
Good book(s) for MMORPG design & implementation?

I am a long time professional C/C++ programmer (mostly embedded systems) and a hobbyist windows & php hacker. Can anyone recommend a book(s) specifically aimed at designing and (hopefully) implementing an MMORPG? I don't need general how to design or how to code books. Maybe a really good generic games book, but I am not interested in ...

Artificial Intelligence in online game using Google App Engine

I am currently in the planning stages of a game for google app engine, but cannot wrap my head around how I am going to handle AI. I intend to have persistant NPCs that will move about the map, but short of writing a program that generates the same XML requests I use to control player actions, than run it on another server I am stuck on...

How should I handle persistence in a Java MUD? OptimisticLockException handling

I'm re-implementing a old BBS MUD game in Java with permission from the original developers. Currently I'm using Java EE 6 with EJB Session facades for the game logic and JPA for the persistence. A big reason I picked session beans is JTA. I'm more experienced with web apps in which if you get an OptimisticLockException you just catch i...

Code Own Socket Server or Use Red5/ElectroServer on Amazon EC2?

I've been thinking for a long time about working on a multiplayer game in Flash. I need updates frequently enough that ajax requests won't work so I need to use a socket server. The system will eventually have enough objects/players that I would consider it an MMO. I would like to set up a scalable system on Amazon's EC2. (Which prob...

What technology should I use to write my game?

I have a great idea for a 3D network game, and I've concluded that it is possible to write it in Java as an applet which will live under the web browser, just like a full software in C++. And it will look and feel the same. The main advantage of Java on C++ is that with Java you can play without downloading any software. I have already ...

Cross-platform game development: ease of development vs security

Hi, I'm a member and contributor of the Argentum Online (AO) community, the first MMORPG from Argentina, which is Free Software; which, although it's not 3D, it's really addictive and has some dozens of thousands of users. Really unluckily AO was developed in Visual Basic (yes, you can laugh) but the former community, so imagine, the c...

What are some best practices for making sure your .NET code will scale well?

Last week I interviewed for a position at a TripleA MMORPG game company here in NE. I didn't get the job but one of the areas that came up during the interview was the about the scalability of the code that you write and how it should be considered early on in the design of your architecture and classes. Sadly to say I've never thought ...

An MMORPG using AJAX...

Hi. I want to start making an MMORPG which would run on the browser using JavaScript, AJAX and / or PHP. Of course it will use MySQL as storage for the user's data (position, items, etc.). It needs to be tile-based wherein users click on a tile in the map and their character proceeds to that tile. It can be isometric or not. So long as i...

ORPG Engine Development, structuring the code (C++, 2D)

Hey, I've been working on a game 2d ORPG Engine with a friend of mine, however we're having some troubles organizing and structuring the code. I could use some pointers, guides, tutorials, etc. on how to keep the code flexible, extendible and maintainable. Thanks for your time, Xeross ...