

In Delphi; what are the differences between Application.MessageBox, Windows.MessageBox or Dialogs.MessageDlg? Or which is more efficient to use computer memory? ...

GXT KeyListener.componentKeyDown() immediately closes MessageBox.alert()

In GXT, MessageBox methods are asynchronous, meaning that the application does not "lock up" while the message box is displayed. I using a KeyListener to process enter key presses in a form (to increase usability, i.e., allowing the form to be submitted by the enter key) and subsequently disabling the form fields while the application p...

stop while statment with messagebox java

I need to find a way to stop a while statement when a messagebox is closed in java. I am modifying a chat program, the server has no gui and listens with a while(true) statement. I am trying to find a way to close the server with out going into task manager and killing java.exe. I have little experience with java so some source code woul...

Show a message box from a class in c#?

How do you get a class to interact with the form to show a message box. I cannot for the life of me work it out! Thanks, Ash ...

win32: change MessageBox text?

My program has multiple threads. I am using messagebox to display information to the user. Is there anyway (or an alternative to message box) that I can have another thread update/change the message-box display text while the message box is still on the screen and visible by the user? ...

How to enable an AfxMessageBox Yes/No (MB_YESNO) "close" button? (upper right corner "X")

When calling: AfxMessageBox(strMsg, MB_YESNO); A messagebox with the buttons "Yes" and "No" is displayed. But the "X" (close button) in the upper right corner is disabled, and pressing ESC has no effect. This is because the only valid results would be IDYES and IDNO, and not IDCANCEL. Is there a quick way of getting this behavior en...

Using Yes/No Messagebox in Updatepanel AJAX.

I have a requirement where I ask user for confirmation and also display messages. The programmers used for this were from Windows forms background. Hence have used the MsgBox in every nook and corner. Even in business logic part they have used the Messageboxes which requires Yes/No style confirmation from user. When we tested the site ...

Bind or Pull a DataTable record to a MessageBox Text in C#

I am trying to make a messagebox text provide datatable results. Below is a snippet of code that I have written so far: String mystring = comboBox1.Text; if (mystring.Substring(0, 12) == ("Company Name")) { textBox2.Text = mystring.Substring(13); ADOCon.ConnectionString = @"Provid...

How come my code works when I use a MessageBox.Show() in between, and does not work without it?


Is it possible for a library consumer to override C++ exceptions handling?

I have a C++ DLL with code like this: LogMessage( "Hello world" ); try { throw new int; } catch( int* e ) { LogMessage( "Caught exception" ); delete e; } LogMessage( "Done" ); This DLL is loaded by some third-party application and the code above is invoked. The problem is only the first LogMessage is invoked - even though ...

How do I get MessageBox button caption?

Hello, I'm making a custom message box that lets you copy text, but I wanted it to look exactly like a standard message box, so I would like to set the buttons text to whatever the system language is, as the MessageBox class does. Does anyone knows how to get that text ("Yes", "No", "Cancel", etc)?. ...

How to set Progress bar on Message Box

I want to set progress bar on my message box how to set ...progress bar property style have Marquee property..... Message box code is bellow....... MessageBox.Show("Data process please wait .", "Data progress ", MessageBoxIcon.Information); ...

Tkkinter message box

I've been trying to build a fairly simple message box in tkinter,that has an "YES" and "NO" buttons. When I push the "YES" button internally it must go and write to a file YES. Similarly,when "NO" is pushed, file must be written a NO.Any idea of how I could do this ? ...

How can I do a messagebox in mvc?

Hi, I've been trying to do a messagebox in a controller in mvc, but every time I type MessageBox or MsgBox it doesn't give me the option to import a namespace... What can I use that would be similar to a MessageBox? ...

Tkinter button bind

Hello, Help urgently.. This is my code: import Tkinter from Tkconstants import * tk = Tkinter.Tk() class MyApp: def __init__(self,parent): self.frame = Tkinter.Frame(tk,relief=RIDGE,borderwidth=2) self.frame.pack() self.message = Tkinter.Message(tk,text="Symbol Disolay") label=Tkinter.Label(s...

Handling Cancel Button in Yes/No/Cancel Messagebox in FormClosing Method

I put a Yes/No/Cancel Messagebox in FormClosing Method of my form. and now this is Message box text: Do You Want to Save Data? I am not a profesional and not know how to handle if user clicked Cancel Button? Exactly the result of clicking on Cancel Button must be The form remain open. How to prevent Closing my form in FormClosing method...

Modal MessageBox on another Process' Handle may lock-up target Process

If I show a MessageBox as modal of a window on another process, it works just fine as long as my program remains responding. If it is closed or terminated while the MessageBox is showing the windows that received the MessageBox will be locked (but still responding) and it will have to be finalized via Task Manager. Here is a sample code...

why message box is always hidden behind main dialog and cannot be shown on the top

I am using MFC to write a GUI application. I chose dialog-based application, and put picture control, edit box and buttons on it. When the picture control is mapped to the class derived from CWnd using DDX_Control, all the message boxes (including default system message box pop up when you enter invalid input in the edit box) are hidden...

c# a nice notice box

Is there any code for a nice notice box (Even a dll would be fine) Like the one kaspersky antivirus shows? Because in my script I use a lot of message box and the end-user start to complain that they need to click okay every time. ...

C# MessageBox doesn't display the whole string of text anymore

I am trying to display a simple message, which I have done probably thousands of times in the past, and NOW... The full string of text is NOT being displayed in the MessageBox. I'm not doing anything differently, so I don't see the problem. Here's my code: if (MessageBox.Show("The text in this file has changed. Do you want to save chang...