
About the PeekMessage in c++

PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) If hWnd is NULL, PeekMessage retrieves messages for any window that belongs to the current thread, and any messages on the current thread's message queue whose hwnd value is NULL (see the MSG structure). Therefore if hWnd is NULL, both window messages and thread messages are pro...

WCF Custom Message Writing With Transaction Support

Hi All I'm using a custom message that inherits the System.Servicemodel.Channels.Message. My custom message get IEnumerable collection which pulled from a database. The WCF service is transactional (which is already tested). MS-DTC is enabled. Problem is, that when the protected override void OnWriteBodyContents(XmlDictionaryWriter...

Designing a message processing based system

I need recommendations, design input, references to similar systems or anything that will help in building the system below. I have been assigned to design a message processing based system. The over all architecture is as follows. We have i) Client ii) Server iii) Data Collectors - Services that gather data from the internet...

sms notification

hi all, I am a new iphone application developer. i am making an application which requires an incoming message notification even if the application is closed. can anybody tell me how to do that... Thanks Rachit Taneja ...

Jquery form sumission with sucess and error message

Hi I am doing form submission and validation using jquey and from server side I am getting a response in JSON format.. I am displaying the message in jquery dialog box but not able to show the message from server.... my approach: <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ $.validator.setDefaults({ submitHandler: function(...

Message encapsulation in C (Adding protocol headers)

How can we encapsulate a message with any protocol header.Message can be char * or a pointer to memory field (void *). Actually i want to do is : message --> add protocol header(e.g udp) |udp header + message | struct UdpHeader { int Sport,Dport,chksum,size; } void sendMsg(void *msg,int sport,int dport,int size) { Udp...

Advanced Tkinter text box?

I am working on a simple messaging system, and need to add the following to a Tkinter text box widget: 1) Spell Check 2) Option To Change Font ( on selected text ) 3) Option to change font color ( on selected text ) 4) Option to Change Font Size ( on selected text ) I have used Google to try and find examples or modules I could use, ...

ZeroMQ / ØMQ / 0MQ how to get started?

I am trying to use ZeroMQ / ØMQ / 0MQ (which ever you prefer) on Windows using C# Binding. Is there any beginner materials out there? Do I need to register ZeroMQ DLL on Windows or something in order to run the C# Binding samples (local_lat / remote_lat)? Updated: After a few hours I've got zeromq / ruby working on Ubuntu 10.04. I've le...

What is "info_dialog" Method in Visual Studio 2010 Javascript AutoComplete?

When editing javascript in VS2010, the dropdown autocomplete list shows a method called info_dialog - i dont have this method in any of my javascript and cant seem to find out where it comes from or what it does? Does anyone know? Thanks a lot! ...

Access denied error on server when Security mode="message"

My WCF has 3 endpoints webHttpBinding - for RESTFull pattern wsHttpBinding - consumed by a VSTO plugin app. using service reference mexHttpBinding. In the bindings section of my app.config (server). To configure security for RESTFull Service , this is how I configure ...

Post Twitter message from iPhone app with OAuth

Hi, How can I post a message on Twitter from my app using OAuth authentication? I'd like to post an invariable message with a variable link... How can I do this? Any source? Any tutorials? Thanks a lot! ...

Pragma message in Clang?

What's Clang's equivalent to #pragma message as used in GCC and MSVC? ...

How to send Bulk Sms in Linked In profile? when i able to see SendinMail instead of Send Message

Hi , i am Looking for one Good Suggestion. i Have a Linked In account. in that when i search for people, for every one it shows send in Mail. But i want to send Message to to everyone. Can anybody guide me how to send Message to Linked In People. when search Real Estate People it shows every one. But I Couldn't send Message. Why Becau...

how to add confirm message box into jquery

hi experts, i'm having list of user with check box, so the function is at least one check box must select else validation done using jquery to delete selected user, once validation done there should confirm message box appear to ask confirmation wheter yes or no to delete. so below is my code without the confirm message box function d...

MVC validation message space on IE 7

I am using MVC 2 and for validation messages it is as below. <li><%= Html.ValidationMessage("City")%></li> <li><%= Html.ValidationMessage("Name")%></li> But the problem is when it is viewed on IE 7 (all validation messages are grouped as 3-4 each) it shows a big white space. But on IE 8 it is working fine. I need to render same on b...

C++ - Window Message loop is freezing

I have this class here that I made based on another one I had. It is supposed to handle the whole creating windows and stuff, but it seems to be getting into a hang now. The older version used to work fine, I don't know WHAT I may have forgotten to add to this one that might be causing it to hang like this. This is the message loop: ...

Closing a Task Tray app

I have a set of server apps that run in the task tray. I'm trying to write a little server management app in c# that can gracefully close the applications. However I'm having trouble figuring out how to do it. I can get the process (an instance of the Process class). Calling Process.CloseMainWindow() doesn't work. You don't get a Pr...

message read or not iphone

how can i detect that received sms is read or not by user, i am using CTMessageCenter header also pleas help me.. and also tell me how can i put my application in background continuously.... ...

Visual Studio 2010: Unit test results with "jump to file at line/col" links

I'm unit testing a compiler and would like to provide a unit test result that can be clicked and will bring visual studio to a specified test input file with the cursor at a specified line/col. Is this possible? I've tried the format outlined at

how do i send a custom message to a windows service?

I have implemented a windows xp service application that starts a couple of working threads. From one of the threads i need to send custom messages back to the service. How do i do that? ...