
Is there a automation framework for gtk# applications?

Is there a automation framework for gtk# applications like white or NUnitForms? ...

When will Mono support System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations??

I've been trying mvc on mono and the data annotation throws a not implemented exception, does anyone know when will Mono support this? According to this page, it's almost finished... ...

what is the best way to handle json in monotouch

what are the best ways to handle json in monotouch. I've seen but could not get it to compile in the latest monodevelop. Are there any other libraries or how are people handling this. Are there any guides out there? ...

Does Mono support visual basic (not .NET)?

Someone asked me today if it was possible to port a visual basic application to Linux or similar platform, I assumed it was .NET so I suggested to use Mono, but noticed that on their vb support page they only talk about vb 8 (.NET) Does mono support non-.NET vb? In fact I'm not sure what he is using, I think vb6, I'm not sure of the ver...

what is mono project

what is mono project , can this help me to run my winform software on macosx . is it secure ? can I install mono instead of .netframework ? ...

Does the mono runtime already handle tail call optimisation as required by the IL spec?

I know that by this infamous post the mono runtime did not offer tail call elimination as required by the IL. Has this changed since? ...

ASP.NET MVC2 with Mono 2.6.7 and MonoDevelop 2.6

When I edit my web project references, I can't find the System.Web.MVC2 assembly in the GAC. That's not what I expected since the Synaptic Package Manager reports that libmono-system-web-mvc2.0-cil package is installed properly. ...

Mono WebClient encoding issue

Hello: I'm trying to port a .NET application from Windows to Mono, but certain code that was working on Windows is no longer working (as expected) on mono: WebClient client = new WebClient (); Console.WriteLine (client.DownloadString("")); it seems to detect correctly the encoding as UTF-8 (and manually s...

.NET library for kerberos authentication at PostgreSQL

Hello! I'm looking for .Net library to deal with PostgreSQL server that uses kerberos authentication. The environment is Debian linux, PostgreSQL 8.4 and mono 2.6.7. I was trying to do that with Npgsql, but it supports two types of authentication only: passwords-based and "integrated security". As i know, integrated security is windows...

Mac OS X Mono ASP.NET and C# compilation process

Hey everyone, I am trying to (temporarily!) do some ASP.NET and C# compiling on my iMac. Haha, it's so funny trying to do this on an iMac, it feels so.. wrong! Anyway, I've found that Mono is the best way to do this, in my opinion. I have a simple ASP.NET page with the following code: 1 <%@ Page Language="C#" %> 2 <html> 3 ...

ASP.NET and C# compilation error while attempting to instantiate a new object from a class

I have this simple ASP.NET page here: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Tree.aspx.cs" Inherits="CoconutTree.One" %> <html> <head> <title>Planting Trees</title> <script runat="server"> protected void Page_Load(Object Source, EventArgs E) { string msg = "Let's plant some trees!<br/>"; ...

High quality image re-sampling in Mono/C#/ASP.NET

I've developed a site that requires high quality resizing of uploaded photos. The site works perfectly under ASP.NET on Windows. This afternoon I tried running it under Mono/Apache/Ubuntu 10.10. To my surprise, it worked - except for the image resampling. It seems the libraries underlying Mono's Graphics/GDI+ implementation don't imple...

What is the best way to install IronPython on mono on mac?

What is the best way to install ironPython on mono on mac? Should I just download the binaries, ngen, and move forward? Is there any specific plug-in I need for an editor? Everyone seems to think I should just ngen the source installs and use eclipse with the ironpython plugins, but that seems quite counter to using monodevelop, and i...

Looking for a good tutorial for developing iPhone apps using .NET and Mono.

Interested in writing an iPhone app but don't want to buy a mac or learn objective-c. I was excited to see that you could do this using Mono but haven't found too many resources out there. Does anyone know of any good online tutorials for writing your first iPhone app using Mono? ...

GTK equivalent to BackgroundWorker (MonoDevelop)

What is the GTK equivalent to BackgroundWorker in Mono? I've tried the following website:, but there doesn't seem to be any such thing as DispatchService. I need to update the GUI asynchronously at given intervals. ...

Mono with SQL Server Membership Provider?

Apparently Mono replaces references to SQL Server membership provider with sqlite membership provider (see ASP.NET_Settings_Mapping). Is there any way to convince Mono to use SQL Server for the membership provider? When I try to log in to my web app, I get the following: System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException: Operation aborte...

Extending the Mono C# compiler: is there any documentation or precedent?

I am currently involved in some interesting programming language research which has, up until now, centred around extending the upcoming Java 7.0 compiler with some very powerful programmer-productivity-based features. The work should be equally applicable to related programming languages such as C#. I'm currently scoping out the option...

.Net DateTime.Now vs PostgreSQL timestamp Comparison

Environment Mono, PostgreSQL, .Net MVC, Windows I'm try to show all events that occur in the future. In order to do that I'm using the following SQL: NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dinners WHERE EventDate >= " + DateTime.Now, dinnerConn); Now, if I compare DateTime.Now and my EventDate timestamp from the D...

MySQL Connector/NET - support for transactions under Mono

Does anyone know how to get MySQL transactions working under Mono? I'm using MySQL Connector/NET (via Subsonic 3) and it works perfectly under Microsoft .NET. Recently however I tried running the same site under Mono on Ubuntu and it almost works - except I can't seem to get transactions working. Reading around the Mono/MySQL sites ...

Mono.Addins doesn't find add-ins in ASP.NET and doesn't throw any exceptions either

I have a solution with an assembly that declares an AddinRoot; and an add-in project that extends an extension point in that assembly and which is deployed to a Mono.Addins lookup directory. In addition, I have a desktop application project that uses the AddinRoot assembly and initializes the AddinManager - it works fine and finds the a...