
launch browser(safari)inside my app.

I have the following code NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"workingUrl"]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]; which currently loads the url correctly but when the user is done, they have to exit and go back into my app. How can the browser be loaded from within my app? Regards ...

Mobile Webkit - saving to bookmark

Hi, I know that the "+" symbol does bookmark saving. However, is it possible to trigger that same functionality from the web? (meaning say there is a link on the actual page that u can click to do that)? Something like Save or something? Thanks, Tee ...

open link from UIWebView into Safari (iphone)

ok rather than try to explain my problem in text, watch this little video i recorded and here is the code for the detail view controller (the page where the webview is) detailViewController.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "MWFeedItem.h" @interface DetailViewController : UIViewController <UI...

Javascript differences between Mobile Safari and Safari on Mac?

Hey this question is pretty general, but I'm wondering what the Javascript differences are in Mobile Safari and Safari for Mac. I was under the impression that from a Javascript perspective they are the same, with only some differences in CSS/rendering. But I am experiencing a number of Javascript errors in Mobile Safari that don't exi...

How do I get iPhone-sized web pages to show up the right size?

I am creating an iphone version of several pages for a website and I am using a javascript file to redirect to the correct page: <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ if((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i))) location.replace("index2.html"); // ]]></script> The page loads fine, but it is ...

optimizing a web design for the iPhone

OK, I'm having some issues with my site's mobile stylesheet on the iphone. I reworked the stylesheet to be similar to what give the browser, only I'm getting an issue where the Safari on iPhone browser is still zooming the page out from like 960px, instead of constraining it to the native screen resolution. What giv...

Some font-size's rendered larger on Safari (iPhone)

Are there CSS or other reasons why Safari/iPhone would ignore some font-size settings? On my particular website Safari on the iPhone renders some font-size:13px text larger than font-size:15px text. Does it maybe not support font-size on some elements? ...

How does display:none; effect css for mobile devices?

If we have hidden some stuff using display:none; for example: images , will it still be downloaded by rendering engine? If yes, does that mean while opening the same web page in mobile, it's going to be unnecessary extra weight to download? This can further mean that modifying the same webpage for mobile can be a bad idea. Please advice...

Mobile Safari Event Issue

I have designed a website with a menu that is initially invisible. When the user clicks on a button, the menu becomes visible. There are two ways for the user to hide the now visible menu: Click the button that caused the menu to become visible Click anywhere on the webpage that isn't the menu The way I have coded the second option i...

iPhone: Safari vs. launch from "Home Screen" bookmark

What's the difference between these two? Do they both launch Safari (with the exception that the home-screen doesn't show a URL/tool bar? I've found weird quirks that appear in home screen they have different rendering engines? For example, mailto: doesn't work in home-screen mode, and there are some small rendering/css-sty...

What is the iPhone screen resolution?

I know this has been asked but I'm still confounded. I'm trying to build a dead-simple page for the iPhone: logo at the top, phone number, address, and a BG that takes up the entire screen (no-repeat). When I ran a script that printed the screenwidth and screenheight I got: 320px * 480px. However, when I created a div of those exact d...

same page links in iphone mobile safari

Hi everyone Mine is something of a newbie question which I'm hoping someone can shed some light on. I have a table of contents on my page, with titles which link to sections further down the page. the targets are created like this; <a name='appendix'>Appendix</a> and the links are created like this; <a href='#appendix'>Jump to Appendi...

iPhone Safari vs. Iframe using Anchors

Hey hey, I have a mobile page that isn't working in Safari - it works perfect in desktop browsers, and on Android and BlackBerry. I have a features area on the page. I want to avoid using JS (as some mobile browsers come with it disabled). If possible I want to use just HTML and CSS. I don't want the page to scroll for ages, so I use a...

Too large an AJAX response for mobile safari?

I am running into a bit of a problem in debugging a web application for mobile safari. The web app is a front-end for a fairly complex server-side simulation tool. The overview of how the web app works is: User is presented with a screen where they fill in values for the simulation to be performed. User clicks "run simulation" at whi...

how long does session storage on iPhone/iPad last?

If session storage lasts until the browser is exited, and iPhone/iPad does not exit mobile Safari, then how is sessionStorage handled? It would logically seem to be equivalent to localStorage, but it seems like there would have been a workaround or exception for this. Does anyone know how this is handled? Thanks! ...

Framework for catching Android/iPhone touch actions? - Javascript

Hi folks, any good framework I can use to listen for touch, swipes and pinch actions? Ideas would be awesome! =) ...

Problem with distributing web applications on the Apple Store

Hi, I have quite a problem with finding out how to distribute the web based application. There is the description: I have a web based application I would like to distribute over Apple Store (the application itself is free - I would like to use Apple Store because everybody uses it and it is a natural distribution channel for iPhone). T...

Can javascript detect when scrollbars are unavailable (i.e. on mobile browsers)?

I've got a javascript-based Scrolling Widget Thingy™. One of the things it does is create a fixed height div and gives it overflow: auto. Alas on mobile Safari (and other mobile browsers) overflow: auto; doesn't show a scrollbar. Any content below "the fold" can only be found by accident. Is there a way to detect this in javascript, wi...

Vertically centering text in a list item with line-height but not 100% width

Hi, Whats the best approach to vertically center text in a li but restrict the text to less than 100% of the li width - in this case, setting the line-height on the li causes the wrapped text to have a massive line spacing (which of course with line-height you are telling it to do): ul li { height: 40px; line-height: 3em; border-...

Sending information over sockets to an iPhone MobileSubstrate extension hooked into MobileMail/MobileSafari/MobileMaps

Hey there, I am trying to use MobileSubstrate to have a socket listening on a port on various UIKit applications. However, when my extension hooks into MobileSafari, MobileMail or MobileMaps, it is unable to successfully create the socket. I found this page on the iPhone Dev Wiki which clarifies the issue: