
onclick multiple javascript functions

Is there any way to use the onClick html attribute to call more than one JavaScript method? EDIT: Thanks for all of the answers guys! :) ...

javascript function not calling possibly due to scope issue

I am looking to call my clear() JS function to clear the text values in some input fields on my webpage, but for some reason, the function doesn't appear to be called correctly. I believe this may be a scope issue, but I'm not sure. Here is my markup, script and styling kept together for ease-of-use currently, but will be mended once s...

How can I call one method in two activities?

I'm developing an Android project , the main activity well call a method(Ptime.GetDate) which will change a global variable (output) then this activity will print this variable public class calendar extends main_menu { int i=0; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle sav...

public List<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Enumerator?

I'm looking at the MSDN docs about List.GetEnumerator. They say the C# method signature is: public List<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Enumerator GetEnumerator() I was expecting this much simpler signature: public List<T>.Enumerator GetEnumerator() What does their signature mean, with all the punctuation and the "Of" keyword? Edit: Well, I ...

IE 8 javascript object problem?

Hello, I am getting an error in IE 8 that says it does support the use of that object, it works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox however. item = validateDates({endDate:$('#campaign_to_date').val(), startDate:$('#campaign_from_date').val(), required:"none"}); Not sure what is wrong with it at all, since it's just a method call. ...

Why do I get an ambiguous error when calling a Constructor inside of the same class in Java?

I can't figure out why i'm getting an ambiguous error. This is a sample code of what I have: public class MyString{ //Data: private char[] theString; //constructors: public MyString(){ // default constructor } public MyString(String s){ // parameterized constructor } public MyString(char[] s){ // paramete...

JavaScript method execution interruption

How can I interrupt execution of a JavaScript method? The method is scheduled using the "setTimeout" function in JavaScript, I need to interrupt that method execution(not by calling the "clearTimeout" function because it cannot interrupt a method execution during its execution but can cancel before it already started to executing, after ...

Python/Django: Adding custom model methods?

Using for example class model(models.Model) .... def my_custom_method(self, *args, **kwargs): #do something When I try to call this method during pre_save, save, post_save etc, Python raises a TypeError; unbound method. How can one add custom model methods which can be executed in the same way like model.objects.get()...

How do I override a php method in situ

How do I override a class method in php in situ, i.e. without extending it? I would extend if I could, but I cant. ...

What is method inlining?

I've been trying to understand what that really means : inline function In C++, a member function defined in the class declaration. (2) A function call that the compiler replaces with the actual code for the function. The keyword inline can be used to hint to the compiler to perform inline expansion of the body of a...

How to organize my code (methods I create for various uses on my website)

I wrote some code to connect the application to it's database, then I created some code to use the connection code and retrieve, update or add some values to the database, Also I might have some code to deal with other stuff than to deal with the database The code is a little complicated, maybe it's simple but it's not short, for exampl...

How can I invoke multiple actions from a single form?

I have a jsp file in which I have a form. It shows data about an "account" data structure we have. There's a button to remove the data from that data structure. <form action="removeThisData.html" method="post"> ... blah blah blah ... <input type="submit" value="Remove"/> </form> Now, there's a component that I want to be editabl...

How can I programmatically determine which class/module defines a method being called?

In Ruby, how can I programmatically determine which class/module defines a method being called? Say in a given scope I invoke some_method(). In the same scope I'd like to invoke a function find_method(:some_method) that would return which Class, Singleton Class or Module defines some_method. Here's some code to illustrate what I mean:...

custom condition method attributes in C#

I'm wondering if I can do something like this in c#: public CustomerManagerScreen() { [TestAttirubute("CustomerManagerScreen_Load")] private void CustomerManagerScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CustomerLoad(); } } as you can see, method name is a paramet...

How does a Python set([]) check if two objects are equal? What methods does an object need to define to customise this?

I need to create a 'container' object or class in Python, which keeps a record of other objects which I also define. One requirement of this container is that if two objects are deemed to be identical, one (either one) is removed. My first thought was to use a set([]) as the containing object, to complete this requirement. However, the...

Calling php methods with strings

I have two objects. Object A and B. A has a method which returns B. And I want to call this dynamically so I use a string for calling a method inside of B like so: $method = 'getB()->someMethod'; But if do this: $a = new A(); $a->$method(); It doesn't work. Any ideas? ...

Why does a local variable lose its value when defining a method with define_method?

Trying to follow along with a metaprogramming screencast from pragpub and ran into some problems because of changes in Ruby since the release of screencast. Hard to explain the problem w/o the code, so here's that: class Discounter def discount(*skus) expensive_discount_calculation(*skus) end private def expensive_discou...

Help with simple method, Java

This is really a silly question, but I've been staring at this problem for way too long and I just cant figure out what the problem is: /** * public boolean overlap(int targetX, int targetY) { * Returns true if the target position is sufficient close to this ghost * If target position is 16 pixels or less in the x directi...

In Java, How do I return a String or a double depending on the circumstance of the method? Is it possible?

For example, I have a method that looks through a string for data separated by a specified deliminator, but some items might be a names, and other items might be numbers. If a user calls my method to return item number X from the deliminated list, i want it to return a string if item X is a name, or a double if item X is a number. For ...

Numerically Solving a Second Order Nonlinear ODE

Okay, I have this not so pretty 2nd order non-linear ODE I should be able to solve numerically. f''(R)+(2/R)f'(R)=(.7/R)((1/sqrt(f))-((0.3)/sqrt(1-f))), f'(0)=1, f(1)=1 I was thinking of breaking this guy up into a system of two first order ODE's and then solve, but I have no idea how to set this up. What method should I use to set up ...