
Activator.CreateInstance can't find the constructor (MissingMethodException)

I have a class which has the following constructor public DelayCompositeDesigner(DelayComposite CompositeObject) { InitializeComponent(); compositeObject = CompositeObject; } along with a default constructor with no parameters. Next I'm trying to create an instance, but it only works without parameters: var...

What next step should I take to fix MissingMethodException while debugging?

I'm calling some VB.NET code in one assembly from C# code in another assembly. The code builds fine, but I'm getting MissingMethodException when I make the call. Usually, according to the Stack Overflow and Google search results for MethodMissingException I've read, it's due to a mismatch between the DLLs you're building against and th...

.NET MissingMethodException occuring on one of thousands of end-user machines -- any insight?

This issue has me baffled, it's affecting a single user (to my knowledge) and hasn't been reproduced by us... The user is receiving a MissingMethodException, our trace file indicates it's occuring after we create a new instance of a component, when we're calling an Initialize/Setup method in preparation to have it do work (InitializeWo...

How to get values from different resource files,instead of using a Case or If/Else Condition (Asp.net)?

Different resource files meaning i have different resource files having with no culture,they are not english,french,german files. I get an exception when i try to do: Dim res As System.Resources.ResourceManager = New System.Resources.ResourceManager("Resources.myres", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), Nothing) res.get...

MissingMethodException when opening a form in the designer; runtime works fine

Hi, Let's say I have a projoct A with a class A that has this property: public bool IsConnected { get { return m_isConnected; } private set { m_isConnected = value; } } In the same solution, I have a project B that references project A and has a user control called Login. This control has this attribute:...

Where is this System.MissingMethodException occurring? How can I tell?

I am a newbie to ASP.NET MVC (v2), and I am trying to use a strongly-typed view tied to a model object that contains two optional multi-select listbox objects. Upon clicking the submit button, these objects may have 0 or more values selected for them. My model class looks like this: using System; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Col...

ASP.NET troubles with updating DataGrid binded to custom DataTable

I bind custom DataTable to DataGrid through ObjectDataSource, where i use SelectMethod and UpdateMethod. SelectMethod working great, but when I try to update row it's breaking by MissingMethodException. What should i do to fix this problem? Sorry for my bad english ;) ...

MissingMethodException in C# Program

I wrote a Windows Form Application in C# and it works well for my computer. But on another PC, an error occurs when I try to do some stuff. MenuItem_Click Event Handler private void rUNToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("I'm in rUNToolStripMenuItem_Click!"); ... } ToolStripMenuItem Event Ha...

MissingMethodException when running application on different computer

I have a problem where I compiled my application on Visual Studio 2010 while targetting the .NET Framework 3.5, deployed it to a client server, only to find it gives me the following error: ************** Exception Text ************** System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform( ...

Grails Webflow errors on first access

I've developed a simple webflow in Grails (mostly to experiment with using webflows- its a bit overkill for this case). After some trials and tribulations with Serializable objects, I have it working - sometimes. Here's the rub- the first time I access the webflow after starting the app (run-app), I get this exception: 2010-06-16 09:1...

Why is it not possible to catch MissingMethodException?

I have a dependency on .NET 2.0 SP2 in my ClickOnce deployed application (the ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CheckForDetailedUpdate(false) method is SP2 only). I would like to check whether SP2 is present during app startup. I have tried to detect this by catching MissingMethodException after calling a SP2-only method. ///...

Checking what version of .NET is required to run my code

I am writing a code base in C#, and have had issues with test PC's not having the correct service pack of .NET 3.5 installed to run the code (the same issue as occuring here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/475319/exception-is-occuring-only-on-my-machine-method-not-found-waithandle-waitonein). I am wondering if there is a static code...

reading Google calendar values

I have set an event successfully using myEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("TEST")) myEntry.setContent(new PlainTextConstruct("See how much text will fit in there")) Then I have successfully read the event record. This works myTitle = ret.getTitle().getPlainText() But this throws an error myTitle = ret.getContent().getPlainTe...

Setting platform target to x86 on my x64 laptop prevent some WPF types to load properly

I have a x64 machine running Windows 7 64 bits. It seems I have a very weird situation since the beginning of the week. If I build and run a WPF application with platform target set as x86, I got a MissingMethodException when trying to create a Grid: var g = new Grid(); However, creating a StackPanel works fine: var s = new StackPan...