
Using Monotouch with Google .NET APIs

I am using Mike Bluestein's article,, to build an application that communicates with the google APIs. When I try to add references to my project, the imported projects say "incompatible target framework: v2.0". I can change versi...

Valid URL-string as NSUrl becomes null

Hello, another issue where I seem to have found an solution for ObjC but not MonoTouch. I want a NSUrl from an URL (as string). The string may contain whitespace and backslashes. Why is NSUrl returning null for such string, even though these are valid urls in a browser? For example: NSUrl foo = NSUrl.FromString(@"

Strange behaviour of MKMapView.SelectedAnnotations with MonoTouch

In short, my problem is as follows: I am adding somem custom annotations on a MKMapVIew. I want to be able to hide selected annotations when i move the map. To do that, i used the method of intercepting map touches as described here:

MonoTouch & C# VS Objective C for iphone app

Greeting, I'm a C# programmer guy. I'm planning to start developing app for iphone but I'm not sure if I should use C# under MonoTouch or just use the native language for iphone OS Objective C. Is there a different to program for iphone app using C# or Objective C? Is there limitation using C# to program app for iphone or it can do a...

monotouch play music when device is locked

I'm trying to make my monotouch app continue playing when the device is locked, I found this snippet in ObjC, was wondering if mt already has bindings for it or not. AudioSessionInitialize (NULL,NULL,interruptionListenerCallback,self); UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback; AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionPro...

Adding a Contact with the Google Contacts .NET API

I am using the following code to add a contact, but I get the following unhandled exception: Google.GData.Client.GDataRequestException: Execution of request failed: GDataCredentials myCred = new GDataCredentials("myusername", "mypassword"); RequestSettings myReque...

Monotouch - caching maps for offline use

Is there a way to cache map data for offline use? we're creating a guide app that will be used in areas where there is no reception and will need to display maps in this environment is this possible? Cheers w:// ...

Setting Twitter and Facebook statuses

Are there any C# libraries for integrating Facebook status updates and twitter updates (preferably with url shortening) in Monotouch without too much heavy lifting? I know there is a Facebook kit already for objective-C, I really only need status updating however. ...

Monotouch serialize UIImage

Hi I need to cache images locally and was thinking about saving them as SerializableDictionary SerializableDictionary is from: I was wondering if this was a: a good way of handling caching of images (for offline mode - the data is constantly updated so pulls from the web...

Monotouch threads, GC, WCF

Hi This is a question about best practices i guess but it applies directly to my current MT project. I'm using WCF services to communicate with the server. To do this i do the following: services.MethodToCall(params); and the asynch: services.OnMethodToCallCompleted += delegate{ //do stuff and ting }; This can lead to issue...

iPhone, No Garbage Collection: What About MonoTouch?

It's well known that Apple does not provide automatic garbage collection on the iPhone to prolong battery life. Yet MonoTouch apps, which reportedly run perfectly on the iPhone (and many are sold through the AppStore, therefore are approved by Apple), do have automatic garbage collection. Is this automatic garbage collection, or does M...

Monotouch Classes

What does MonoTouch.Foundation.Register do? For example: [MonoTouch.Foundation.Register("CalendarDayViewController")] When do I have to add the above? For a .xib to recognize it? Or in place of a .xib? ...

Monotouch UIScrollView/UIPageView with UITableView as panel

Hi I'm building an app which is a guide to festivals. In the app I show lineups. You can see the Ui I have built for this on the video here: The problem I have is that the scrollview/UIPageView - which does the left/right scrolling through the days, sometimes conflicts (i think) with the up/down scroll...

Can I access the keychain on the iPhone with MonoTouch?

Hello, I have recently started to develop applications for iPhone with MonoTouch and have to store user names and passwords on the phone. I want to use the keychain for this but can't find anything in the MonoTouch documentation about it. Is it possible to use it directly with MonoTouch or will I have to write some C++/C/Objective-C code...

iPhone equivalent of Application.DoEvents();

iPHone: We use MonoTouch, but Obj-C answers are ok. My singleton domain object takes a while to get all the data so it runs internally parts of the fetch in a thread. I need to inform the UI that the domain is done. Currently I do this. Is there a better way? In WinForms I would call Application.DoEvents() instead of Thread Sleep. ...

Find a UITableView from code?

How do I connect a UITableView so I can find it in my code? ...

monotouch compass overlaying mapview

Hi I need to display a small compass over the mapview. Is there a standard way of achieving this? It obv needs to update as the direction the phone is pointed in changes. w:// ...

monotouch - updating data locally

Hi In my ap we serilaize the data locally for offline use. To ensure the app is always up to date I fire off an update on launch. To do this I have a set of WCF services that will get a delta for the requested data. Rather than complicate things I have a service to update events, a service to update stages, a service to update acts etc...

iPhone NavigationControl Toolbar items

MonoTouch preferred, but Obj-C ok too My MainWindow.xib has a NavigationView and a View. The View appears nicely and works, but I need to add buttons to the toolbar that is part of the NavigationView. I can see the toolbar in IB. In this View I try to add buttons to the toolbar, but they do not appear. UIBarButtonItem btnBrowse = new...

Chaining Animations (iPhone / MonoTouch)

I'm trying to slide some (custom) tab-like buttons into view. I don't want them all to move at the same time. Also, they shouldn't move one at at time (where one slides after the other finishes). I want each button to begin sliding slightly after the previous. Preferably it would happen on a curve but just a fixed .1 second offset ...