
How to compile & use GLib with MinGW

I want to use the Gnome GLib in a Windows environment using the free MinGW compiler to develop in C. The problem is, I have absolutely no idea how to compile this library. Would any of you please explain what tools are needed to accomplish this and what instructions need to be followed? ...

Adding program to mingw32's "path"

I am running a rails app locally through NetBeans which seems to be running ruby through mingw32. I'm trying to do a system call to lame, which works fine using just irb, but this particular setup can't find it! What can I do to tell mingw/this instance of rails where lame is? ...

Basic compile issue with QT4

I've been trying to get a dead simple listing from a university textbook to compile with the newest QT SDK for Windows I downloaded last night. After struggling through the regular nonsense (no make.bat, need to manually add environment variables and so on) I am finally at the point where I can build. But only one of the two libraries se...

How to debug MinGW32-make batch files?

I'm having some difficulties building up some cross-platform Makefiles, and I'm getting errors from processes called by mingw32-make that don't make the problem clear. I've tried calling mingw32-make with "-d", and I get a lot of debug output, but the actual program invocations are hidden in temporary batch files that are immediately del...

Trying to install MinGW and Tk for Perl on Windows 7

So... I have been trying to get this working for several weeks now. I can install MinGW through the .exe, but no-matter what I do I can't seem to get make support or ppm install MinGW to work in such a way that my compilation of Tk-804.029 will correctly use the 'make' command. (Installing a Perl Module: perl MakeFile.PL - Works fine ...

Undefined references when compiling a static Qt build on Windows

I'd like to compile a static version of the Qt toolkit on the Windows platform (Windows XP SP3). I downloaded the latest release for Windows and successfully installed it. Then I opened the Qt 4.6.3 Command Prompt from the Start menu and invoked: configure -static -release -nomake examples -nomake demos -fast Configuration executes fin...

Cross-compiling python extensions under Linux using distutils

Hello, everybody! Is there any way to compile both Windows and Linux versions of Python/distutils/SWIG/C++ extensions under Linux? As far as I understand the problem is at least in obtaining windows version of python-dev. Thank you. ...

Create make with Qt4 and MySQL driver plugin

Installing QT plain is no problem, but when you've got to recompile QT with a MySQL driver plugin? Confusing. And when I do run configure, Qt registers my MySQL driver, but when I attempt to run mingw32-make, this abomination shows up on my command prompt: g++.exe: ....corelibcodecsqisciicodec.cpp: No such file or directory g++.exe: n...

Error compiling C code using MinGW in Windows 7

The Makefile is as follows: .PHONY: all clean all : backtrace.dll test.exe backtrace.dll : backtrace.c gcc -O2 -shared -Wall -o $@ $^ -lbfd -liberty -limagehlp --verbose test.exe : test.c gcc -g -Wall -o $@ $^ clean : -del -f backtrace.dll test.exe The source code backtrace.c is a library that allows you to obtain a st...

How to create a new data structure in C++ with object orientation?

Hi! This semester in university I have a class called Data Structures, and the professor allowed the students to choose their favourite language. As I want to be a game programmer, and I can't take Java anymore, I chose C++ ... but now I'm stuck with lack of knowledge in this language. I have to do the following: create a SuperArray, whi...

MinGW Compilation Problem

Hi, I just installed MinGW using the automatic installer MinGW-get-inst that I found on their website. I am using eclipse to write my C++ programs. My code compiles fine, and I get a .exe file. However, when I try to open this executable, I get the error that libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing from my computer. I have located this file under...

error qreating qci plugin for QT, mingw32-make error

hi, i'm trying to create QCI plugin so i can connect my ORACLE db but fails... following those stages: set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;c:\oracle\oci\include set LIB=%LIB%;c:\oracle\oci\lib\msvc cd %QTDIR%\src\plugins\sqldrivers\oci qmake -o Makefile oci.pro mingw32-make i get this error: C:/Qt/2010.02.1/qt/src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci/../../../...

Trouble Compiling wxWidgets for Code::Blocks

I am attempting to compile wxWidgets 2.8.11 on Windows 7 x64 for use with Code::Blocks, and I keep running into the same error. I have MinGW installed as stated, and the proper things added to the path (c:\mingw\bin and c:\mingw\mingw32\bin). I followed the instructions given here: http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Compiling_w...

Cross compiling Direct3D on Linux with mingw

How to configure mingw32 to cross-compile Direct3D Apps for Windows? Is there any possibility? I have actually succeeded compiling code from this tutorial: http://www.directxtutorial.com/Tutorial9/B-Direct3DBasics/dx9B4.aspx - using Code::Blocks on Kubuntu with i586-mingw32msvc-g++. I needed to add #define UNICODE and remove the #pragma ...

Files reading differently in linux? C++

I'm a fairly new programmer, but I consider my google-fu quite competent and I've spent several hours searching. I've got a simple SDL application that reads from a binary file (2 bytes as a magic number, then 5 bytes per "tile") it then displays each tile in the buffer, the bytes decide the x,y,id,passability and such. So it's just lev...

tbb::concurrent_hash_map throws SIGSEGV

I'm running a small program built using TBB on Windows with mingw32. It does a parallel_for. Inside the parallel_for my object makes changes to a concurrent_hash_map object. It starts running but later throws a SIGSEGV when I try to use an accessor. I don't know where the problem is. My object: class Foobar { public: Foobar(FoobarP...

Using MinGW built dll in a Visual Studio 2010 C++ project

Hi, I have build a dll and now I want to use this dll in a Microsoft Visual Studio project. g++ -O0 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -osrc\MyLib.o ..\src\MyLib.cpp g++ -shared -Wl,--out-implib=MyLib.lib -Wl,--output-def=MyLib.def -oMyLib.dll src\MyLib.o -lwsock32 The dll works fine when I use it in a "gcc project". I have tried different ...

On windows _fseeki64 does not seek to SEEK_END correctly for large files.

I have reduced the problem to the following basic function which should simply print the number of bytes in the file. When I execute it for a file of 83886080 bytes (80 MB) it prints the correct number. However for a file of 4815060992 bytes (4.48 GB) it prints 520093696 which is way to low. It seems to have something to do with the SE...