
Where can I find the coordinates needed to draw the US in the Mercator projection?

So I'm writing a Javascript library that takes x,y coordinates and uses them to draw a map of the US. To do this, I need to find the coordinate data necessary to draw each state. This map on Wikipedia is a great example of what I need, because the SVG file contains the shapes that make up each state nicely labeled: http://upload.wikime...

Converting Coordinates between custom Transverse Mercator and WGS84 Lon-Lat

Hi, I'm trying to put a bunch of (x,y) points on a map, that have a lon-lat origin. I'd like to set up a custom Transverse Mercator projection, centred on my origin, and use that to project my points into lon-lat. This seems like the sort of thing that GeoToolkit (or GeoTools) should be able to do, but I'm having great difficulty in de...

Common Mercator Projection formulas for Google Maps not working correctly

I am building a Tile Overlay server for Google maps in C#, and have found a few different code examples for calculating Y from Latitude. After getting them to work in general, I started to notice certain cases where the overlays were not lining up properly. To test this, I made a test harness to compare Google Map's Mercator LatToY con...

How to reproject a vector layer when you switch between base maps of different projections

I have OpenLayers map with two base layers: MetaCarta (EPSG:4326) and Google map (Mercator). sphericalMercator = false, units are degrees. There are also some markers, boxes, and vector data on the map. When I switch between the base layers (which are of different projections), the simple geometries (such as markers or boxes) are reproj...