
"Don't show this again" option in message boxes

In C++/MFC, what's the simplest way to show a message box with a "Don't show this again" option? In my case, I just want a simple MB_OK message box (one OK button). ...

Verify Text of item in Listbox is the same one in List<string> C#

I'm trying to get it to verify that it has the same item in the List as the one that's currently selected in the listbox Why does this code not work, It should work unconditionally because the text generated from the listbox is taken from the List choicetitle if (RemovePackages_Listbox.Text == choicetitle[RemovePackages_Listbox.Selecte...

How do I choose an input using a GUI/explorer window in a MATLAB program?

I actually have 2 queries: How do I display the data of a variable in a msgbox? In other words, if I have dist=3765 at the end of my program and I want to display it in a msgbox, how do I do it? I want the user to select an input file (suppose an image) from a folder in my MATLAB program using an explorer window at runtime. How do I co...

Help: Change WPF application manifest?

Hello all! I posted a comment to Microsoft that the Dialog Boxes in WPF are not VisualStyle enabled. Joe Castro posted a workaround there which I don't really understand how to achieve, can anyone help? Here is he's response: For app compat reasons applications don't by default use v6 of the system common controls (available since XP...

Display message in windows dialogue box using "cout" - C++

Can a windows message box be display using the cout syntax? I also need the command prompt window to be suppressed / hidden. There are ways to call the messagebox function and display text through its usage, but the main constraint here is that cout syntax must be used. cout << "message"; I was thinking of invoking the VB msgbox co...

center MessageBox in parent form

Is there a easy way to center MessageBox in parent form in .net 2.0 ...

Why does my WCF service method only work once I've called MessageBox.Show()?

I have a WCF service which provides a method that creates a file. Sometimes it takes a little while for this file to appear, and other methods which are relying on that file's existence fail if they are called immediately afterward. As a result, I want to check that the file has appeared before proceeding. In my client class, I can call...

SMART ASSERT for C++ application?

Is it good to define a new macro that craters my need of showing failed assertion to user and with just enough information for developers to debug the issue. Message for user, what the user should do with this message at last information for the developer #define ASSERT(f) \ do \ { \ if (!(f) && AfxAssertFailedLine(T...

message box not working

I have an exception where i need to sheo a messagebox my messagebox works on localhost but not on the server catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Machine Cannot Be Deleted", "Delete from other Places first", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } how can i make this work... thanks is there anothe...

TaskDialog default button

stackoverflow just works faster :) I'm using the Windows® API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework to access Windows 7 API and I want to change my old MessageBox to TaskDialog. One thing I cannot find is the default button of the dialog. Is there a way to set it? what about a work around? thanks ...

Clickable URL in a Winform Message Box?

I want to display a link to help in a message box. By default the text is displayed as a non-selectable string. ...

OpenGL with GLUT on windows 7, fullscreen mode not showing the message box

Hello, I wrote an OpenGL app in C++ a while ago, back when my operating system was Windows XP. I used GLUT (plane ol' version) to show the window and also used full screen mode. There are times when I displayed a message box (MessageBoxA method, using the MB_TASKMODAL modifier). In windows XP the message box was being displayed nicel...

Display alert with custom button titles on Windows?

Using CoreFoundation, I can display an alert dialog with the following: CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0.0, kCFUserNotificationPlainAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, CFSTR("Alert title"), CFSTR("Yes?), ...

WPF MessageBoxes and DataTemplates

I have an object that in a simplified form is as follows: public class MyObject { public bool Activate { get { MessageBox.Show("My Status"); } set { Do Some Stuff } } I have a DataTemplate that maps the "Activate" property to a check box like so: <DataTemplate x:Key="ComponentResourceKey TypeInTargetAssembly={x:Type ...

Windows Forms YesNo Message Box - Buttons Text

In a Windows Forms application I have a MessageBox with YesNo buttons. I want to change the text on the buttons (from "Yes", "No" to something custom). ...

C++ Dialog box With timer

Hi, I couldn't find a simple tutorial on how to make a dialog box with decrementing timer. I don't need the timer to be accurate or actually reflect my program's inner timer. ...

How to display a modal message box in C++ on Mac?

CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert and CFUserNotificationDisplayNotice creates a non-modal window and this is bad because it could bring your application UI in a very undesired state if you select the original application window (the message box is hidden but the applicaton does not respond). The old SystemAlert was modal but this one doesn...

App crash when calling MessageBox

Hello i call up a MessageBox when validating some data, if the data is wrong I message the user with a MessageBox with following code: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox_name.Text.Trim() != "" || textBox_X.Text.Trim() != "" || textBox_Y.Text.Trim() != "") { if (grap...

How do I get a MessageBox like information window to appear in Java?

I'm learning Java and I have no idea how to do this. I dragged a button on the form in Netbeans, double clicked it and it created this event: @Action public void HelloClickMethod() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "The message!", "This is supposed to be the MessageBox title."); } This is the exception the IDE brings up. ...

How to show a client-side message with Java JSF/Tobago?

I have a web application created with JSF and Tobago. The user types some date into a sheet and clicks a button (all within one sheet-row). Now my java class checks whether the data is correct or not. In case there are some problems, I would like to show up something like a messagebox containing the errormessage. I cannot use something ...