
Errors with MonoDevelop HelloWorld

Currently following the HelloWorld Tutorial on the monotouch website. I add the following code as per the tutorial: int ntaps = 0; button.TouchDown += delegate { label.Text = "I have been tapped " (++ntaps) + " times"; }; However, when I build I get this error in regards to line 3 of the code abov...

MonoTouch - reuse UIAlertVIew?

Should instances of UIAlertView be reused when possible? Or is wrapping them in a using-block the best practice? For one situation, I created a (non-modal) MessageBox class (just like WinForms or WPF). I mainly use it for convenience. Another situation is a custom UIAlertView that I've subclassed that has more advanced layout. I w...

iPhone apps: Linking to review page

I've seen several many apps link to the "write a review" page on the app store. What URL are they using? I know it's a Phobos URL. Thanks. ...

How do I make NavigationItem UIBarButtonItems visually acknowledge a touch?

I have a UINavigationController where I initialize the NavigationBar as such (using MonoTouch): NavigationBar.BarStyle = UIBarStyle.Black; NavigationBar.TintColor = UIColor.Black; On a UIViewController that I subsequently push onto the navigation controller, I add a button as such: NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonI...

Monotouch -- Playing MP3 on a distant server

Hi, I want to play a MP3 which is on a distant server. What can i do to play the MP3 in a Iphone Application ? ...

Reusing Monotouch code in Monodroid app

Hi, I'm currently implementing a Monotouch application that will eventually be ported to Monodroid. The application is just a client to an OData Web service. Nothing too fancy or performance critical. The challenge is to reuse as much code as possible. I'm aware that the UI APIs for Monotouch and Monodroid are quite different, but I'm...

How do I create an outlet for additional views?

Hi, I'm struggling with the basics on how to build views in Monotouch and how to tie them to C# code. I know how to create an outlet for an UIViews that are on the Main window. But how can I create an oulet for an UIView that is located on a different view? The main view has an AppDelegate class I can bind the outlets to. But there'...


I want to use the method Seek of the class AVPlayer. But this method take a parameter CMTime. Could anyone knows about this object. In order to move the playback cursor to a given time. ...

What build tool should I use for MonoTouch development?

I want to create build scripts for my MonoTouch apps. Basically, something that'll compile the application, run tests, zip into into an IPA file, check the source into SVN and write a message to the test log and email the beta testers. Just small scale stuff. What should I use? I'm looking at xbuild, but wondering if it's quite there ye...

How easy is it to develop an iPhone application using MonoTouch in Visual Studio?

I know about Monotouch and I have virtual MacOS and Monodevelop/Monotouch installed. However, is it better to build an iPhone application in Monotouch on Mac OS X or it's as easy as to build iPhone app in Visual Studio and port it to iPhone via Monotouch? Is there anyone who tried porting c# project to iPhone? How different was it fr...

How do I make the MSBuild task in Mono's xbuild use the .NET 3.5 framework?

I'm trying to build a MonoTouch project using xbuild (on a Mac, clearly). Here's my xbuild project: <Project DefaultTargets="Application" ToolsVersion="3.5" xmlns=""&gt; <PropertyGroup> <ApplicationProjectFilePath>..\TestApp\TestApp.csproj</ApplicationProjectFilePath> ...

using BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents in Monotouch

Hi there, I've made my app play music in the background, I also successfully made it become the media player by calling BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents. however, the RemoteControlReceived method never gets called. the same logic in Objective C is working fine. Any samples or guidelines appreciated. ...

MonoTouch and UIPopoverController

Hi I have a iPad app with the following code tied to a button's (bMyDocuments) TouchDown event handler: UIPopoverController uipoc = new UIPopoverController(new Pop2()); uipoc.PopoverContentSize = new SizeF(200f, 300f); uipoc.PresentFromRect (bMyDocuments.Frame, v, UIPopoverArrowDirection.Up, true); Pop2 is a blank UIViewController wi...

Framework Recommendation for developing distributed iPhone / iPad applications

Is there a distributed application framework (commercial is okay as well) that supports iPhone / iPad ? What I'm looking for in the framework: Allows me to focus on the application logic I don't have to code "low-level" network programming (I've done it too many times that I dont wanna do it again =p) Should be actively maintained (po...

Best way to persist an XML file on iPhone?

I'm using MonoTouch and also System.Data to create a DataSet (just xml to those not familiar) for simple data binding. Data on my app is minimal so no need to go all out with SQLLite. The dataset use makes it easy to pass via web services for cloud sync. I serialize the DataSet to the personal folder on save and of course read this fi...

How to Use MonoTouch Library in Xcode Project?

I have lots of existing business logic in C# assemblies, and I'd like to reuse them in an iOS project. I'd like to build a library in MonoDevelop and "reference" it from my Xcode project (to use the .NET terminology). Is this possible? If so, how? ...

List of apps written in MonoTouch

Does anyone know if there exists a gallery of iPhone/iPad apps written in MonoTouch similar to Thank you, Rich ...

CLLocation manager throws after ~30seconds

@ first I thought it wasn't firing, but saw this So I waited and now I get Unhandled Exception: MonoTouch.Foundation.You_Should_Not_Call_base_In_This_Method: Exception of type 'MonoTouch.Foundation.You_Should_Not_Call_base_In_This_Method' was thrown. in the failed handler. I have defined a CLLocationManager, here is FinishedLaunching &...

caching web service calls in MonoTouch

In Objective-C, I've used Three20's TTUrlRequest to enable some simple caching of my web service calls. I'd like to do something similar in MonoTouch, but it's unclear whether or not the MT implementation of HttpWebRequest supports caching. Using HttpWebResponse.IsFromCache causes a "Not Implemented" exception. I haven't been able to ...

Consuming a WCF Service with Monotouch via SSL (https) + basicHttpBinding

I'm currently writing a iphone app which will consume WCF services over a secure connection (SSL/https). I have managed to consume this service while testing locally via http. Now we want to make sure the service is secure, so we've set up a UAT server with a properly signed certificate to run our tests. We are using a custom binding...