
Allocation of several sounds

I'm not sure if I wrote this code well (get clicks on touching buttons rapidly): #import "iEngineRoomAppDelegate.h" #import "iEngineRoomViewController.h" #import "SoundEffect.h" @implementation iEngineRoomAppDelegate @synthesize window; @synthesize viewController; - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { ...

Component Art WebChart causing worker thread memory leak

We are using the Component Art WebChart for an online dynamic report and after 1 or 2 page loads of the report it throws the memory into a tail spin. The WP3 worker thread just goes to about 400mb and climbing and finally low memory and the system either requires a hard boot or if we can do an iisreset in time. Any ideas? ...

jQuery memory leak with DOM removal

Here's a dead-simple webpage that leaks memory in IE8 using jQuery (I detect memory leaks by watching the memory usage of my iexplore.exe process grow over time in the Windows Task Manager): <html> <head> <title>Test Page</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascrip...

GC Not Running Often Enough on IIS 7 Application - Windows Server 2008

I have a web application that is eventually running out of memory when it runs on IIS 7 Windows Server 2008. When I attempt to run a memory profiler against the application to determine the leak, it is not reproducible on my development workstation...Windows Vista. The GC collection cycles are not consistent between the server and the ...

How to detect where a Memory Leak is?

I have a large website that seems to be sucking up all the memory that is being allocated. There is nothing else on the server beside this site. Within a week it eats away the 2 gigs and requires a restart. Currently this is server 2008 32 bit using IIS 7. We are reinstalling to use 64bit and add more memory. It would be nice to be able ...

Java Runtime.maxMemory incorrect?

I ran the following method Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() and gave 85196800. However, I then ran top from the command line and it showed PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 8672 root 20 0 ...

Getting a longer stacktrace from FastMM?

When FastMM logs a memory leak it includes a stacktrace going back 9 calls. Problem is that the stacktrace is too general to locate the problem easily. The last function call in the trace is called at least 50 times and the object leaked is a very common one. What can I do to make the stacktrace longer? Tips to locate leaks more easily...

How to check if memory leak occurs when removing an element out of DOM?

<div id="target"> ... </div> $('#target').html('') will remove the content,but how to check if the listeners or anything else that holds memory is removed at the same time? ...

Memory Leak - iPhone

Hi, im having problems with leak memory. The instruments show line "pagamento_" is a malloc. i dont have idea how resolve this. i have following code: * dados is NSMutableArray, and im alloc in other place... and do release in dealloc. NSString *path = [self caminho]; if (sqlite3_open([path UTF8String], &Banco) == SQLITE_OK){ if (s...

memory leak debug

What are some techniques in detecting/debugging memory leak if you don't have trace tools? ...

Can I use a memory zone to kill iPhone leaks?

I have a C++ class that I'm using from my Objective-C++ controller in my iPhone app. The C++ class does some calculations on some data, returns a result, and then is done -- but it leaks like crazy. I'm wondering if I can somehow make use of Memory Zones (aka malloc zones aka allocWithZone) to solve this. My idea is to allocate the ObjC+...

How to reclaim the memory used by a Java thread stack?

I've been having this memory leak issue for days and I think I have some clues now. The memory of my java process keeps growing but yet the heap does not increase. I was told that this is possible if I create many threads, because Java threads uses memory outside of the heap. My java process is a server type program so there are 1000-20...

Is there a way to determine the amount of free video RAM in Linux?

We believe that we are running out of video RAM in a Linux based system that we are working on. We are seeing video & graphic drivers segment faulting with allocation related errors. Are they any tools or techniques that we can use to determine how much video ram is free at any given point in time? Either an external application or so...

iPhone App is leaking memory; Instruments and Clang cannot find the leak

Hi, i've developed an iPhone program which is kind of an image manipulation program: The user get an UIImagePickerController and selects an image. Then the program does some heavy calculating in a new thread (for responsiveness of the application). The thread has, of course, its own autorelease pool. When calculation is done, the seper...

Memory leaks detection while using Boost

Hello, I would like to get the memory leaks information using _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC, and especially the files and line numbers, but I don't get them at the end. I only get something like this: {130} normal block at 0x00695128, 16 bytes long. Data: <\ E Pi > 5C A5 45 01 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 E8 50 69 00 I've seen that th...

Tell tale sign of memory fragmentation (as opposed to a memory leak)?

First I realize that leaks can fragment memory badly, but please bear with me. Using WinDbg and attaching to a process: Using !heap (or another WinDbg command), what should I expect see if I'm dealing with memory fragmentation as opposed to a leak? For instance, I can use "!heap stat" and "!heap stat -h handle" to zero-in on the code...

What are some tools that can analyse memory usage outside of the heap in Java?

We have weird memory leak problem with a Java process running in linux has an ever growing swap usage. So naturally we looked at the heap dump and also used a profiler to monitor it over a period of time. We found that 1) The number of threads does not grow 2) The heap usage does not grow 3) Yet the (VIRT) usage keeps growing (which ca...

How to set the maximum memory usage for JVM?

I want to limit the maximum memory used by the JVM. Note, this is not just the heap, I want to limit the total memory used by this process. ...

Memory behavior of / Possible memory leak in UITableView

Hi guys, I am profiling my iPhone application with the 'Activity Monitor' Instrument. When I use UITableViews and scroll through them, I see the memory usage of my application go up all the time while I scroll. When I return to the previous view and the UITableViewController gets deallocated, the memory usage goes down a bit, but not to...

memory problem when calling unmanaged code from managed code in Windows 7

When I call an unmanaged C++ code from my C# code, I seem to have some kind of a memory leak. The C++ reads data from a file using, and writes it to a Vector. This happens only after upgrading to Windows 7, doesn't happen on Vista, but if I use a version of the native dll that was compiled on Vista, it doesn't change anyth...