
Using POCO for windows developing with Eclipse

Hi, i have build POCO library with Visual Studio 2008 and get the .lib files (PocoFoundationmt.lib, PocoNetmt.lib ...) I try to compile a simple program from Poco/Net/samples/httpget using latest Eclipse IDE I have linked project to libraries (Preferences > C/C++ Build > Settings > MinGW C++ Linker) and specified include paths. It see...

How to add 3rd party libraries to MinGW?

I've just set up MinGW environment following this post But how to add 3rd party libraries to it? ...

OpenGL + Mesa 3D + MinGW

Hello, I program C++ applications on (Ubuntu) Linux and compile them to 2 operating systems: natively to Linux by using "g++" (GNU C++ compiler) and cross-compile them to Windows by using "i386-mingw32-g++" (MinGW C++ cross-compiler). Now, I am trying to cross-compile "OpenGL" applications (from Linux to Windows) - for that I need some ...

Compiling Festival on MingW32

I'm trying to compile Festival on MingW32, so I can have a Windows binary. I couldn't find the Windows binary on their site. Anyone have one they can post? If not, here's what I have so far. I did the ./configure and make for it and have the following message: $ make config/config:43: ../speech_tools/config/config: No such file or ...

How to install mingw manually?

Once I saw gcc version 4 at sf.net host page of mingw,I managed to download the whole package and install the new package,but it turns out a lot of mistakes(create process errorwhile run gcc and give out non-meaningful code) and Now I have to rollback to the orginal automatical installed version. My question is: is there anyone have suc...

Can g++ / minGW play nice with the Windows SDK? Is Visual Studio the only option?

Can g++ and minGW on Windows XP use the Windows SDK? Specifically, why does g++ fail to compile: #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> int main(void) { printf("!!!Hello World!!!"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } I have tried compiling by by running: g++ -c -Wall Test.cpp -IC:/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Platform\ SDK/Include/ I get a ...

Costs and benefits of Linux-like Windows development environment

I'm taking an Introduction to C++ this semester, so I need to set up development environments in both my Windows and Ubuntu partitions (I switch between them). I was planning to use GCC in both environments for consistency and because I plan to do my serious C++ developing in Linux with GCC. It appears that installing MSYS and MinGW is...

[Win32] Font rendering problems using Pango + Cairo + Fontconfig using Visual Studio, under GCC works fine

Hi all! I have a big problem, and I hope you can help me. I'm porting a game from Linux to Windows, and using MinGW works fine (except for some crashes that I don't know how, but this is not my problem now) Game use Fontconfig (2.4.2-3), Cairo (1.8.8) and Pango (1.26.0) to render text. Problem is that, using Visual Studio, I can't se...

MinGW linker error: winsock

Hello, I am using MinGW compiler on Windows to compile my C++ application with sockets. My command for linking looks like: g++.exe -Wall -Wno-long-long -pedantic -lwsock32 -o dist/Windows/piskvorky { there are a lot of object files } and I have also tried g++.exe -Wall -Wno-long-long -pedantic -lws2_32 -o dist/Windows/piskvorky...

Setting up MinGW with Eclipse Galileo on Windows.

Couldn't get it working on Windows 7 64 bits. ...

How do I compile a 64-bit version of ffmpeg on Windows?

i need to compile ffmpeg (64 bit shared dll) for windows. however I configure in mingw, it always produces 32 bit binary for me. tried this already ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-memalign-hack --arch=amd64 ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-memalign-hack --arch=x86_64 my guess is that a x86 t...

Using DirectX headers from Wine to compile under MingW

I have been attempting to build HLSL shader support into VLC player. I have hit a brick wall due to lack of utility methods in d3d9.h in MingW to load a .fx file and compile the shader. So under advise from VLC developers I borrowed the DX9 headers from Wine. Now with the d3dx9.h include enabled I have lots of compiler errors in the for...

From MinGW static library (.a) to Visual Studio static library (.lib)

I'm trying to use xlsLib (http://xlslib.sourceforge.net/) for creating Excel spreadsheets from a C++ application. The trouble is that compiling xlsLib, I give a .a file (a GCC static library, generated by MinGW). But, my application depends on another API (PhysX) that only compiles with Visual Studio. Thus: is it possible to transform th...

How to build LLVM using GCC 4 on Windows?

I have been able to build LLVM 2.6 (the llvm-2.6.tar.gz package) using MinGW GCC 3.4.5. I haven't tested properly, but it seems to work. The trouble is, I have libraries of my own which don't build using GCC3, but which work fine in GCC4 (template issues). I believe the first official GCC4 version for MinGW is GCC 4.4.0. EDIT Declutte...

Windows: preventing assert() failures from opening the debug popup

How can I prevent the debug popup window from appearing when an assertion fails on a Windows machine? The app I'm writing is console based and I'm using assert() to test certain things when it's executed in test mode. I'm using MinGW + GCC 4. Edit: This is the test program. #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> int main(void) { ...

Building Cairo for Windows with MinGW (Problems linking libpng)

I'm trying to build cairo on Windows using MinGW (and MSYS). I am following the instrucions on Compiling GTK+ 2.16.4 for Windows, except that I'm using the latest versions whenever possible, i.e: zlib-1.2.3 libpng-1.2.42 pixman-0.17.4 cairo-1.8.8 This works pretty well up until when I try to build the actual cairo. The configuration ...

Help track down segfault in "probe" (?) on mingw

Hi! I use MinGW-5.1.6 and MSYS-1.0.11 to build a static libgmp, and then to build some custom libs and programs which use libgmp. Both gmp and the custom things are built using C(XX)FLAGS="-g -ggdb" ./configure. Gmp's make check runs fine. Everything is statically linked (same effect was seen on dynamic linked libgmp). Now when trying ...

Undefined references when trying to link Qt app with my static library.

Hello, I have a static library that I have built with MinGW, I am trying to link to that library from a Qt application. I keep getting linker errors caused by one of the object files in the library. This file actually declares a couple of Boost headers, one for use of shared_ptr and the other so I can make a class noncopyable. I belie...

Opengl: GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 not defined

Good afternoon, The setup: I've never done any gl programming. I'm attempting to compile some opengl driver code that compiles in other environments. I'm using mingw on windows in the hope that using gcc on both linux and Windows would make my life easier... The problem: The second parameter of the following isn't defined anywhere:...

Strange runtime error, seemly microsoft related.

I am using the debug_new tool that come in the pack of tools NVWA made by Wu Yongwei. http://wyw.dcweb.cn/ I turned it off once to track a heisenbug, that now is fixed. But as I turned it on, my program throws a bizarre error: It loads, but before accepting any input it quits and writes on the console: "This application has requested ...