
Is there a methodology for axing methdologies?

How do you garbage collect or eliminate outdated and cumbersome methodologies that are more detrimental than helpful to the software development process? How can you continually streamline your process to clear the way for programmers to actually get something accomplished instead of closing a thousand barn doors because of the escaped ...

Produce heading hierarchy as ordered list

I've been pondering this for a while but cannot come up with a working solution. I can't even psuedo code it... Say, for example, you have a page with a heading structure like this: <h1>Heading level 1</h1> <h2>Sub heading #1</h2> <h2>Sub heading #2</h2> <h3>Sub Sub heading</h3> <h2>Sub heading #3</h2> ...

PHP debugging with remote shell access

I'm playing with a PHP weblog application using a shared hosting service, as a part of my PHP learning process. The service provider has a typical LAMP environment with remote ssh access. Vim has been my best friend in exploring the PHP code. However, I found it sometimes hard to trace stuff in the code in case of error. For example, s...

ActionMailer best practices: Call method in the model or the controller?

Sending an email is usually called after an action on a model, but the email itself is a view operation. I'm looking for how you think about what question(s) to ask yourself to determine where to put the action mailer method call. I've seen/used them: In a model method - bad coupling of related but seperate concerns? In a callback i...

What is the best way to hand-off from designers to coders in ASP.Net

The title pretty much states the question, what do you think is hte best way? Just get HTML from the designers (graphic artists etc.), then go in and start adding the "runat=server", etc.? Are there any other approaches that work well? ...

How much documentation is optimal for an Agile project?

I recently joined a new project utilizing Agile methodology. The documentation is scarce to none, except for sticky papers on the whiteboard indicating stories, completed, in-progress, etc. The project is a web app for a workflow that is fairly complicated. Is this common or is it still useful to have functional/tech specs, etc. with ...

Lazy loading - what's the best approach?

I have seen numerous examples of lazy loading - what's your choice? Given a model class for example: public class Person { private IList<Child> _children; public IList<Child> Children { get { if (_children == null) LoadChildren(); return _children; } } } The Pers...

Third party dll is missing, what should I do while waiting?

I am working on a legacy C++ project and missing a third party dll. I was told that the dll will be available in two weeks. The work that I need to perform is pure UI. I don't really need the dll. However, the application won't run without the dll. Should I comment out all the places that the dll get called or create a place holder dll, ...

Are embedded developers more conservative than their desktop brethrens?

I've been in the embedded space for a while now, and it seems that most programmers I talk to seem to be doing things pretty much the same way it was done 15 years or more ago: Waterfall(ish) Development, command line tools and a small group uses lint. Contrast this with the server/desktop environment, where there seems to be lots of ac...

4D's Development Methodology

Anybody out there heard of "Define Design Develop Deploy" ? Just curious if someone knows or uses this development methodology. ...

Object Oriented CSS: Catchy Buzz-phrase or Legitimate Design Approach?

It seems there is a new catch-phrase emerging in the web development field: object-oriented CSS. On the face of it, this strikes me as simply being best-practice packaged up in a catchy slogan. I understand and fully respect the intentions behind the movement, but is there any more to it? Does anyone have any further insight that sets...

LaTeX spell checking for software documentation

My development team has to perform a large documentation effort on a piece of software we've constructed. To do this concurrently we've elected to make the document using LaTeX, and to store the tex files in Subverison. This looks like it will work great. We've come across one problem though: What tool(s) should we use to perform spel...

End-to-end software development cycle on a web-based application?

We are looking for ways to further improve our software development process through proper documentation. However, being a document, these documentation/specification are only available whenever we open and read it. For example, URS, SRS, ERD, DB Diagram, Class Diagram, Use Case, Test Scripts, User Manual and Training materials usually...

Pair programming means double cost per developer. Is it worth that money?

Pair programming in Agile requires us to double the salary paid to single programmer. Of course with such approach the quality of the code is far cry better, bugs are found much earlier and so forth, but is that still worth that money? Maybe we should pay the 2nd developer's salary to the few testers (the latter are usually much cheaper ...

Is agile scientifically proven?

Are there any scientific studies that have compared agile to other software development methodologies? I think agile is a nice way of working, but is there any scientific basis for it? I'm looking for something like this, except this study only deals with TDD. Have there been studies about agile in general? I'm asking this because I m...

what are Agile and Scrum development methodology ?

Hi, I keep hearing and reading a lot about Agile and Scrum development methodologies, but I have no idea of what they can be, or their use, what kind of projects are suited to this method ? Could you point me out to some useful information about it ? Where to start ? What are the advantages ? ...

What performance testing methodology are you using for your webapps?

I would like to performance test a typical web application. The application offers some web2.0 functionalities, like writing blogs, wikis, search for contents and something like this. I've analysed the access log and got know an unterstanding what the users are doing really frequently. The gap in my brain is how to proceed? I thoght abo...

How to use TDD when the fix involves changing the method under test's signature?

I'm trying to get my head around TDD methodology and have run into - what I think is - a chicken-and-egg problem: what to do if a bug fix involves the changing of a method's signature. Consider the following method signature: string RemoveTokenFromString (string delimited, string token) As the name suggests, this method removes all ...

Project Management and Scheduling Techniques

Hello, I know this is probably the nth project management question. But am trying to move my team onto a more robust project management technique. Am wondering what is the best technique to use? I know that probably no technique is best, but which are the most popular techniques? Poker planning? Evidence Based Scheduling? COCOMO? Agile?...

Tracer Bullet Development

I'm working on a client server app using the Tracer Bullet approach advocated in The Pragmatic Programmer and would like some advice. I'm working through each use case from initiation on the client through to the server and back to the client again to display the result. I can see two ways to proceed: Cover the basic use cases, just ...