
git: how do I merge between branches while keeping some changesets exclusive to one branch?

There's a special place in hell for people who hardcode absolute paths and database credentials into multiple random places in web applications. Sadly, before they go to hell they're wreaking havoc on Earth. And we have to deal with their code. I have to perform a few small changes to one of such web applications. I create a new branch...

Reintegrating branch made from working directory.

I have just done something without thinking it through. I have made a branch from working directory containing local modifications using TortoisSVN. I am assuming it did a copy and switch in one shot. Now the first version of my new branch is different from any version of the trunk. The question is, how do I reintegrate this branch b...

Do you feel comfortable merging code?

This morning, I read two opinions on refactoring. Opinion 1 Opinion 2 They recommend branching (and subsequently merging) code to: Keep the trunk clean. Allow a developer to walk away from risky changes. In my experience (particularly with Borland's StarTeam), merging is a non-trival operation. And for that reason, I branch only ...

TFS: Merging back into main branch

We have a Current branch where the main development happens. For a while I have been working on something kind of experimental in a separate branch. In other words I branched what I needed from the Current branch into an Experimental branch. While working I have regularly merged Current into Experimental so that I have the changes others...

how do I manage source code using SVN? branching, merging.

We are team of 4 developers/friends located in different locations. We all have started working on the a ProjectX and created branches A, B, C and D using Subversion. we have just basic knowledge of version controlling the source code. Other day one of us just tried to merge Branch A with B,C, and D and B tried to merge with A, C, and D...

Git: Patching another branch

Often when I work on a feature branch with git, I find a bug and start fixing it right away. I don't want to switch since the new feature is often what I need to reproduce the bug. After a while I have 2-3 files that contains the bug fix plus some other non-committed files containing the new feature I'm working on. Now I would like to m...

Merging database structure changes from one server to another.

I currently have a website with three builds: development, staging and production. Each of those has it's own MySQL database instance. Each of the instances has different data in it which should not change (orders). My question is, if I made changes to the structure of the development database, is there an easy way to propogate those ch...

How to ignore folder during subversion merge

Hi, I have a whole bunch of changes that I need to be merged in to my branch but I want to ignore a specific folder during the merge. Is it possible to do this using Subversion? If so then how can I do it? EDIT: The folder that I want to ignore is in the repository but I don't changes to be made to this folder during the merge ...

merge heaps algorithm

is there an efficient algorithm for merging 2 max-heaps (stored as an array)? ...

SVN - how to apply change made in trunk to all branches

I am a beginner in SVN.I have the SVN directory structure like this: |-trunk |-file1.php |-file2.php |-branches |-branch_1 |-file1.php |-file2.php |-branch_2 |-file1.php |-file2.php In the trunk I have the main version of my application. I have two branches for different clients which have the modifications onl...

Subversion: Merging a vendor's source code releases into mainline at regular intervals

At regular intervals, I receive a new release of a vendor's software, delivered as source code in a compressed package, and I don't have access to the vendor's source code repository. We make changes to the vendor's source code between their releases. Our changes do not get incorporated into their releases, but I need to merge changes ...

How does merging work the second, third, etc. time you merge a file?

I'm interested in knowing how revision-control systems do merging. Suppose you have a file A. On one branch, file A is modified - call it file B. On another branch, file A is modified - call it file C: B / A \ C When the second branch is merged into the first branch, I understand that a 3-way merge is performed between B, C, an...

Any tools to analyze divergent code, get it into sourcecontrol (Subversion)

Say you take over some code that exists in different versions, no sourcecontrol (possibly some backups). Are there some tools that let you analyze relationships (more than diffs), or let you reconstruct history in sourcecontrol? If you load it into Subversion, can you do better that to designate the best version as base-version, and th...

tf14087 Cannot undelete [file] because not all of the deletion is being undeleted

We are getting this error when we try to merge from a development branch (Dev) back to its parent branch (Main). Main did have some changesets rolled back a few weeks ago which included the deletion of some folders which exist in Dev. We believe this is the source of the problem. What is the best way to resolve this. Main should pr...

SVN Automatic merge to branch on check in

We use one branch for the our upcoming release, and trunk for the next release (later). For example: v1.1 -> v1.2 -> trunk (Where v1.1 is in production, v1.2 is the upcoming release and trunk will turn into v1.3 closer to release). While working on the upcoming release, we check in using SVN (TortoiseSVN). The problem with this is that...

How to merge this two specific arrays in PHP?

I have this array: $array['apples'][0]['name'] = 'Some apple'; $array['apples'][0]['price'] = 44; $array['oranges'][0]['name'] = 'Some orange'; $array['oranges'][0]['price'] = 10; How can I merge the two arrays so i get this: $array[0]['name'] = 'Some apple'; $array[0]['price'] = 44; $array[1]['name'] = 'Some orange'; $array[1]['pri...

How to merge on project / multiple files in VSS?

I have VSS 6.0. I have branched my project so that I can do parallel development. I have 100s of files in folder/subfolders. I have changed some 10-20 files in multiple folders in ver 2 branch. Now I want to merge changes done in ver 2 to ver 1 branch. When I select the project merge branches option is not enabled. neither is it enable...

practical guide to subversion branch merging

Preface I realise there are already a lot of questions about merging SVN branches on SO. I have read many of them, but still haven't really found the information I'm looking for, so please read this question in it's entirety before proposing to close it as a duplicate I need to merge one SVN branch into another. I'm pretty comfortabl...

winform - merging datagridview headers

Dear friends I have a problem with merge the datagridview headers in winForm. I using this code : void dataGridView1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Rectangle r1 = dataGridView1.GetCellDisplayRectangle(2, -1, true); Rectangle r2 = dataGridView1.GetCellDisplayRectangle(3, -1, true); r1.X += 1; ...

Generic import/merge logging preprocessing framework

We write reporting software. we want to do imports of data, when the user imports data we need to do a pre-process phase and display an overview of the impact the import will have. then the user will be able to choose actions based on this pre-processing phase that will determine how the actual import will proceed. usually in a situatio...