant Script, which asks the user several questions about the project configuration (database settings etc.). These settings are stored in a properties-file. Then i want to run Maven from within my Ant script by Maven Ant Tasks, which should replace the pre-defined properti...

Maven: Finding out whether running in a 32 or a 64 bit JVM

How can I enable or disable a maven profile based on whether the VM that is executing maven is a 32 bit or a 64 bit JVM? I tried this: <activation> <os> <arch>x86</arch> </os> </activation> or amd64 respectively to detect a 32/64 bit VM, but this fails on a 32 bit VM running on a 64 bit Windows as it activates the 64 bit...

Reading POM's with its children

Based on the post it is mentioned (By Brett Porter) that a POM can be read. What i need is to read not only a single pom. I need to read the whole tree of pom's in a multimodule build. Starting with the root pom and it should read automatically the child pom's if it's possible? I need to do this in separate Java Code not in relationship ...

Eclipse + m2eclipse plugin + EAR module dependencies

Hi, I'm trying to create an eclipse project from scratch using m2eclipse plugin to help resolving dependencies. The project consists of the following modules: test-ear test-ejb test-war The ear references both other projects, and pom files are ready and working in each project. Still I have one situation: Instead of just maven buil...

Dependencies for Axis2 1.5.1 generated stubs

Hi, I have server side java stubs created with wsdl2java from axis2 1.5.1. I'm trying to integrate these stubs into the grander application, but I'm having a heck of a time getting the axis2 1.5.1 dependencies down. Im using Maven2 to control dependencies. As of now I am loading most dependencies from a local library directory with all...

Pushing code from Maven builds into Eclipse plugins

Starting point: a heap of Java code built in Maven (and edited and debugged in Eclipse via the maven-eclipse-plugin). Desired end point: an Eclipse plugin that puts a UI around some of it. Question: What's the shortest path in terms of tools? The maven-eclipse-plugin documentation suggests that it might have a contribution to make to th...

How to suppress Maven "Unable to find resource" messages?

How can I tell Maven to suppress the "Unable to find resource" INFO messages for repositories in which it cannot find a dependency, but display those where it does find the dependency? That is, display the hits, but omit the misses since these drown out and obscure the hits. For example, instead of this output: Downloading: http://do...

ANTLR IDE does not find the grammar files that need to be imported in another grammar file(in the import package)

I have set up my ANTLR project to build using maven just like it is mentioned here I also have the ANTLR IDE plugin for eclipse. Maven builds my project fine and finds all the file it needs to build. However, when I try to use the ANTLR IDE in my eclipse for development, it does not fi...

Problem with Google Web Toolkit Maven Plugin

I got an error following the PetClinic GWT application in less then 30 minutes Any idea? SOLVED after delete the C:\Users\user.m2 directory C:\Users\user\Desktop\petclinic>mvn -e gwt:run + Error stacktraces are turned on. [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [IN...

Wrong effective-pom output

When calling help:effective-pom in some child modules position, the output prints wrong path. some url like .../${groupId}/${some_other_sibling's_artifactId}/... This is also make site deploy wrong. Can anybody help? ...

Trouble getting started with Spring Roo and GWT

I am trying to get started with SpringRoo and GWT after seeing the keynote... unfortunately I am stuck at this issue. I successfully created the project using Roo and added the persistence, the entities and when I perform the command "perform package" I get this error: 23/5/10 12:10:13 AM AST: [ERROR] ApplicationEntityTypesProcessor ca...

How to include NetBeans Platform Source code into module dependencies

I am debugging a NetBeans Platform application. I have downloaded the NetBeans Platform source code .zip file. I would really really like to attach the source code to the debugger so that I can seamlessly jump to internal NB source code. Normally I would edit the Library configuration to tell NB where to find the source code, and it w...

Setting up a maven-web project(from an existing netbeans-maven-web one)

So, I want to change a project here in my company to work with some IDE agnostic settings. I have a very small experience with setting Java applications with Tomcat(I can barely remember how it worked). So, to help making our newest applications, independent from IDE's we are using Maven, which currently builds our spring applications n...

Is Maven a tool I want to use if I'm building a non-web app?

Guys, I've got to build a GUI to be run on Desktops in Java. I'm decently new to Java, and I"m trying to understand what Maven is best suited for. Is this the type of application that would be well suited for Maven? Could someone just give me a 100 word explanation of what Maven basically is? Thanks, Joe ...

is there a tool in Eclipse like command line ?

so that you can type os commands right in Eclipse? calls to mvn for example.. ...

delete the 'target' directory after build

hi, i know this is probably frowned upon by maven lovers, but the whole 'target' directory is a waste of space in the context of our program and it's deployment. we have other build processes responsible for creating the actual deployment and i currently manually delete the target dir after every maven build, so that its contents don't ...

Eclipse project artefacts in Maven repository

I want to use some of the libraries produced by the Eclipse project through Maven. I 've had a look at the main Maven repo and while it looks like that there are a few projects already imported, their versions are old and some important ones are missing (e.g. cdt). Is there any Eclipse project official Maven repository? If not, what woul...

Exception while allowingTestExecutionListener for JUnit test under Spring

Hi. I have two JUnit tests. Separately,under Eclipse,they ran OK. In case they were ran by mvn clean install command separately (one of the test was disabled),that all were OK also. When both tests are enabled, that mvn clean install failed with stack: 18:37:40,964 ERROR main TestContextManager:258 - Caught exception while allowing...

Adding java source (.java files) to test jar in Maven

Hi all, I'm making use of my pom.xml and am was able to generate the jar for src/main/java (say app.jar) as well as for src/test/java (say app-test.jar). I was also able to include my java sources as part of the app.jar (i.e. have both my .class as well as my .java files in the jar). However for my app-test.jar, i'm not able to include...