
Is it possible to inject a Windows Form application into another application as an MDI Child in VB.NET?

I am creating a program that interacts with another program and I would like to "inject" my program into this program as an MDI Child window. Is this even possible, and if so can it be done in VB.NET? What kind of pitfalls are associated with doing this? ...

Surely MDI not so bad?

Surely MDI not so bad? I have an ERP-type app and I have chosen a MDI UI model. The reason for this is to enable the user to multitask. Yes, many say that a user cannot multitask, but hear me out. My app has several modules or functional areas e.g. Admin, Pricelists, Sakes Orders, Production, Stock Shipping, etc. I chose to create ...

MDI Child at toolstripcontainer

Hi probably a very small issue - but I have no idea... I added MDIChild Forms to a toolstripcontainer ala: f.MdiParent = this; this.toolStripContainer2.ContentPanel.Controls.Add(f); f.Show(); This works quiet fine, but all the sudden I cannot activate this childs, i.e. Clicking to one of these windows will not keep it active. The wind...

Problem with controls in MDI form

I have placed a button on MDI form , now when I open a child form , the button remains on top and distracts the child form , is there a way to solve it? I have done following to send the button back when any child is activated.But I am wondering to call button1.BringToFront(); private void MDIParent1_MdiChildActivate(object sender, Even...

mdiparent click

The click ,double click on mdi parent of the .net MDI form does not work is it a bug? ...

Enable KeyDown Event onlu in active child of a MDI Application c#

Hi All, I've a MDI application with a mainForm and a childForm with KeyPreview set to TRUE. Now in my childForm when I press a key, the program starts the event KeyPressed in both forms. Can I disable the event in the mainForm when the childForm is active? What i want is thet: when the childForm is Active, only the event in the form sh...

Is it possible to change the location of the main top-level menu in an MFC MDI app?

I have an app with a customized frame (i.e., caption/titlebar, borders). I customized the frame by removing the WS_CAPTION style, and overriding OnNcCalcSize to reserve a custom-sized area for the caption, which the app paints in OnNcPaint. A side effect is that the menu bar no longer displays, which is OK because I want to customize th...

Trying to extract an MDI child window outside its MDI parent

I have been able to reparent an mdichild window to the desktop with the following code: SetParent(hSeekedWindow,0); SetWindowLong(hSeekedWindow,GWL_STYLE,WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CAPTION|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX| WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_THICKFRAME|WS_SIZEBOX); SetWindowLong(hSeekedWindow,GWL_EXSTYLE,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); However, as soon as i try ...

Open child windows from another child windows in MDI

Hi, everybody. I have some problems during MDI application development using Windows Forms. Imagine small test application with 3 forms: Form1, Form2 and Form3. Form1 is an MdiContainer (with attached menuStrip element with single botton - for test purposes). Form2 contains only single button. Form2 openes by the click on Form1 menuStr...

Discard ALT key press in CMainFrame

I'm having the following code: CMainFrame* pFrame = new CMainFrame; if (!pFrame) return FALSE; m_pMainWnd = pFrame; // create and load the frame with its resources pFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_APP_MAINFRAME, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | FWS_ADDTOTITLE, NULL, NULL); // The one and only window has been initialized, so show and update it pFr...

Refresh MDI parent window datagrid after closing child window in C#.Net Windows application?

I have a MDI window with a datagridview control which is used to display a list of records in a database table(s). If the user wants to add a new record, they click "new" and a popup(Child) window displays. The popup window accepts data from the user (name, number, date, etc) and is then submitted back to the server when the users clicks...

MDI Application Main Menu help

Hello, We are developing an MDI Application. What we need to do is that I Have 4 child forms and 1 Parent form. on the parent form ToolBox menu I have 3 buttons. Add,Save,Cancel. What I want to do is What ever the child form has loaded. When these buttons clicked they should process the action on the child form. LEts say, If my child f...

Different 'views' in a single WPF window

I'm doing a VB.Net subject at university and the major assignment is the creation of a WPF application. The application is management-focused (adding, modifying, deleting entries, etc). As these are all rather disparate tasks I'm thinking to create a tabbed interface for my assignment (in a similar vein to Spybot's interface: http://www...

How to send KeyDown message to all Child windows in MDI

I need to send a WM_KEYDOWN message to all the Child Windows in my MDI app. The idea being that a particular key press refreshes a window and I want to refresh all child wnds at just a single key press. Other than refresh there would be couple of more such functions like right/left/up/down arrow keys etc. that need to go to each of these...

Best way to prevent window cluttering in my MDI application

Hello everyone. I'm currently designing an MDI application (a custom CRM) in .net 4.0 and i'm starting to dislike the whole interface simply because there's no real way to track which windows are open or closed and it'll probably lead to a very confusing interface. What is the best way to avoid this? - Should i implement a taskbar to t...

mdi child form don't work via opengl app in .NET

Hi all, This is my first question. I start to computer graphics programming with opengl via Tao Framework. Everything going well but today I tried to work with MDI forms. My application crashed. It is a bit difficult to describe my problem. So I captured 5 images and I added my questions on them. I could not add this images because of ...

How to implement mdi in a wpf application

I'm mew to WPF and I really like MDI applications. It allows me to move quickly between windows and compare the content of different windows. Furthermore, sometime the content of one window is useful for another so I can copy and paste. I think it's a great user experience for working mode. Right or wrong practice, I love it. I saw ht...