
Eclipse is constantly redeploying my web project to tomcat

Following this question (in short: I have created a web project with maven and I am deploying it to tomcat with eclipse). Eclipse is redeploying and redploying my project non stop. The project seems to work, but this is very annoying. At the beggining I thought that eclipse is eagerly deploying the project after my edits, but it happens...

Build failed question - maven - jre or jdk problem

Hi all, I have my JAVA_HOME set to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_18 After I run maven install I get this message from eclipse: Reason: Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\..\lib\tools.jar Please ensure you are using JDK 1.4 or above and not a JRE (the class is ...

Problem with flex-mojos

If I try the getting-started on I get some errors. Can somebody help me out? I'm new to maven, but since it's a getting-started, I was hopin' everything would go smooth...not. Errors: Missing: ---------- 1) net.sf.saxon:saxon-dom:jar:9.0 Try downloading the file manually from the pr...

Maven: Obtaining parent project from SVN when running from TeamCity

I have 3 sibling projects that have a common parent that I'm managing with Maven. The projects share same parent which is one level up. The parent POM has no knowledge of any of the children it simply contains boilerplate, repo definitions and common plugins. Everything works fine until I try to put this on TeamCity. Here's how I do it n...

Sonar do not use the excludeFilterFile from the projects pom.xml

I have findbugs (and checkstyle) configured in my project pom.xml: <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> <configuration> <xmlOutput>true</xmlOutput> <threshold>Normal</threshold> ...

Is it possible to index a legacy repository in nexus ?

I'm trying to migrate a large maven1 installation to maven2. I've installed nexus 1.5, created a legacy hosted repository and a m2 virtal view of it. Maven 2 build scripts can access the artifacts without any problem. The only thing which is not working is the nexus-index for the legacy repository. Now, the legacy hosted repository doe...

Why Spring 3 needs explicit cglib dependency declaration when using Maven ?

Hello, I'm using spring 3 and maven. I've defined all spring modules in my pom.xml. When I use <aop:scoped-proxy /> annotation, I've got an error saying that cglib is missing. Well... I add cglib dependency in my pom and all runs... I'm a little confuse... Maven is a dependency manager... Why it does not download the cglib when I us...

SSL Problem Downloading Resource in Maven

I am trying to create a Confluence plugin. I have been following theses instructions. However when I run the atlas-create-confluence-plugin command maven throws SSL errors trying to get resource from Do I need to change a setting in my configuration? System setup: Windows Vista, wit...

How to run jetty:run-war using a war defined by maven coordinates?

Background: I'm setting up a functional tests module in a maven project. We use the maven-jetty-plugin for testing. I've got the jetty plugin set up as described here (to play nicely with the Failsafe plugin), but what I'd like to do is deploy the war artifact from our main web module using jetty (which has just been installed into the...

Maven and Eclipse problem - looking for resources

Hello! I have a problem, that maven is looking for resources inside of Eclipse installation folder. It is saying: This file was not found: file:/C:/eclipse/eclipse/src/main/resources/config/spring/applicationContext.xml While my workspace is in c:/Work/Core/ and inside src/main/resources. Is there any configuration for pom.xml to o...

Include JSTL dependency with Maven

I am using maven2, how do I add a dependency to JSTL (The JSP Standard Tag Library) ? ...

Grails config of Spring beans in different files

Grails have cofig for spring bean called resources.groovy. And as i understand from docs it allows you to include another file, using loadBeans(%path%) I'm tried with this: println 'loading application config ...' // Place your Spring DSL code here beans = { loadBeans("classpath:security") //i'm tried with "spring/security" and "...

Placeholder substitution in a Maven APT page

I am working on Maven site documentation for some related projects, and I want to create a hyperlink from one site's documentation to another sites documentation. The wrinkle is that the URL for the link target depends on a Maven property. I tried this: {{{${some-prop}/some.html}the documentation}} bu...

Why is my Maven so slow on Ubuntu?

Hi, I have Maven on Ubuntu server. It seems to try lots and lots of places to download from but the download times out, but the timeout takes ages, so my whole build takes more than a hour. Downloading: [INFO] Unab...

Hot deploying changes with Netbeans, Maven, and Glassfish

Recently we migrated from using ant to maven. Within Netbeans, I used to edit and save html, xhtml, javascript, css files in the WAR and almost immediately the changes were available on the server. Now, when I edit and save those types of files in the WAR, nothing happens. I have to right click my EAR -> Build with dependencies -> Run ...

lastupdate is not showing in maven-metadata.xml

Hi all, I have an issue with an artifact's maven-metadata.xml is not showing up. Here is the environment i am working on: Apache Archiva , Ivy, ant. Problem: When I am Deploying artifact via the Web UI Form, I am able to see all the attributes in maven-metadata.xml. <metadata> --<groupId>twitter-evt</groupId> --<artifactId>authenticati...

How do I reload a Roo project without clearing the database?

I've been learning how to build projects using Roo and am making good progress. I have the nucleus of a project which correctly displays my defined entities and allows me to create, edit, and delete the representative objects. I am using mysql at the database and I see that objects entered using the UI correctly appear in the mysql dat...

How do i provide site resources in the parent for all children modules to use?

In my parent project I have a site.xml (referencing a logo) and some resources: src/site/resources/images/logo.gif src/site/resources/css/our.css How do I make them available to all the children? The site.xml specifies the logo url as images/logo.gif but the file is not there when the child site is generated? ...

GWT Maven and Eclipse

Hi, A plea for help! Can anyone share a simple GWT2.0 project that uses the gwt-maven-plugin with Eclipse and demonstrates some simple RPC server calls. I've tried to follow examples, use archetypes, read badly documented websites, and follow threads on stackoverflow but all to no avail. I simply cannot get RPC to work. I'm going to g...

Maven release JAR

How can i make a project jar release and maven repository strucuture(md5hash,distribution pom,etc) to put this in my own repository? Maven have a plugin to do it? Note, i need to generate this structure in my local machine, i don't have CI and others to do it! Hopes!!! ...