
Is there still a place for MDI?

Even though MDI is considered harmful, several applications (even MS Office, Adobe apps) still use it either in its pure form or some as a hybrid with a tabbed/IDE-like interface. Is an MDI interface still appropriate for some applications? I'm thinking of an application where one typically works with several documents at one time, an...

How to correctly ShowDialog() from inside an MDIChild form?

I have an MDIChild form that needs to show a dialog. I'm currently doing it like this from inside the mdichild form... f.ShowDialog(Me) Should I be using f.ShowDialog(mdiparent)? What is the difference when setting the owner before calling showdialog()? Thanks. ...

Factory Model in C# and not using default constructor

I've been using the factory model to create child forms to add to a MDI form. This is the code I've been using: /// <summary> /// This uses the Factory Model to create the child node and then add it to the MDI Parent (this) /// </summary> /// <param name="childName">String class name of the child, i.e. RentalEase.Propert...

MDI Form detecting with a child form is added or removed

Is there an event I can use to tell if a child form has been added or removed from the MDI parent? ...

Passing value from child to mdi parent in

I have a simple contact book. The application has a main window that's an mdi form. When a contact is added using the "add a contact" form, I want to show a simple feedback message in the parent window status bar saying that the contact was added successfully. Here's the child loading: Private Sub addButton_Click(ByVal sender As System...

How to prevent a Delphi MDI application from showing the caption of the maximized child

Hi, how can I prevent a Delphi MDI application from showing the caption of the currently maximized MDI child in the caption of the MDI parent form? Thank you in advance! ...

Any new hope? Making a window an MDI child

Got some C# forms/controls that can be called up either from a C# control on a Winform in a Winforms MDI app OR the same C# control used by a PowerBuilder MDI app via COM. I've been using the WinAPI call SetParent to attach forms to the MDI. It works (or seemed to) in both environments. It lets the child window have its own WindowStat...

What use is ArrangeIcons in a .Net MDI form.

The MdiLayout enumeration has an value called ArrangeIcons. If this is sent to the LayoutMdi method of a MDI parent form then 'All MDI child icons are arranged within the client region of the MDI parent form.' When I tried putting together a sample MDI form and passing this value into LayoutMdi nothing appeared to happen. What is an MD...

User-Interface: Best way to toggle MDI frame's on-top status?

I maintain an MFC (VC6) MDI application that uses Frame Windows as views for a document. There is only one document at a time but there are several MDI-Frames each with a different view of the document data. Recently a request came up to be able to keep one of those frame windows on top of the others while being able to interact with th...

How to make an MDI child window stay on top of its siblings?

This question is related to my previous one. I have an MFC (VC6) MDI Application which has several MDI child windows acting as different views for one document. Is it possible to set one of those frames to stay on top of the others? I have tried to call SetWindowPos( &GetParentFrame()->wndTopMost, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP...

Winforms MDI "Desktop" Area Boundry

The default MDI parent control has a large "desktop" area that can display multiple child forms. Users can drag forms to the edge of this desktop area so that most of the child form is off the screen. (A scroll bar then appears in the MDI parent) I don't like this feature. Is there a way to lock down the edge of the desktop area so tha...

Size/Location of Winforms MDI Client Area

Inside an MDI form is a client area that hosts the mdi child forms. How do I find out how big that area is? The best I can come up with so far is finding the total size of the parent's potential client area (mdiparent.ClientRectangle) and then subtracting off the sizes of components like toolbars, etc that take away from the client are...

How can I open 2+ instances of VLC and control them programmatically?

I was thinking about writing an app (in either C++ or C#) to help me sort videos faster and I was wondering: How can I open more then 2 (maybe more) instance of VLC and control them though my EXE? What are my options? I know I can SendMessage to the EXE directly. Could I do something like simulate user keys? How do I open the VLC exe...

What can cause a form to lose its link to its parent form in an MDI project?

Very periodically, some of our forms in our MDI project will return me.parent as nothing. I've never seen this while debugging, but it does cause an un-handled exception on our client machines - and the form that they have open varies from case to case. Is there any sort of event, short of a 'me.parent = nothing', that can cause...

Is it possible to start a new process and set it's main window as a child window of my MDI application?

Is it possible to start a new process and set it's main window as a child window of my MDI application? The scenario is: I have a MDI application and I want to start Adobe Acrobat as a child window of my MDI application. ...

Mdi form ensure visible

I am developing a c# .NET app with MDI forms. When the Mdi children are moved around and using the scroll bars some forms will be outside the displayed area. I would like to do to the Mdi children something similar to TreeNode.EnsureVisible() which moves the TreeView scrollbars until the Node is fully visible. Calling Form.Activate() doe...

winform mdi catch child form focus c#

I would like to be able to catch a child window focus event, in an mdi form. If i loose focus to the entire mdi application, then click on a child, it works, but if I had two child forms open, I cannot catch the focus event when clicking between them. I am using Dotnet Framework 2.0, and I need the code solution that will run fine on a...

Windows pointer bitmap not being correctly updated

So, I'm writing a text editor, using MDI. I have a frame window, child windows and each child window has a text-area window. Now, my problem is the pointer. It's not setting itself to the correct bitmap. So for example, if I move the pointer to the border, it correctly turns into the left-right drag icon. That's all good and well - ...

How can I make a child form resize when its MDI parent form is maximized?

I have an MDI form with child form. I keep the MDI form in normal by default. When I maximize the MDI, the child form is not maximized within it. What do I need to do to make it resize along with its parent? ...

Problem with icon on creating new maximized MDI child form in .NET

I have a .NET 3.5 MDI WinForms application. I set a a child form's Icon property, and the icon shows up correctly in the top left corner of the form. I then maximize the child form and the icon is still OK. With the child form still maximized, I open another child window, which automatically comes up maximized. This form's icon is not ...