
Deploying non Maven based module src and tests jar to Archiva in a single transaction

Is it possible to use Maven deploy:deploy-file or similar to deploy your main src jar snapshot and the test src jar snapshot to Archiva so that it results in a single entry? Currently I have an Ant project which has jars I want publishing to Archiva and here is how I am doing it: <!--Main Src Jar--> <exec executable="${maven.bin}" dir...

Can Maven download from various repositories (SVN) in one execution?

Hi, Im using maven to build a multi module project. But some projects are in a different svn server. I know it is not a good practice, but that choice was made following some considerations. Anyway, everything works fine, but I'm not able to find a way to checkout projects from an alternate repository location. Is this possible? Than...

How to integrate maven generated vaadin project into eclipse vaadin plugin?

Eclipse Vaadin plugin has cool autobuild feature. Just clicking "restart application" in debug console will bring up to date application version to live. Unfortunately importing maven generated vaadin project(using m2e) and copy-pasting .project buildCommands and natures from vaadin eclipse plugin generated project does not works. I...

Merge XML files with configurable rules (context: Maven POMs, Java)

Hi, I'm currently writing some kind of a Maven POM preprocessor that assembles a POM for a project from multiple input files (basically a template and a module specific file). The files are hierarchically ordered (template = most general, module specific = least general). The problem is now to merge these files into a single POM file. ...

eclipse + maven + tomcat debugging

I'm developping a web application in Eclipse and I'm using maven, spring and tomcat. Now the problem I have is that debug as => debug on server doesn't work. I just get exceptions. (and yes I've created the server) If I use the mvn command to compile it, put the war in my tomcat webapps dir and start my tomcat the application works fine...

Error during maven/ant build: "[java] Timestamp response not valid"

My maven build started failing randomly, and it got the following error which I cannot make sense of, and googling it doesn't give me anything useful: [echo] Creating a full package... [java] Timestamp response not valid [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [INFO] ----------...

Debugging my Maven2 plugin in Eclipse

I've written a plugin for Maven2 in Eclipse. How can I run the plugin in debug mode in Eclipse? If possible, I'd like to avoid remote debugging an external process and I'd also like to avoid installing plugins into Eclipse. ...

Maven Buildnumber plugin - Git

Hi all, The Maven Buildnumber plugin doesn't appear to work with GIT yet. Is there a workaround for the time being? I recently switched from SVN to GIT and have found it to be an easy transition, but this is the only thing that I don't have working presently. Walter ...

Maven Quick-start Guide

I'm tasked with getting a development environment set up for a new program at work. The lead has chosen Eclipse as the IDE for its OSGi support and Maven as the build utility. I've struggled through getting Maven integrated with Eclipse and I'm grudgingly declaring success and moving forward. My question: is there any sort of guide to ...

Maven and bit-for-bit identical builds

If your project requirements for a large application with many 3rd party dependencies included: 1) Maintain a configuration management system capable of reproducing from source bit-for-bit identical copies of any build for 25 years after the original build was run and 2) Use Maven2 as a build tool to compile the bui...

maven project with netbeans compiles fully on every run

I was experimenting with Netbeans 6.8 (I'm currently an Eclipse user) because I like having a profiler built into the IDE. It seems that for maven projects, netbeans does a full compile (it invokes process-classes) every time I try to run the project, as opposed to Eclipse, which uses the incremental Java compiler. Is there a way to avoi...

Netbeans 6.8 groovy files in src/main/java

I have a new netbeans maven/groovy project, and I actually prefer to mix my java and groovy files in src/main/java and src/test/java (I find it easier to navigate this way and my pom reflects this configuration). However, when I have my project setup this way in Netbeans 6.8, it always shows the generated-sources folder in error. The stu...

Invoke Maven-Module build from intellij

Hi All I was wondering if someone knows a way to invoke a specific maven module build from IntelliJ that will also build ( or use already compiled classes ) from depended modules. So for instance if I would like to build the module "Model" in the picture and only it , it seems reasonable for me to click the package step on it. But what...

mvn scala:script -DscriptFile=scripts/PrintHello.scala --> Does scripts folder to be part of the project?

Maven Scala: I created a scala project using archetype: mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:1.0-alpha-7:create \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.scala-tools.archetypes \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=scala-archetype-simple \ -DarchetypeVersion=1.1 \ -DremoteRepositories= \ -DgroupId...

How to Exclude poperties file from jar file ?

Hi All, I have a java application for exaple see below. myProject | |----src | | | |--main | | | |--resources | | | | | | | |---target I am using Maven to build my project .I am using maven command to build jar file. mvn p...

XSLT Document function returns empty result on Maven POM

Greetings! I want to extract some properties from different Maven POMs in a XSLT via the document function. The script itself works fine but the document function returns an empty result for the POM as long as I have the xmlns="" in the project tag. If I remove it, everything works fine. Any idea how th...

How can I use the same buildscript for Flash Builder 4 and Ant/Mvn?

I'm setting up a build system for a Flash Builder 4 (Flex 4) based project; and I'm struggling to get a setup that compiles in the IDE the same as it does from the command line on the build server. I come from a C# background; and my expectation is that I'll be able to create a "solution" with a collection of "projects" that I can compi...

Incremental hot deployment on Tomcat with Maven and NetBeans

I'm using NetBeans 6.8, Tomcat 6, and Maven 2.2 and want to see changes in my code immediately in the browser (showing http://localhost:8080) after saving the file. The tomcat-maven-plugin has the following configuration: <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>tomcat-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0-beta-...

using pom for test scope dependencies

Hi, Is it possible to create a pom file so it can be used inside another pom to add test scope dependencies? So in module E's pom.xml I have: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.example</artifactId> <artifactId>D</artifactId> <type>pom</type> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> So that if D'...

including pre-built java classes into an android project

i'm trying to include a maven java project into my android project. the maven project is the greader-unofficial project which allows developers access to google reader accounts, and handles all of the http transactions and URI/URL building, making grabbing feeds and items from google reader transparent to the developer. the project is ...