
Menu Merging Over References (.dll and .exe)

Hi, I have stumbled across an unusual problem whilst attempting to menu merge with Mdi. Basically, I have an MdiParent form which I have created in one solution, it will be the parent of a variety of MdiChild forms, which I have created in other projects and solutions, which will be referenced too in the MdiParent Project, the reference...

C# MDI Event Help

I have a form which is an MDI container. In that form i generate 6 child forms each with a label: for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Form window = new Form(); window.Width = 100; window.Height = 100; window.MdiParent = this; window.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; Label label = new Label(); label.AutoSize = true; ...

C# Panel As MDI Container

In C# i want to create a panel that has the properties of a MDI container ie. isMdiContainer = true. I tried something like this form.MDIParent = this.panel1; But that dont work. Any suggestions? ...

Docking a form on a MDI

Hi there, I am trying to dock a form onto a MDI, but when I use the following code, it just flashes itself and the form disappeared. using (frmDock formDock = new frmDock()) { formDock.MdiParent = this; formDock.Dock = DockStyle.Left; formDock.Show(); } ...

How to make a MdiClient background transparent?

I tried MdiClientObject.BackColor = Color.Transparent; but got this error message "Control does not support transparent background colors."? Does anyone know how to make the background transparent? ...

Removing the default MDI menu of a MDI Container form when a MDI Child is maximized

Hello guys, I am working on a .NET C# application that has a main Form which is MDI container. When the user maximizes a MDI child, Windows draws a control strip right under the title bar of the container Form which has the Icon of the child and the system buttons on the right. Basically, what I need is hide this strip and use a custom ...

MDI displays the form in a weird manner

Hi all, I have a main form that has 5 MDI children. When the main form is created, the mdi children are created and shown as well. I assign them different locations on the screen, but when they're shown they start with the default location and move in a disturbing way to the new locations. I tried to assign the location before I show t...

Calling .Parent from a form causes textbox problem, MDI

I want to make a form contained in another form. The problem is the application is already a MDI, and you can't nest MDI's. If I do childFrm.Parent = parentForm some controls behave oddly. For example, if you click on the text in the textbox, usually the text cursor appears where you clicked, but it doesn't, it just goes to the end o...

Importing a SWC for a Flex Project in Flash Develop

Hi Everyone, I just started using flashdevelop for flex apps (I had been using it for pure as3 projects previously). I can't figure out how to import files and such. I have included them to the library as usually. In this case I have included flexlib.swc and flexmdi.swc. Both are in my lib folder and both have been right clicked and Adde...

set variable of parent form from child form in mdi

How would one switch a public bool to true from a child form in a mdi type program? I have a child form called logon that if everything checks out i want to set a "authenticated" bool to true in the form1 (main) form ...

Is this normal MDI behavior when children are maximized?

In my MDI application, I've started noticing that with a child maximized, the other (inactive) MDI children are not maximized. This results in less-than-seamless switching between children, since the new active application shows up normal on screen before it gets maximized. I would expect it to instead keep the background windows maximiz...

Change Background of an MDI Form

Hi all, How can I change the BACKGROUND color of the MDI FORM in C#? I changed it using the background color property but the color is not changed. What should I do to perform this task? Please help me out!! Thanks in advance!! ...

MDI Child form calling, not generation.

Hello. I have an MDI form with 3 nested children with in it. As of right now all it can do is display a new form. For example: each time I press the menu button, the new child form(Form1) is created. Now, if I press that same menu button a second or subsequent time a new Form1 is created and it appears over the previous one. What I w...

Attach child form to parent form

I have anumber of forms in my VB project. I also have a form  that acts as a menu. All the other forms can be called using this form(menu).My problem is that i need to have the menu displayed when i run the application. I will be putting everything under an MDI container(when the MDI shows the menu is already visible and they can use it ...

MDI : name of file on the tab

Hi all, I have an MDI application that initially doesn't have the main window open. When you click on file and select new, it opens a new tab with the default file name on it. My application should work like this, when you click on file and select new, a dialog box comes out asking for the name of the file you want to create. After c...

MDI WinForm application and duplicate child form memory leak

This is a WinForm MDI application problem (.net framework 3.0). It will be described in C#. Sorry it is a bit long because I try to make things as clear as possible. I have a MDI application. At some point I find that one MDI child form is never released. There is a menu that creates the MDI child form and show it. When the MDI child fo...

Create Tabbed MDI Interface

I am using C# 2005 to develop an Windows application. I am planning to use a Tab Container to display the child forms. I have used a Menu Strip to display the menu and have set IsMDIContainer = true property of the MainMenu form. The MainMenu form also contains a Tab Control and I plan to display all child forms as Tap Pages in the Tab C...

[MDI] Child form to use whole client area?

Hello I'd like to show an MDI child window that will use the whole client area, ie. the grey part no the right-side of the taskpane, and have the child window show its titlebar and borders: Here's the code, which doesn't work as planned: procedure TForm1.RzGroup1Item...

C# glass on an mdiparent

I am trying to use the DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea method on an mdiparent. IsMdiContainer = true; However the glass does not render correctly. Is this a limitation of an mdiparent I can get around? If the form isn't set as an mdicontainer then the glass renders perfectly. The glass area paints white instead of with glass. ...

How to remove the MDI child text from the parent form title bar? C# .NET

I have a form that acts as MDI parent form and several other forms as MDI child. The child windows have FormBorderStyle.None and ControlBox = false so that no border stuff from the MDI children is displayed in the MDI parent. But the MDI children run maximised in my application and in that case, the main form window title text always inc...