
import org.appfuse.webapp.action.BaseAction cannot resolve

hi, i was following the guide to make a simple appfuse site, but i got an error while compiling with Maven, which is reporting org.appfuse.webapp.action.BaseAction does not exist. I searched a lot from the google with no luck, can anyone give me a hints, appreciate for any help, idea or ad...

Generating UUID through Maven

Hello, I need to set a property in maven pom.xml file which should be a UUID. Can anybody tell me what is the best possible way to set a property to UUID? I am using a profile which launch the gigaspaces and gigaspaces requires group name which I want to be unique(uuid). So, in my profile I want to set a groupName property value wh...

Should I upgrade to Maven 3?

Are there any compelling reasons for me to upgrade to Maven 3 immediately? Nothing stands out from the release notes. Have you upgraded to Maven 3 yet? If so, what benefits did you see? ...

Can anyone recommend a good book for integrating maven and java?

....a good easy-to-read book - not something that is drier than a year-old rich tea biscuits. I'm a bit dim, not really interested in maven/java but need to learn it. Can anyone recommend a book that will not make me want to kill myself? Preferably one that makes it easy and goes beyond xml-hell.... ...

Maven is trying to update glassfish plugin from

We cannot deploy our app as Maven is trying to update glassfish plugin from repository, although no such repository was defined in our pom. The problem is isn't online and therefor our build fails. Has this happened to anybody else? ...

Maven Artifact Search is always empty

When using Alt-Insert to insert a dependency into the POM, the Artifact Search is always completely blank regardless of what I search for. I tried to add repo1 to Settings->Maven->Repository Services, it says "no repository found." I find that hard to believe. I've also tried to "update" my local repository but that results in an err...

Checking a maven project's repository portability.

Is there any way to check all dependencies are downloadable from at least one listed repository? I was once omitted a required repository from my pom.xml. But maven didn't complain because those dependencies already had been installed in my local repository (~/.m2/repository). That could be a problem for CI or on another fresh machine....

Converting CruiseControl to Hudson

Hello Everyone, I am currently writing a Perl script that will convert CruiseControl config.xml files to a Hudson config.xml for each project. However I am stuck at one key part: How do I make it so the sub modules of a project also get the goals from there CC config? I can do the root module fine, and set up the configurations fine as...

Maven equivalent for .Net

For me, the best feature in Maven is not having to keep 3rd party libraries at part of the source tree. Is there a tool for .Net/Visual Studio that does something like that? ...

Deploying snapshot sources - Is it possible ? It increments build number

guys I don't know what could be wrong, but I'm deploying snapshot and sources with gpg:sign-and-deploy-file, but the sources name does always have the value of the following buildnumber. Like artifact-timestamp-1.jar and artifact-timestamp-2-sources.jar so that if I then have a snapshot dependency, it is looking for artifact-timestamp-2...

maven support for android projects?

I want to start a project for Android but i really like to build it using Maven. Does Google provide support for Maven or plan to support it? It would be great if anybody know at least an archetype for Maven that I can use meanwhile. Thanks in advance. ...

specify pom.xml in mvn command and mix goals of other project

I have multiple questions. Can I specify the pom.xml in mvn command? Can I mix the goals of another project while executing mvn command on current project ? Eg: mvn clean-otherproject comple-otherproject instal-otherproject compile-thisproject I can do this with multiple mvn commands, but Can I do this in single maven command. ...

Strange Maven out of memory error

I am currently trying to build my project using hudson to call maven. I keep getting the problem of out of memoery error. I set the xmx and xms in all environmental variable, hudson configuration and hudson project config. I set the xmx to 1500 mb which should be more than enough as the whole project is less than 1000mb. the machine used...

Solution for a jar file not findable in the `WEB-INF/lib` folder nor `src/main/resources` folder?

I have a Java application running on Jetty/App Engine/Spring. After removing some jar files from the pom and putting them in the WEB-INF/lib folder, they are no longer findable - I get numerous "Cannot find symbol" build errors. I also tried putting the jars in the src/main/resources folder - but the same outcome. How can I make thes...

Use ItelliJ Idea module classpath when running Maven goal from ItelliJ Idea

Lets say I have two maven projects: moduleA and moduleB. moduleA has a dependency to moduleB in it's pom.xml. I use IntelliJ Idea, and I have 'Maven Projects' tool window, where I have both these maven projects. And it is possible to run maven plugin goals from there: I open 'Maven Projects' -> moduleA -> Plugins -> jetty -> jetty:ru...

How to upload sources to local Maven repository

Suppose I do have maven 2 java project in my local machine, when I'm doing mvn install, I'm build project jar and push it to my local maven repo, how can I force maven to push to local repo project sources jar also? This is useful if I'll use above mentioned project as dependency while developing new project, and can use mvn eclipse:ecli...

Add classpath to folder containing property files in Maven

I have a property file which is not located in a classpath in Maven. Therefore I can't reach it with: ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(PROPS_FILE); How can I add the folder containing the property file to the classpath, so it will be available during build and test of the project? ...

Maven: Use the filtering mechanism for text files not under 'resources'?

I need to customize a number of XML files which are not under resources (in particular, they are under an EAR's project src/main/application). The filtering mechanism would be perfect for this, but my understanding (correct?) is that it works for resources only. Is there a way to use filtering for files in other directories than src/m...

Why does maven site:site fail in a multi-module project?

I have a Maven-3 multi-module project: /root pom.xml /bar pom.xml /foo pom.xml Module foo depends on module bar, and they both have the same parent: root. Everything works fine, until I decided to clean my local repository and run mvn site:site. Build fails with a message: Failed to resolve artifact. Missing: 1) com.XXX...

Exception:invalid scm URL, on runing mvn scm:checkout command.

Contents of POM.xml are : <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""&gt; <!-- Parent pom relation <parent> <groupId>com.vod.atom</groupId> <artifactId>atom</artifactI...