
Hide/ change width/ change position of UIButton based on device type

I'm using the new in-app SMS features in my iPhone app, but obviously iPod Touches aren't able to send and receive SMS without support of a third party app. I know all well how to detect the device and how to hide a UIButton, but what I do not know is how to change the width of the others. Above are the three icons. The one on the far ...

There is no attachment in the sent mail by iPhone

I'm trying to send a recorded sound file as attachment with MFMailComposeViewController. The sound file is OK. The picker shows the correct file name, shows the audio file icon as attachment, sends the mail, but there is no attachment in the result. I attached below the source of the sent mail. There is a "text/plain" content type par...

UIViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: causes main window to disappear

I want to present a modal mail dialogue like so in the iPad app: MFMailComposeViewController* picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; picker.mailComposeDelegate = self; [picker setSubject:title]; [picker setMessageBody:[NSString stringWithFormat:[self emailBody], title, [link absoluteString]] isHTML:YES]; [

Nothing is editable and no keyboard in MFMailComposeViewController

I'm launching a MFMailComposeViewController like so: ShareViewController *shareView = [[ShareViewController alloc] initWithSubject:subject body:body footer:footer]; shareView.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve; shareView.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet; [self presentModalViewControll...

iPhone: How to Display Underlined Text in a Button?

I want to display the mail ID in my view such that clicking the mail ID should open the mail composer view. I want to display the button text as underlined to show it is a hyperlink and for the button click event to call the mail composer view. At present, I am not able to show the button text underlined. I thought of placing a label a...

adding new line to html body in mailcomposer

Hi, How do i add a new line characters to html body of mail composer? I have a string: NSString *emailBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<html><b>%%0D%%0AHello,%%0D%%0AHere's a link to your product%%0D%%0A<a href=\"%@\">click here</a>%%0D%%0A best regards</b></html>", currentProduct.url_product_details]; [picker setMessageBody:email...

IS MFMailComposeViewController working on ipod 3.0 ?

IS MFMailComposeViewController working on ipod 3.0 ? ...

unable to open image in blackberry mobile

hi, when i am sending image from my iphone app to blackberry mobile configured mail-ID. the alert is i am getting that image not supportable formate. But i used jpeg formate, because all blackberry mobiles support jpeg formate only. please help me how to overcome this issue. here is the sample code i am using NSData *myData = UIImag...

MFMailComposeViewController and cancelling "save" action sheet?

i am using MFMailComposeViewController inside my iphone app. I notice that if i enter any text in the body and then press the cancel button, i am prompted with an action sheet with an option to save/don't save the unsent message. I have two questions: can I programmatically prevent the "save/don't save action sheet from appearing? MFMa...

Sending alert message if user not logged in ?

IN my application i use MFMailComposeViewController class to send mail and i know in the case of sending mail through ipod is sucessfully when one account is already open in that but in my application I want to a message which alert the application to open ur account....... ...

Textfiled delegate in MFMailComposeViewController Class

I have used MFMailComposeViewController class in my iPhone app for email functionality.When I try to fill email body keypad comes.Here How can I use resignFirstResponder for that email body textfiled in MFMailComposeViewController class... ...

iPhone MFMailComposeViewController's "cancel" button displays Action Sheet w/ incorrect orientation.

I've been trying to add in-app email functionality and have been somewhat successful. The MailCompose view is displayed properly. But when "Cancel" is pressed the Action Sheet with "Delete", "Save as Draft" and "Cancel" animates in from the left as if the view controller is set to portrait mode*, yet the width (or height depending on ...

How can I send email from my application ?

I want to attach a video and send email from my application. I downloaded apples example code MailComposer. I compiled it. I did not get any errors or warnings. I sent the mail to my mail id. But, I could not see any mail in my inbox. I am working on simulator. I did not set any senders email id in simulator. How can I know whether ...

Is it possible to Prevent TO fileld to be edit in MFMailComposeViewController

in my Application i am using MFMailComposeViewController for emails... I am Adding to Field in it programmaticly... I want To prevent user to edit the TO field, User can't change TO field's email address... I am not able to find neither i know if it is possible or not It is not necessary but still code is NSArray *arr = [NSArray arr...

MFMailComposeViewController broke CSS styles in html template

I use MFMailComposeViewController to send a message in html format. If my html template contains the css styles: <div class="margin:10 10 10 0"> <a href="">Go To</a></div> In this case it works good. But if I send: <a href="">Go&nbsp;To</a> then I see the letter that comes with broken styles as there (3D is n...

How to insert a UIImage into an e-mail with html content ?

Hi, I'm sending mails thanks to the MFMailComposeViewController API, and I manage to add uiimages in attachment, but I'd like to insert my uiimage into html code in my e-mail, any idea of what kind of conversion I should use for my image ? Thanks. ...

MFMailcomposer localize To: Cc/Bcc: and Subject: fields

Hi , I there a way to localize To:, Cc/Bcc: and Subject: titles in MFMailcomposerController? Or customize them? TIA ...

How to dismiss the MFMailComposeViewController in cocos2d ?

I have changed my code to this way. Now mail controller is opening in landscape mode. But the problem is If I touch on cancel button or send button the mail controller is not dismissing its view. How can I do it ? -(void)goToFirstScreen:(id)sender { NSLog(@"goToFirstScreen: "); CCScene *Scene = [CCScene node]; CCLayer *Layer...

Can MFMailComposeViewController attach an XML doc to an HTML message?

I am creating an email in MFMaiilComposeViewController and if I simply create some html snippets and assign them to the message body - all is well. The resulting email (in GMail and Yahoo) looks like the original HTML I sent. [mailMan_ setMessageBody:body isHTML:YES]; On the other hand, if I also include an XML attachment, my email r...

MFMailComposerViewController doesn't always display attachments

I'm attaching a few files to an email to export from the application I've written, namely a .pdf and a .png. I create these by rendering some view to a context and creating an image and a pdf. I can validate that the files are created properly (I can confirm this by looking in my apps sandbox from Finder, and also by sending the email. I...