
Dependency Injection, IoC and Mocking finally explained in a simple and understandable way!

I've been banging my head against the wall trying to understand these concepts for a week now. I was really surprised when I came across with a very understandable and simple explanations of these concepts in the ASP.NET MVC NerdDinner application tutorial. I suggest this to anyone struggling to have that 'aha' moment. http://nerddinner...

Typemock - Worth the money?

I know that this is a subjective question... Typemock is $799 per developer. Licences for 5 devs comes up to a pretty large sum. If someone here used Typemock and given that there are open source mocking frameworks, is it worth the money? Why? ...

How do Java mocking frameworks work?

This is NOT a question about which is the best framework, etc. I have never used a mocking framework and I'm a bit puzzled by the idea. How does it know how to create the mock object? Is it done in runtime or generates a file? How do you know its behavior? And most importantly - what is the work flow of using such a framework (what is t...

How to test silverlight behaviors using Rhino Mocks?

I have slightly adapted the custom behavior code that can be found here: that controls a MediaElement. I need to know how to go about testing this with Rhino Mocks e.g. how to instantiate a new ControlMediaElementAction in test code and then call the...

Please help! Delegate returns null via Dipendency Injection.

Can someone please help? I use Google code’s Moq framework for mocking within my Unit Tests and Unity for Dependency Injection. In my Test class private Mock<ICustomerSearchService> CustomerSearchServiceMock = null; private CustomerService customerService = null; private void SetupMainData() { CustomerSearchServiceMock = new Moc...

Orchestrating cancellation in long-running unit test

I am writing unit tests for the "glue" layer of my application, and am having difficulty creating deterministic tests for asynchronous methods that allow the user to cancel the operation prematurely. Specifically, in a few async methods we have code that reacts to the cancellation of the call and ensures that the object is in the prop...

Ruby: Alter class static method in a code block

Given the Thread class with it current method. Now inside a test, I want to do this: def test_alter_current_thread Thread.current = a_stubbed_method # do something that involve the work of Thread.current Thread.current = default_thread_current end Basically, I want to alter the method of a class inside a test method and recover ...

Mocking SQL output parameter

I mocked a couple of methods of my Data Access layer, but in some methods the value of an SQL output param is set. How can I mock this ? Method: var wrappedParameters = new SqlParameter[3]; wrappedParameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@username",username); wrappedParameters[1] = new SqlParameter("@password",passwor...

How Moles Isolation framework is implemented?

Moles is an isolation framework created by Microsoft. A cool feature of Moles is that it can "mock" static/non-virtual methods and sealed classes (which is not possible with frameworks like Moq). Below is the quick demonstration of what Moles can do: Assert.AreNotEqual(new DateTime(2012, 1, 1), DateTime.Now); // MDateTime is part of ...

Need an advice for unit testing using mock object

Hi there, I just recently read about "Mocking objects" for unit testing and currently I'm having a difficulties implementing this approach in my application. Please let me explain my problem. I have a User model class, which is dependent on 2 data sources (database and facebook web service). The controller class simply use this User mo...

Mocking User.Identity in ASP.NET MVC

I need to create Unit Tests for an ASP.NET MVC 2.0 web site. The site uses Windows Authentication. I've been reading up on the necessity to mock the HTTP context for code that deals with the HttpContext. I feel like I'm starting to get a handle on the DI pattern as well. (Give the class an attribute of type IRepository and then pass...

Dependency Injection and Moqing

The way I understand it, DI allows you to use an IoC container to do something like If a constructor needs an IFoo, use a concrete class Foo : IFoo. But how is a Mock object using Moq different? Doesn't it also use DI to create a fake Foo? Thanks. ...

Why would I select Moles as my mocking framework?

I've been looking at several Mocking frameworks for ASP.NET and came across Microsoft Moles. This seems to be a part of Microsoft Research team and was wondering If anyone here has selected Moles over other matured Mocking frameworks such as Moq. ...

Questions regarding PHPUnit mock feature

Can someone provide me a reference to a good PHPUnit mock guide? The one in the official documentation doesn't seem to be detailed enough. I am trying to study PHPUnit by reading the source code, but I am not familiar with the term matcher, invocation mocker, stub return, etc. I need to know about the following: 1) How to expect multi...

strerror_r returns trash when I manually set errno during testing

During testing I have a mock object which sets errno = ETIMEDOUT; The object I'm testing sees the error and calls strerror_r to get back an error string: if (ret) { if (ret == EAI_SYSTEM) { char err[128]; strerror_r(errno, err, 128); err_string.assign(err); } else { err_string.assign(gai_strerror...

RhinoMocks - Mocking Protected virtual members

As far as I know, RM should mock anything that can be accessed by a derived class. Since a protected virtual member is accessible from a subclass, shouldn't it be mockable? My understanding is that RM does not support mocking protected virtual members. ...

Rhino Mocks verify a private method is called from a public method

I have been trying to figure this one out, how do i test that a private method is called with rhino mocks with in the class that I am testing. So my class would be something like this. Public class Foo { public bool DoSomething() { if(somevalue) { //DoSomething; } else { Rep...

Which is the best isolation framework for Java? JMock, Easymock, Mockito, or other?

I realize this has been asked before, but the last time was in mid 2008. If you were starting a new project right now, which one would you use and why? What are their strengths/weaknesses regarding readability, usability, maintainability, and overall robustness? ...

Zend Framework/PHPUnit: How to Stub/Mock an object method that connects to a database?

In my Zend Framework project, I have a form that I am testing. In my form, a multi-select element gets its options from a model, which gets the data from the database. public function init() { $this->addElement('select', 'Region_ID', array('multiOptions' => $this->getRegions())); } protected function getRegions() { $mapper = ne...

Moles without Pex?

Can Moles be used without having to use Pex? Also, Does anyone know when MS Moles will have a Release candidate? I am hesitant of using it in the Production system without knowing which direction it will head. ...