
scala actor message definition

Do i need to define class for message i want to retrieve on a scala actor? i trying to get this up where am i wrong def act() { loop { react { case Meet => foundMeet = true ; goHome case Feromone(qty) if (foundMeet == true) => sender ! Feromone(qty+1); goHome }}} ...

Git to svn: Adding commit date to log messages

How should I do to have the author (or committer) name/date added to the log message when "dcommitting" to svn? For example, if the log message in Git is: This is a nice modif I'd like to have the message in svn be something like: This is a nice modif ----- Author: John Doo <[email protected]> 2010-06-10 12:38:22 Committer: Nice...

What are messages in actor programming?

This question describes what actors are in actor programming. What are messages? How can you avoid shared state if you send an object in a message (assuming objects exist in actor programming)? ...

error message The URI does not identify an external Java class

Hi! I am new to XSL, and thus new to using scripts within the XSL. I have taken example code (also using C#) and adapted it for my own use.. but it does not work. EDIT: This code works in Visual Studio.. The error is only generated in Oxygen... I am still wanting to have it error free in Oxygen, so any insight is appreciated! The err...

WPF application which calls an API, which needs a message pump

I have a WPF application that calls an API to operate a device (a scanner). This API is COM based, and internally has a hidden window that the scanner sends messsages too. The intent of the API is to turn those windows messages into COM events. The problem is that the WPF application doesn't have a message pump, and therefore none of the...

issues using facebook iphone api to post image and text

I have been trying to use the facebook iphone api to publish an image and some text from my app (i.e. using FBRequest call:@"" with the appropriate params. I've found that the behavior is extremely erratic, as it first worked fine when I implemented it, then, completely stopped working (the request would fail and ...

Twitter like status message using jquery...

I am using this jquery javascript function to show status message, function topBar(message) { $("<div />", { 'class': 'topbar', text: message }).hide().prependTo("body") .slideDown('fast').delay(4000).slideUp(function() { $(this).remove(); }); } and my css: .topbar { background: #476275; border-bottom: solid 2px #EE...

Z_Form :: Adding a custom error message to zend_form inside Action Controller

I'm new to ZF and I'm discovering how to use Zend_Form and utilize it's capability like validating and filtering input values. I already know the basic of Zend_form like building a form and add element into it. My problem is that I want to add a custom error message to form element and I want to define that message inside the action cont...

Message map for IE onDocumentComplete

I want to create a message map inside my Visual C++ program. May I know what is the name of the message (WM_??) that relate to IE onDocumentComplete. I want to do something like this. When IE has finish loading the page, it calls my custom function. ...

Biztalk AS2 MDN AS2EdiReceive "No Disassemble stage components can recognize the data"

Okay, I've looked through all the walkthroughs on the MSDN.. and I don't know what's happening. I've got an asynchronous MDN that's being received by my One-Way port which has the pipeline as "AS2EdiReceive". All EDI files come in fine. It's the MDN files that generate the "No Disassemble stage components can recognize the data". He...

Win32: My Application freezes while the user resizes the window

Hi ! I write a win32 application. I implemented the message loop myself like this: bool programcontinue = true; while(programcontinue) { while (PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); ...

MessageDigest SHA-512 different than openssl

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I have the following code: byte[] digest = new byte[0]; MessageDigest md = null; try{ md = MessageDigest.getInstance( "SHA-512" ); } catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e ) { return digest; } digest = md.digest( myString.getBytes() ); Looking at the hex values of digest byte[] in the ...

How web request executed via internet?

I want to know how web request executed while requesting any information from other server. I want to know internal of this message processing means when we click any button on web page then how it converted to GET/POST request in proper message format inclucing SOAP etc. Is there any link or book from where i can get these info. Please ...

What does |5E| mean in Common Lisp?

Hello, all! I got following error message in Common Lisp. What does || mean in CL? CL-USER> (write-to-string 5e) The variable |5E| is unbound. [Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE] ...

Mouse Up WM_LBUTTONUP event not firing

I'm using .net 2.0 compact framework compiling for pocket PDAs. I need to determine how long the mouse (stylus) has been held down for. To do this I capture the WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP messages and record the time that i received them. Then simply put WM_LBUTTONUP time - WM_LBUTTONDOWN time should be about how long it was held do...

NSNotificationCenter: pass Notification between 2 classes

i have 2 classes. class1 gets some information through the net. when one of these informations comes, class1 has to send a notification to class2. i understood it so that i have to put [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:at"anyUserNotification" object:class2]; into class1 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCente...

Message queue, c++ multi thread

Hi, I looking for cross platform multithread message queue implementation on c++ (not slot/signal) . Better if it based on subject-observer pattern. ...

How to create a custom Spring LoginMessageInterceptor?

Hi, How can I create and register my own LoginMessageInterceptor in Spring? Thanks! ...

How to reduce the time request between producer (Java) and consumer (Flex) with JMS Message?

Hi, I have implemented application client-server with spring blazeDs message services using JMS message destination. The idea is a producer declared in Java send message using activeMQ and consumer declared in Flex receives them. I have configured the AMFChannel with a polling interval 0, but I have seen when the consumer subscribes t...

c++ exception-like message passing

I'm working on developing a fairly robust 2D game engine as a base that other games can be built off of as a for-fun project (I know theres already things that do this, but that's no fun). I'm trying to figure out a good way to do message-passing between classes within the engine. At first I was thinking about using a heirarchy of exce...