
How to remove gray background on MDI parent form?

What I'm trying to do is draw some glass on a form marked as an mdi container. However as soon as the IsMdiContainer is set, the form adds an MdiClient to it's list of Controls. At this point something happens to the parent form - almost like a dark gray panel is being docked to the entire form onto which the MdiClient is being placed on...

How to make mdichild load at the center of mdiparent window

HI all, I have this code in which the window property of making child window load at the center of mdiparent. Form2 f = new Form2(); f.MdiParent = this; //center screen is working. //f.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; f.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; but inst...

memory leak on mdi with blank child form

Hi, I've created a blank application with a mdi parent form opening a blank child form from the menu. When the parent form of the child form is set to the mdi - it appears the system does not release memory - thus a leak. When the parent form is not set, the child form is removed. Does anyone know why this apparent memory leak can be...

How to show available windows in the Window menu

I have a MFC MDI application that I've recently ported from VS2003 to VS2008, and at the same time moved from Stingray Objective Studio 2006 v2 to v10.1. On the previous versions of my application, if I had more than one view open, the Window menu would be populated by an enumerated list of available views, e.g. 1 MyViewA, 2 MyViewB etc...

MDI Application minimize/restore issue

Ok, so I have a VB .Net MDI Forms Application. frmMain is the "parent" form with IsMDIContainer set to TRUE. I load "frmChild" from frmMain setting the MDIparent property to frmMain. I minimize the form, then minimize the application. I restore the application a few minutes later, then restore frmChild and find that frmChild is now t...

GUI Design - Multiple forms vs Simulated MDI (Tabs) vs PageControl

Hello, which of the following styles do you prefer? An application which to perform tasks opens new forms An application which keeps the various "forms" in different tabs An application which is based on a PageControl and shows you the right tab depending on what you want to do. Something else Also do you have any good links for gui ...

MDI parent background image

I have tried absolutely everything I could get my hand on, and it just won't work ! Has anyone ever solved this problem? I can put my image in the back, but it works only if the form never tries to be resized (shrinking is OK, growing leaves empty grey space...) ...

changing the color of MDI child windows under Windows 7

I have an MDI application written in C++ that looks great under Windows XP. All of the MDI child windows end up looking like their parent window. Nice. However, under Windows 7 (and probably Vista), the parent windows have aero glass, and the child windows are this hideous unchangeable baby blue color (same as the Windows 7 Basic them...

Qt MDI app with OpenGL: how to grab a valid screenshot?

I have an MDI app written in Qt. Some of the subwindows include QGLWidgets, i.e., OpenGL contexts. The most salient of these use OpenGL vertex and fragment shaders to visualize their data. I need to programmatically capture a screenshot of the application's main window, including of course all the subwindows that happen to be visible. S...

Pass Value from Parent to child

i have create one MDIParent Form this mdiform exist following items button1, Button2 if we are click on button form 1 will be displaying that form1 form contain btNext Button if click the btNext from form1, the butoon2 (MDIForm buttom).. should be click then need to display the form2 i tried code is below inside the BtNext button ...

MDI window list not updating child title bar texts

I have a MDI container form, and some child forms that update their title bar texts themselves, independently. After the Text property is changed on the child form, the new title bar text from the child is not updated in the window list menu when the menu is opened. This is the auto-generated window list provided by .NET via the MdiWindo...

Designing an MDI style interface in Cocoa

I have an application that works on the concept of 'workspaces' that will eventually be ported to Cocoa. In the current Windows incarnation the each workspace is an MDI window which can contains sub windows. These sub windows need to be easily separated, visually, from sub windows in other workspaces since workspace state is saved (not ...

Inspiration to get rid of MDI UI

Microsoft seems to want us to stop using the MDI, but if more people are like me they're stuck on how things used to be. Software like Word and Excel is simple to create without MDI, but I have trouble thinking out good UI without MDI. Is there a place where I, and others like me, can see examples on how to make great WinForms UI witho...

Distribution of MDI children in an MDI parent

Hi all I have an MDI parent form that creates many MDI children at run time. Is there a smart way to evenly ditribute these forms inside there parent? any ideas? Thanks in advance!! ...

How to correctly handle a centered MDI form background image

I have an MDI form with a centered background image. Each time the user changes the size or state of the form, the image isn't updated at all. It remains in the old place (not centered any more) and is even lost when the form is made too small. How can this situation correctly be handled? Do I really have to call "this.Refresh()" in all...

LayoutMdi() doesn't work when child form has no border?

i want to have child forms that have no border, but then the LayoutMdi() doesn't work, any solution? ...

Delphi MDI - handling open/close/activate child form

Hi, I'm developing MDI application which assigns a tab for each created MDI child. I need to "catch" OnActivate, OnCreate and OnDestroy events of child form in the main (parent) form code. Simply calling the code in children form is impossible for me, as there are many form's classes that are used as MDI children, also the plugin can loa...

Showing MDI form as modal

This will sound against the nature of MDI.. I need to show a MDI form (FormStyle=fsMdiChild) as modal sometimes. And I also need to access the part between Application.CreateForm and OnShow event of another MDI form, i.e. Application.CreateForm(Form2,TForm2); // but don't set form2's visible property true. Form2.caption:='not working...

Delphi, MDI vs Tabs for multi-document interface

I'm developing a multi-document application. Currently it uses MDI which is quite convenient for me (as a developer) as well as for users I believe. However there is one "against" - I haven't found a solution to quickly load many child windows (each time the window is created and maximized to fill the parent's area, there is an 'animatio...

Move one form to another winforms - C#

Hi, I have 2 winforms Form 1 and Form 2. I have button1 in form1, when i click on button1 from form1 i display form2. Form2 ins = new Form2(); ins.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; this.Hide(); ins.ShowDialog(); I hide the form1 to display form2 when button1 is clicked. This creates a flickin...