
How to avoid selection of menu item

Hi I have expander and menu item in my project wpf, when the user select a particular menu item the items background color is set as blue and also when the mouseover an item its background color becomes as blue... How i could avoid those two features.. i want a expander with menu item without those features.. how to do this please help ...

Borders doubling up

Hi! I'm adding a new design to my website. The main menu ul stretches across the screen and the items are demarcated by simple borders. I'm having problems with the left and right borders for my menu items. What's happening is that I can't properly display the borders on mouseover (a:hover) unless I space the margins so that in the nor...

WPF Menu arrow on the first level

Help me please with wpf menu. I want the arrows showing that a menu item has also subitems. By default these arrows get placed beginning on the second level. but I want them to be shown on the first level also. I don't clearly understand what to change and how. Although I found <Trigger Property="Role" Value="SubmenuItem"> inside ...

Josh Smith MVVM: Add command from MainWindowViewModel Commands property to MenuItems

Hiexperts, trying to grasp the concepts behind the MVVM pattern, I'm playing around with Josh Smiths MVVM sample application ( The sample app has a HeaderedContentControl where all the commands from the MainWindowViewModels Commands property are displayed. I'm struggling right no...

menu with a index.php link embeded on it. ANDROID

i am trying to create a game using the webview method. as of now i have webview fully working. at this time i would like to move my game menu so it would be invoked by pressing the android menu button. eclipse provides me with a template for creating the button, which i have completed, however i cannot seem to link this button to the web...

Merge menu strip items for MDI windows

How can I merge menu items of parent form and child form with same menu name? ...

Why does event listener not get called?

Hi all, I'm using ice:menuPopup to dinamically create menus on tree nodes. In jsf page I've something like this <f:facet name="content"> <ice:panelGroup id="faccont" style="display: inline" menuPopup="qtaPupMenu"><ice:menuPopup imageDir="/images"> <ice:menuItems id="qtaPupMenu" value="#{item.userObject.menuModel}"/> ...

Android - Enabling MenuItems by code

Hi I need to enable a MenuItem when a previous screen (Activity) returns. I tried this code: ... ((MenuItem)findViewById(; ... but a null pointer exception is launched. BTW, the menu_how is set to false in xml; and the code is part of onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) cal...

How to change the Text color of Menu item in Android?

Can I change the background color of a Menu item in Android? Please let me know if anyone have any solution to this. The last option will be obviously to customize it but is there any way for changing the text color without customizing it. ...

Relay/Delegate Command & InputGestures

I want to have a command from my view model associated with F8, and don't know a great deal about input gestures. Must I wrap it in a routed command or is there another recommended way to do this? Cheers, Berryl UPDATE My original posting really had two pain points in them. The first was that prior to WPF 4 you couldn't bind a comman...

Disabled menu items in Winforms still show subitems

If I create a menu with two items (say "Item1" and "Item2" and then create two subitems under each one (1A, 1B, 2A and 2B), and then disable Item1, I'd expect that 1A and 1B wouldn't show. And, indeed, if I move onto Item1 they don't. Unless I then move on to Item2, wait for 2A and 2B to show, and then move back to Item1. At which poi...

Menu items only for registered users

How can I in Drupal define that menu item link is available only for registered users, and not for users that are not loged in? ...

When using up/down buttons in a Detail View, then go back to Table View, how to do I get the table view to emerge at the correct menu item?

In my iPhone app, I have a table view. In that menu, when you select a row, it pushes detail view (a UIViewController). The detail view has up/down buttons so that you can go backwards and forwards through the menu items without having to back out into the table view. If I advance to a different item using the up/down buttons in detai...

Not every dynamic MenuItem is processed, why?

Hi guys. On a masterpage I have ASP Menu control. It looks like this: <asp:Menu ID="mnuMainMenu" runat="server" DynamicHorizontalOffset="2" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="Medium" ForeColor="#7C6F57" Orientation="Horizontal" StaticSubMenuIndent="10px" Font-Bold="True" F...

Mutually exclusive checkable menu items?

Given the following code: <MenuItem x:Name="MenuItem_Root" Header="Root"> <MenuItem x:Name="MenuItem_Item1" IsCheckable="True" Header="item1" /> <MenuItem x:Name="MenuItem_Item2" IsCheckable="True" Header="item2"/> <MenuItem x:Name="MenuItem_Item3" IsCheckable="True" Header="item3"/> </MenuItem> In XAML, is there a way to ...

WPF MenuItem style parameters not available on menu first open

I am specifying a context menu within the ControlTemplate of a TreeViewItem as follows: <ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding Commands}"> <ContextMenu.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="MenuItem"> ...

How to programmatically create MenuItems (with a header) in a dynamic menu

I apologize for the length of this question - there is a question in here (at the end!), but I wanted to make sure the source code was explicit. Anyway. [Edit #2] - question title changed to more accurately reflect the... question. [Edit] - I've updated some more of the history as to how I ended up at the design / code that I did here...

Adding icons to nativemenu items in air application

hi I have a native menu with items and it is displayed as a pop up menu, i would like to add icons to the native menu items in an air application using flex3. How can i do that? Thanks in advance. bagi ...

How can I add a menu item to launch the Send intent

Hi, I am trying to a menu item to launch the Send intent. This is what I did, I see the menu item but i don't see send intent launch when i select the menu item. public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.Action_Send); menu.add(Menu.NONE, 0...

WPF - how to hide menu item if command's CanExecute is false?

By default menu items become disabled when its command cannot be executed (CanExecute = false). What is the easiest way to make the menu item visible/collapsed based on the CanExecute method? Thanks for your convenience here's the solution: Bind the visibility property to the IsEnabled property using "Boolean to Visibility" converter....